The State Duma commented on the call to refuse aid to the DPR and LPR

Deputy Zhurov: Russia will not refuse humanitarian aid to the DPR and LPR Russia will not refuse humanitarian aid to residents of the self-proclaimed Lugansk regions (DPR and LPR), despite the calls of the European Union (EU). Svetlana Zhurova, first deputy chairman of the State Duma's international affairs committee, made such a comment, writes Gazeta.Ru. According to her, they want to reproach Russia for helping their fellow citizens. “We periodically provide humanitarian assistance, some kind of support in terms of crediting, in terms of gas prices when we understand that people need it and they are really our good neighbors,” the politician emphasized. She noted, that the EU's statement does not coincide with “European values”. At the same time, Zhurova urged to pay attention to citizens who found themselves in a difficult situation in connection with the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. “It is clear that Ukraine is setting them

FSB detains businessman Ebralidze in the case of 500 kilograms of rubles

“Fontanka”: FSB detained businessman Alexander Ebralidze on a street in St. Petersburg In St. Petersburg, FSB officers detained businessman Alexander Ebralidze three billion rubles from the vault of his own “Constance Bank”. This is reported by “Fontanka”. According to the newspaper, on the afternoon of November 24, operatives of the FSB Economic Security Service approached him on the street. At this time, searches were already underway in several apartments and offices of the businessman. Ebralidze was detained in a criminal case initiated by the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg under Article 160 of the Criminal Code (“Misappropriation or embezzlement”). Former managers of the bank were brought to the investigator, they are being interrogated as witnesses. Ebralidze himself will be delivered there. In 2016, after an audit, the Deposit Insurance Agency revealed the fact of a shortage in Constance Bank.

The State Duma commented on the call to refuse aid to the DPR and LPR

Deputy Zhurov: Russia will not refuse humanitarian aid to the DPR and LPR Russia will not refuse humanitarian aid to residents of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk regions (DPR and LPR), despite the calls of the European Union (EU). Svetlana Zhurova, first deputy chairman of the State Duma's international affairs committee, made such a comment, writes Gazeta.Ru. According to her, they want to reproach Russia for helping their fellow citizens. “We periodically provide humanitarian assistance, some kind of support in terms of crediting, in terms of gas prices when we understand that people need it and they are really our good neighbors,” the politician emphasized. She noted, that the EU's statement does not coincide with “European values”. At the same time, Zhurova urged to pay attention to citizens who found themselves in a difficult situation in connection with the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. “It is clear that Ukraine is

The new German government spoke about the future policy towards Russia

German coalition agreement: relations with Russia will be built following the example of the EU (EU) without deviating from the course of unification. This is stated in the text of the coalition agreement. Related materials 00:02 – 28 September Lack of democracy. Power is changing in Germany. Who will lead the country into the future and what will it be? 00:01 – 26 September “Merkel leaves bedlam behind” … How will Germany change after the elections? “Russia plays an important role as an international actor. We know the value of strong and stable relations and will strive to preserve them (…), taking into account different perceptions of threats and focusing on a common and consistent EU policy towards Russia, ”the document says. In addition Moreover, the new government of the FRG spoke about the future policy regarding international treaties. Thus, Germany will continue to insist on the entry into force

A musical project in honor of Alexander Nevsky will be presented in Zaryadye

A spiritual and educational project in honor of Alexander Nevsky will be presented in Zaryadye the project “Defender – Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky: from East to West”. The concert will begin at 19:00. Funds for the project were raised, including from a grant from the President of Russia, which was provided by the fund for cultural initiatives. The Moscow Synodal Choir, the VOCE ANIMA Orchestra, the Synodal Youth Choir, the Epiphany Cathedral Choir in Yelokhov and others will take part in the event. “Stabat Mater” and “Requiem”. The musical evening will be dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Moscow Synodal Choir. The organizers are confident that the project will be of interest to residents and guests of the capital, youth, music experts, history buffs and other viewers. Tickets can be purchased here. Recall that the 800th anniversary of Prince Alexander Nevsky is celebrated in 2021.

Пролетающая на фоне Луны МКС попала на фото

This morning I captured a detailed picture of our moon, but what's that at the bottom? #astrophotography #space #opteam — Andrew McCarthy (@AJamesMcCarthy) November 23, 2021 Живущий в Аризоне астрофотограф Эндрю Маккарти сумел запечатлеть момент пролета Международной космической станции на фоне Луны. «В объективе моей камеры она была не дольше 1/25 секунды», — написал автор фото, напомнив, что МКС летит со скоростью 7,66 км в секунду. Как ранее сообщил российский космонавт Антон Шкаплеров, наблюдать МКС невооруженным глазом в России можно с 21 ноября. «Станция движется очень быстро, и поймать ее с помощью телескопа крайне сложно, а вот невооруженным глазом при определенных условиях она видна очень хорошо», — рассказал он. По яркости МКС может соперничать даже с Юпитером и Венерой. Шкаплеров также опубликовал графики пролетов МКС над Москвой и Владивостоком. The ISS, as it sailed past the moon at over 17,000mph. It was only in the frame of my camera for 1/25th of a second. — Andrew McCarthy (@AJamesMcCarthy) November 23, 2021 Here's a video of the approach slowed down roughly 6.5x.

A musical project in honor of Alexander Nevsky will be presented in Zaryadye

A spiritual and educational project in honor of Alexander Nevsky will be presented in Zaryadye the project “Defender – Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky: from East to West”. The concert will begin at 19:00. Funds for the project were raised, including from a grant from the President of Russia, which was provided by the fund for cultural initiatives. The Moscow Synodal Choir, the VOCE ANIMA Orchestra, the Synodal Youth Choir, the Epiphany Cathedral Choir in Yelokhov and others will take part in the event. “Stabat Mater” and “Requiem”. The musical evening will be dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Moscow Synodal Choir. The organizers are confident that the project will be of interest to residents and guests of the capital, youth, music experts, history buffs and other viewers. Tickets can be purchased here. Recall that the 800th anniversary of Prince Alexander Nevsky is celebrated in 2021.

U.S. Embassy in Ukraine warns of Russian military activity on border

The US Embassy in Ukraine issued a warning about Russia's actions on the border and in Crimea The US Embassy in Ukraine warned American citizens about Russia's military activity on the border and in the Crimea. This was reported on the website of the diplomatic mission. In connection with the actions of the Russian military, the embassy urged the Americans not to visit Crimea and the “eastern parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions” because of the armed conflict. “We remind US citizens that security conditions at the border may change with little or no notice,” the message says. The embassy has also issued a memo for those traveling abroad. Diplomats advised, among other things, to follow international news, have a backup plan of action in case of unforeseen circumstances, get vaccinated against coronavirus. On Tuesday, November 23, it became known that the administration of US President Joe Biden is discussing

В HarperCollins назвали слово года

Издательство HarperCollins, которое выпускает толковый словарь английского языка, признало словом года аббревиатуру NFT (non-fungible token), которая на русский переводится как «невзаимозаменяемый токен», сообщает The Guardian. В заявлении издательства указывается, что в этом году наблюдался феноменальный рост использования этой аббревиатуры — по сравнению с прошлым годом он составил 11000%. «Такое чувство, что она встречается повсеместно: от финансовых статей до материалов по искусству. Пока не понятно, долго ли она продержится в языке, но в этом году ее употребляли очень часто», — заявил представитель издательства Алекс Бикрофт. Невзаимозаменяемый токен — цифровой сертификат, подтверждающий право на владение цифровым активом. Речь, например, может идти о цифровых картинах. CNN напоминает, что аббревиатура NFT часто употреблялась в марте этого года, когда на аукционе Christie’s за $69,3 млн была продана цифровая картина Майка Винкельманна «Каждый день. Первые 5000 дней». Конкурентами NFT в этом году были слова «крипто» и «метавселенная». В HarperCollins особо отметили, что все эти слова оказались наверху, несмотря на продолжающееся обсуждение темы пандемии коронавируса. Студия запрещает Тарантино продажу вырезанных сцен из «Криминального чтива» Еще одним популярным словом было cheugy (переводится примерно как «что-то вышедшее из моды»). В прошлом году словом года в английском

A woman spent millions of rubles to create a family and became a mother at 50

An 11-year-old woman tried to get pregnant by all means and at 50 she became a single mother A resident of Sydney, Australia, 54-year-old Manda Upton spent 75,000 Australian dollars (four million rubles) on starting a dream family and became a single mother at 50. Her story is published by the Daily Mirror. Upton, a native of Great Britain, began struggling with infertility at the age of 39. At that time, she had already been in a relationship for 10 years, but after they deteriorated, the woman broke up with her lover and continued independent attempts to become a mother. For 11 years, she underwent treatment and tried to get pregnant with all possible ways. “I started spending all my income and savings on fertility treatments. In one of the clinics I was referred to a psychotherapist, who told me that I must come to terms with the fact that