Неизвестный шутник нарядил колледж Кембриджского университета в шапки Санта-Клауса

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от BBC News l Русская служба (@bbcrussian) Таинственный шутник нарядил несколько фигур на здании Колледжа Святого Иоанна в Университете Кембриджа в красные шапочки Санты. Их запечатлел фотограф Мартин Бонд, задавшись вопросом, как же они туда попали. Он предположил, что тому, кто надел шапочки на статуи, пришлось забраться по стене здания. «Привратник сказал мне, что никто не брал ключ, то есть, они не могли попасть туда изнутри здания, а значит это было сделано снаружи,» — сказал он. Здание высотой более 50 метров было построено в середине XIX века.

Ukraine warns Russia of the high cost of an armed attack

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: a new attack on the country will cost Russia too much Russian troops and threats of armed confrontation from the Kremlin. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba at a briefing, the recording of the broadcast is available on Facebook. According to him, Moscow is also deliberately blocking the organization of the meeting in the “Normandy format” and the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) to resolve the situation in Donbass, which can be considered as components of a single aggressive policy of Russia against Ukraine. The diplomat stressed that now Kiev needs to organize a high level of international support for the country in order to avoid war. At the same time, the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry noted that in the event of a conflict, Russia will have to pay a high price. “We are not trying to

The Russians named the main irritants in the apartments

Raiffeisenbank: 43 percent of Russians are dissatisfied with poor sound insulation in housing This is the conclusion reached by the analysts of Raiffeisenbank in their research, writes RBC. Experts interviewed 1.3 thousand Russians from large cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. About 26 percent of respondents live in newly commissioned new buildings, 61 percent – in multi-apartment “secondary housing”, and 13 percent – in private houses. Everyone who took the survey was over 26 years old, and their salary was at the level of 30-60 thousand rubles a month. The most frequent complaint was poor sound insulation – 43 percent of the respondents noted it. The second most popular annoying factor was the levies of the management company (37 percent), and the third – the behavior of neighbors (30 percent). Other reasons for dissatisfaction in Raiffeisenbank were the lack of space in the nearest parking lot and the remoteness of

Ukraine warns Russia of the high cost of an armed attack

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: a new attack on the country will cost Russia too much Russian troops and threats of armed confrontation from the Kremlin. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba at a briefing, the recording of the broadcast is available on Facebook. According to him, Moscow is also deliberately blocking the organization of the meeting in the “Normandy format” and the Trilateral Contact Group (TCG) to resolve the situation in Donbass, which can be considered as components of a single aggressive policy of Russia against Ukraine. The diplomat stressed that now Kiev needs to organize a high level of international support for the country in order to avoid war. At the same time, the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry noted that in the event of a conflict, Russia will have to pay a high price. “We are not trying to

The Russians named the main irritants in the apartments

Raiffeisenbank: 43 percent of Russians are dissatisfied with poor sound insulation in housing This is the conclusion reached by the analysts of Raiffeisenbank in their research, writes RBC. Experts interviewed 1.3 thousand Russians from large cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. About 26 percent of respondents live in newly commissioned new buildings, 61 percent – in multi-apartment “secondary housing”, and 13 percent – in private houses. Everyone who took the survey was over 26 years old, and their salary was at the level of 30-60 thousand rubles a month. The most frequent complaint was poor sound insulation – 43 percent of the respondents noted it. The second most popular annoying factor was the levies of the management company (37 percent), and the third – the behavior of neighbors (30 percent). Other reasons for dissatisfaction in Raiffeisenbank were the lack of space in the nearest parking lot and the remoteness of

Russian tourists explained the rules of entry to the popular resort of the UAE

ATOR: to enter Abu Dhabi, you must pass a PCR test and fill out the ICA UAE Smart application Experts of the tourism industry reminded domestic travelers rules of entry to the popular UAE resort – Abu Dhabi. This was reported on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). “All Russians who want to come to Abu Dhabi (including vaccinated citizens) need to pass a PCR test (no later than 48 hours before departure) and print the received certificate from the portal of public services in English with passport data and live print,” they explained experts and noted that electronic versions of research results and their photocopies are not accepted either at Russian airports or at hotels in the UAE. In addition, a few days before departure to the resort, it is necessary to enter the data of the foreign passport in the registration form of

Создатели «Спутника М» перечислили побочные эффекты и противопоказания вакцины

«Иммунизация препаратом “Гам-ковид-вак-М” формирует антиген — специфический клеточный противоинфекционный иммунитет у 93,2% обследованных добровольцев», — приводит ТАСС сведения из инструкции. Характерные для применения вакцины нежелательные эффекты бывают в основном легкой или средней степени выраженности. Они «могут развиваться в первые-вторые сутки после вакцинации и разрешаются в течение трех последующих дней». Противопоказаниями к вакцинации «Спутником М» являются тяжелые аллергические реакции, острые инфекционные и неинфекционные болезни. Прививка может быть опасна для людей с аутоиммунными заболеваниями и злокачественными новообразованиями, информации для подтверждения или опровержения таких опасений недостаточно. Ранее заместитель мэра Москвы по вопросам социального развития Анастасия Ракова сообщила, что, по сути, новая вакцина — одна пятая дозировки «Спутника V». По словам вице-премьера России Татьяны Голиковой, прививать детей с 12 до 15 лет смогут только с согласия родителей или законных представителей, подростки от 15 лет смогут подписать согласие сами. По данным Минздрава, в России с начала пандемии коронавируса несовершеннолетние составили более 5% всех заболевших. Это меньше, чем во многих странах, но в связи с распространением дельта-штамма заболеваемость растет.