Peskov commented on Putin's attitude to unpopular measures on COVID-19

“The President never & nbsp; evaded responsibility, and & nbsp; when it was necessary to act decisively for the & nbsp; benefit of the country and & nbsp; , the president always took responsibility for & nbsp; himself, he & nbsp; repeatedly proved this in & nbsp; the most difficult moments. And & nbsp; it must never be forgotten, it must always be remembered & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Peskov said in & nbsp; the answer to the & nbsp; question, is & nbsp; is the president of the & nbsp; RF ready to take such unpopular steps among the population as the introduction of QR codes. “But, of course, you & nbsp; know that & nbsp; president & nbsp; & mdash; supporter of thoughtful, deliberate and & nbsp; balanced actions. But & nbsp; along with & nbsp; this, nevertheless, of course, we & nbsp; must give an account

Putin will be reported on the situation at the Listvyazhnaya mine

Press Secretary Peskov: Putin will be informed about the situation at the Listvyazhnaya mine Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that During the day, Vladimir Putin will be reported on the situation at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region, TASS reports. According to the press secretary, the report has already been presented by the acting head of the EMERCOM of Russia Alexander Chupriyan and the governor of the Kemerovo region Sergei Tsivilev. The President instructed Chupriyan, as well as the head of Rostekhnadzor, to fly to Kuzbass and organize all the necessary assistance to the victims. Putin also expressed his hope for the rescue of the miners underground. He announced the need to make every possible effort to continue the rescue operation. At the moment, it is reported that as a result of a fire on Thursday, November 25, 11 people died at the mine.

Kudryavtseva revealed the truth about filming the show “Secret in a Million”

Lera Kudryavtseva admitted that it is morally difficult for her to appear in the show “Secret for a Million” per million “on the NTV channel with the phrase” morally difficult. ” She revealed the truth about her participation in the filming of the program in an interview with Woman's Day. Kudryavtseva said that “The Secret to a Million” is one of the most difficult shows in which she starred in 25 years on television. According to the presenter, the revelations of the guests who come to the studio to talk about their fate are “dumbfounded”. “How many people have already told me:“ Lera, you can't take it so close to your heart! ” I accept it anyway. Morally it's hard, ”she admitted. Kudryavtseva called herself an empath, noting that she “lives acutely” all the stories of the heroes of the program. She added that because of this, after each release,

Kudryavtseva revealed the truth about filming the show “Secret in a Million”

Lera Kudryavtseva admitted that it is morally difficult for her to appear in the show “Secret for a Million” TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva per million “on the NTV channel with the phrase” morally difficult. ” She revealed the truth about her participation in the filming of the program in an interview with Woman's Day. Kudryavtseva said that “The Secret to a Million” is one of the most difficult shows in which she starred in 25 years on television. According to the presenter, the revelations of the guests who come to the studio to talk about their fate are “dumbfounded”. “How many people have already told me:“ Lera, you can't take it so close to your heart! ” I accept it anyway. Morally it's hard, ”she admitted. Kudryavtseva called herself an empath, noting that she “lives acutely” all the stories of the heroes of the program. She added that because of

Sberbank warned against cyber threats of the future

Sberbank Deputy CEO Stanislav Kuznetsov: Cyberattacks are more often aimed at new technologies Cyberattacks are becoming more diverse and increasingly directed at new technologies. Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, told about this as part of a special project timed to coincide with the bank's 180th anniversary. He also listed areas in which people are threatened. “Additional risks are created by various cloud services, as well as the popular BYOD (bring your own device) trend today, when company employees are allowed to work from a personal computer or laptop connected to the company's internal network,” Kuznetsov stated./p> He also talked about the downside of the Internet of Things (IoT) – the concept of using smart objects equipped with technologies to interact with each other and capable of performing operations without human intervention (for example, a smart home). On the one hand, the Internet of Things makes

Sberbank warned against cyber threats of the future

Sberbank Deputy CEO Stanislav Kuznetsov: Cyberattacks are more often aimed at new technologies Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank, told about this as part of a special project timed to coincide with the bank's 180th anniversary. He also listed areas in which people are threatened. “Additional risks are created by various cloud services, as well as the popular BYOD (bring your own device) trend today, when company employees are allowed to work from a personal computer or laptop connected to the company's internal network,” Kuznetsov stated./p> He also talked about the downside of the Internet of Things (IoT) – the concept of using smart objects equipped with technologies to interact with each other and capable of performing operations without human intervention (for example, a smart home). On the one hand, the Internet of Things makes life convenient, on the other hand, it contains vulnerabilities that can