A protected laptop was created in Russia

Rostec presented a new laptop for working with classified data A new laptop created in Russia allows you to safely store classified data. This was reported by RIA Novosti. The development of the device was carried out by specialists of the holding company Ruselectronics, which is part of Rostec. The laptop was developed at the Luch plant, which is part of the Sozvezdie concern. “The computer has a domestic MSVS operating system and a Sobol trusted boot module, which provides protection against unauthorized access,” the company said. According to the manufacturers, the device allows you to safely work with data of the “top secret” level. The laptop is focused on use in the event of field tests of equipment, military exercises and operations. Ruselectronics said that the weight of the presented laptop was reduced by 30 percent without loss of quality thanks to the use of a magnesium alloy. Detailed

In Tula put up for sale a model of the T-34 tank from original parts

A 90 percent restored T-34-76 tank was put up for sale in Tula -76, which was produced in 1942. The corresponding announcement on the Avito platform was noticed by TSN 24. According to the information from the announcement, the gun mock-up is 90 percent restored from original parts and demilitarized. It is also indicated that the car number 492 and the inscriptions on its surface are in their original form. The object is being sold to be placed on a pedestal. Its cost is 5.5 million rubles. In September, it was reported that the Russian military of the Kazan Tank School fulfilled the dream of a sick child to ride a tank. Six-year-old Yegor E. together with his brother were given a ride in a car and allowed to try to steer it on their own. The child was also shown historical and modern armored vehicles, and also took a

In Tula put up for sale a model of the T-34 tank from original parts

The T-34-76 tank, 90 percent restored, was put up for sale in Tula -76, which was produced in 1942. The corresponding announcement on the Avito platform was noticed by TSN 24. According to the information from the announcement, the gun mock-up is 90 percent restored from original parts and demilitarized. It is also indicated that the car number 492 and the inscriptions on its surface are in their original form. The object is being sold to be placed on a pedestal. Its cost is 5.5 million rubles. In September, it was reported that the Russian military of the Kazan Tank School fulfilled the dream of a sick child to ride a tank. Six-year-old Yegor E. together with his brother were given a ride in a car and allowed to try to steer it on their own. The child was also shown historical and modern armored vehicles, and also took a

In Ukraine, anti-vaccine rally called part of Russian special operation

NSDC: the protest of opponents of vaccination in Kiev was part of a special operation of Russia from COVID-19 residents of Ukraine. The National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of the republic reports this on its website. The Center for Countering Disinformation under the NSDC said that the dissemination of information about the alleged negative consequences of vaccination against coronavirus was recorded in social networks and instant messengers. Related materials00:01 – February 4 “Weak president, tough team” Zelensky was Ukraine's hope. Why does the country want a new president two years after the elections? 00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors … Why doesn't this help him to retain power? At the same time, as a confirmation of this statement, they mentioned the posters with which anti-vaccines came to the protest rally in Kiev. Earlier, the deputy of the Verkhovna

Harmful enterprises of Russia will be obliged to work in a new way

State Duma: industrial enterprises will eliminate the accumulated harm in a new way – to eliminate the accumulated environmental damage caused to the environment. This was reported on the website of the lower house of parliament. The innovation will apply to the production of the first two hazard classes and enterprises where wastes of I and II hazard classes are placed. The list did not include mine workings, boreholes and objects related to the use of subsoil. “The bill will make it possible to establish the responsibility of enterprises for the entire life cycle of facilities,” the State Duma noted. If the law is passed, industrialists will have to develop a plan five years before the end of the operation of the enterprise, according to which they will eliminate pollution. They will also need to approve the activities from the state ecological expertise. The documents will have to contain an

Bilinguals found themselves prone to false memories

HSE scientists have found that bilinguals are prone to some types of memory errors Russian scientists from the Higher School of Economics (HSE) have found (people equally fluent in two languages) are prone to some types of false memories, such as attribution error. In other words, a person who speaks two languages ​​may remember incorrectly whether he received information from a foreign-language source or from a source in Russian. The researchers presented their findings in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. Experts considered a hypothetical situation in which a person who speaks two languages ​​is forced to give testimony in a foreign country. Compared to witnesses for whom a foreign language is native, a bilingual person can receive information from a larger number of sources. It is known that human memory is imperfect and can change over time. While a bilingual person is believed to be more

In Ukraine, anti-vaccine rally called part of Russian special operation

NSDC: the protest of opponents of vaccination in Kiev was part of a special operation of Russia from COVID-19 residents of Ukraine. The National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of the republic reports this on its website. The Center for Countering Disinformation under the NSDC said that the dissemination of information about the alleged negative consequences of vaccination against coronavirus was recorded in social networks and instant messengers. Related materials00:01 – February 4 “Weak president, tough team” Zelenskiy was Ukraine's hope. Why does the country want a new president two years after the elections? 00: 02 – October 7 “The crisis will come by spring” Zelensky gets rid of political competitors … Why doesn't this help him to retain power? At the same time, as a confirmation of this statement, they mentioned the posters with which anti-vaccines came to the protest rally in Kiev. Earlier, the deputy of the Verkhovna

Harmful enterprises of Russia will be obliged to work in a new way

State Duma: industrial enterprises will eliminate the accumulated harm in a new way – to eliminate the accumulated environmental damage caused to the environment. This was reported on the website of the lower house of parliament. The innovation will apply to the production of the first two hazard classes and enterprises where wastes of I and II hazard classes are placed. The list did not include mine workings, boreholes and objects related to the use of subsoil. “The bill will make it possible to establish the responsibility of enterprises for the entire life cycle of facilities,” the State Duma noted. If the law is passed, industrialists will have to develop a plan five years before the end of the operation of the enterprise, according to which they will eliminate pollution. They will also need to approve the activities from the state ecological expertise. The documents will have to contain an

Bilinguals found themselves prone to false memories

HSE scientists have found that bilinguals are prone to some types of memory errors (people equally fluent in two languages) are prone to some types of false memories, such as attribution error. In other words, a person who speaks two languages ​​may remember incorrectly whether he received information from a foreign-language source or from a source in Russian. The researchers presented their findings in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. Experts considered a hypothetical situation in which a person who speaks two languages ​​is forced to give testimony in a foreign country. Compared to witnesses for whom a foreign language is native, a bilingual person can receive information from a larger number of sources. It is known that human memory is imperfect and can change over time. While a bilingual person is believed to be more likely to make sense of what happened, little is known about

The former head of the region of Karelia was convicted of abuse of power

The court gave a suspended sentence to the ex-head of the Prionezhsky district of Karelia for abuse of power for abuse of office. This was reported to “Lente.ru” in the republican prosecutor's office. The official was given a four-year suspended sentence. He was also deprived of the right to hold positions in government agencies for a period of three years. As the court established, while serving as the head of the municipal district, Luchin continued to lead his construction company, which erected two apartment buildings in Zaozerie in violation of current regulations, with the use of substandard materials and unskilled labor. This housing, with the assistance of an official, was sold to local authorities in 2014 under the program of resettlement of citizens from emergency houses. Luchin's actions caused damage to the budget of 40 million rubles.