NASA appreciates cooperation with Russia after testing of anti-satellite weapons

NASA head Nelson: the RF anti-satellite weapon test does not affect cooperation on the ISS Head of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA) Bill Nelson assessed the prospects for American cooperation with Russia on the International Space Station (ISS) after conducting an anti-satellite weapon test. His words are quoted by the SpaceNews portal. “He said that the tests would not have a negative impact on the prospects for continued cooperation with Russia on the ISS,” the article says. NASA continues to discuss with Roskosmos the future of the orbital station in the long term and cross flights to it on Russian Soyuz and US ships. A dialogue on the topic of cooperation is planned during Nelson's visit to Moscow, but the exact date of the meeting is still unknown. On November 15, Russia conducted tests that hit the inactive Russian Tselina-D spacecraft in orbit since 1982. A

Italy will have a “super-certificate” for the fight against coronavirus

La Stampa: Italy will introduce Super Green Pass on vaccination or postponed COVID-19 Italy will tighten measures to combat the pandemic coronavirus. In particular, the country will have a Super Green Pass sanitary pass, indicating vaccination or transferred COVID-19, writes La Stampa. “Super-certificate” will be introduced in Italy from December 6 to January 15, but if necessary it will continue to be used in the future. The document is planned to be issued for nine months. It will be received by vaccinated residents of Italy and those who have recently suffered from the coronavirus. However, the document will not be issued with a negative test for infection. Super Green Pass will be needed in the regions of Italy, little affected by the coronavirus. The certificate will have to be presented for attending performances, concerts, stadiums, nightclubs, public events, as well as indoor bars and restaurants. Thus, the country's authorities plan

Russian Ambassador to the United States considers new US sanctions against MIPT destructive

Russian Ambassador to the United States on sanctions against MIPT: Washington's statements do not stand up to criticism The Ministry of Trade, in particular directed against the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). He stressed that Washington's statements about the threat to the national security of the United States from the organization do not hold water. The message was posted on Facebook by the diplomatic mission. “The administration continues its destructive line of breaking ties in areas that have nothing to do with politics. Each new restriction is a missed opportunity to normalize bilateral ties, “the diplomat emphasized. Antonov recalled that MIPT really trains technical specialists, including for the military-industrial complex, but how this threatens the national security of the United States, one can only guess. The ambassador concluded that, as usual, no facts were provided to Moscow. Earlier it became known that the US Department of Commerce included

In the UK, defunct companies raised millions of dollars

In the UK, £ 130 million in loans were received by dubious companies coronavirus care. In total, about 130 million pounds (almost 13 billion rubles) were received by dubious small businesses, writes Bloomberg. For example, the company of one of the richest financiers in the UK, John Beckwith, received a subsidy of 3.7 million pounds, although the company has long does not function. Also, a loan of 4.7 million pounds was made to the company, which was founded just two days before the funds were received. A million pounds was received by a firm that was not operational before the pandemic and then voluntarily liquidated less than a year later. The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, which oversees the issuance of emergency loans, noted that “we continue to crack down on fraud and will not tolerate those who try to deceive the British taxpayer. ” Among the borrowers,

In the UK, defunct companies raised millions of dollars

In the UK, £ 130 million in loans went to dubious companies coronavirus care. In total, about 130 million pounds (almost 13 billion rubles) were received by dubious small businesses, writes Bloomberg. For example, the company of one of the richest financiers in the UK, John Beckwith, received a subsidy of 3.7 million pounds, although the company has long does not function. Also, a loan of 4.7 million pounds was made to the company, which was founded just two days before the funds were received. A million pounds was received by a firm that was not operational before the pandemic and then voluntarily liquidated less than a year later. The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, which oversees the issuance of emergency loans, noted that “we continue to crack down on fraud and will not tolerate those who try to deceive the British taxpayer. ” Among the borrowers, the

“Rusting” US Navy compared to the dead Soviet Navy

19FortyFive: Rusting US Navy ships compared to Soviet Navy – the sea fleet (Navy) of the USSR. Columnist John Rossomando gives a similar comparison in the American edition of 19FortyFive. “Last month I visited the Norfolk Naval Base, the headquarters of the US Atlantic Fleet. What I saw frightened me and reminded me of stories about the rusting Russian fleet in the days after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, “the author notes. Rossomandol writes that the rust streaks he noticed on the ship in Norfolk, symbolized the decline of American naval yards due to decades of neglect, mismanagement, and inadequate use of manpower. “Ships like the nine-year-old Medgar Evers, named after a slain civil rights activist [Medgara Eversa], the Arlington amphibious warship named after those killed at the Pentagon on 9/11, and the Ticonderoga-class missile cruiser, whose number was hidden, were rusting at the docks. They were

Auto expert dispelled the myth about fines for washing car windows at home

Autoexpert Subbotin: fines for washing car windows at home are an exaggeration of journalists dispelled the myth about fines for washing the windows of a car near the house. “It was never possible to wash cars in the courtyards, they just now impose a separate fine for it, and the journalists thought that if you wiped the glass or the license plate then it will be equivalent to washing. Nobody will equate, they just decided to intimidate and catch the hype, because wiping the numbers and headlights is like sneezing into a handkerchief, ”Subbotin explained. Earlier, Za Rulem reported that 1 In March 2022, new amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses will come into force, according to which wiping glasses, headlights and license plates in the yard will be equated to washing a car and will be punished with a fine in the amount of 300 to 5,000 rubles.

“Rusting” US Navy compared to the dead Soviet Navy

19FortyFive: Rusting US Navy ships compared to Soviet Navy – the sea fleet (Navy) of the USSR. Columnist John Rossomando gives a similar comparison in the American edition of 19FortyFive. “Last month I visited the Norfolk Naval Base, the headquarters of the US Atlantic Fleet. What I saw frightened me and reminded me of stories about the rusting Russian fleet in the days after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, “the author notes. Rossomandol writes that the rust streaks he noticed on the ship in Norfolk, symbolized the decline of American naval yards due to decades of neglect, mismanagement, and inadequate use of manpower. “Ships like the nine-year-old Medgar Evers, named after a slain civil rights activist [Medgara Eversa], the Arlington amphibious warship named after those killed at the Pentagon on 9/11, and the Ticonderoga-class missile cruiser, whose number was hidden, were rusting at the docks. They were

Auto expert dispelled the myth about fines for washing car windows at home

Autoexpert Subbotin: fines for washing car windows at home are an exaggeration of journalists dispelled the myth about fines for washing the windows of a car near the house. “It was never possible to wash cars in the courtyards, they just now impose a separate fine for it, and the journalists thought that if you wiped the glass or the license plate then it will be equivalent to washing. Nobody will equate, they just decided to intimidate and catch the hype, because wiping the numbers and headlights is like sneezing into a handkerchief, ”Subbotin explained. Earlier, Za Rulem reported that 1 In March 2022, new amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses will come into force, according to which wiping glasses, headlights and license plates in the yard will be equated to washing a car and will be punished with a fine in the amount of 300 to 5,000 rubles.