Rashkin compared his case to the Kennedy assassination

MP from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Rashkin: the federal channel devoted 4 hours 26 minutes to the case of the murder of an elk State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin compared the case of illegal hunting in the Saratov region, of which he is involved, with the murder of the 35th US President John F. Kennedy. He made such a statement at a meeting of the lower house of parliament. Rashkin explained that 4 hours and 26 minutes were devoted to the case of the murder of a moose on one of the federal channels. “Not a single artiodactyl has been devoted so much time. They wrote more only about the Kennedy assassination, “he said. The deputy was also outraged that the media did not pay so much attention to the” bear paws “and” elk lips “that they found from

In Russia, explained Kiev's unwillingness to comply with the Minsk agreements

Political strategist Bashirov: a peaceful settlement of the situation with Donbass is still possible The Minsk agreements, the political strategist Marat Bashirov is sure. In a conversation with Lenta.ru, he added that Kiev is likely to sabotage the agreements until it receives a direct command from Washington. Kiev is sabotaging its obligations under the Minsk agreements, which leads to the disruption of settlement negotiations conflict in Donbass in any format, and calls for a violent scenario. This was previously stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Kiev understands the risks Bashirov is sure: despite the general strengthening of military rhetoric, large-scale clashes between Russia and Ukraine should not be expected – Kiev understands that this will not lead to anything good. Regular drone attacks are likely to continue, however. “Kiev will sabotage all the Minsk agreements until it receives a direct command from Washington to

The defendant in the fraud case testified against the rector of Shaninka

Executive Director Shaninka Kryuchkova testified against Rector Zuev Executive Director of Shaninka – Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences) (MVSES Kryuchkova began to cooperate with the investigation and was placed under house arrest. This is reported by “Interfax” with reference to a source in the investigating authorities. According to him, Kryuchkova pleaded guilty and told about cashing the stolen money. In addition, she testified against other defendants in the fraud case, including the rector Sergei Zuev. The executive director was released from the pre-trial detention center under house arrest. Earlier it was reported that the rector Shaninka was placed in the medical unit of the SIZO “Matrosskaya Tishina”. He was accused of embezzling 21 million rubles allocated from the budget for the federal project “Teacher of the Year” of the national project “Education.” In 2020, the parties terminated them by mutual agreement. At that time, 21 million rubles

Investigation into the incident with the Ryanair plane in Belarus postponed for a year

Foreign Ministry: Western countries block the investigation of the Ryanair incident in Belarus postponed its consideration for a year, said the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova. This was reported by the Lenta.ru correspondent. “Minsk appealed to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization – approx.“ Lenta.ru ”) with a request for an early consideration of this issue , but a number of countries are trying to postpone this whole story, the discussion of this uncomfortable topic for them into a distant box. With their submission, the consideration was postponed to the next session, which will be held in 2022, “- said Zakharova. Related materials 00:02 – 26 May Reached heaven. The West imposes sanctions against Belarus due to the arrest of the founder of NEXTA. How does this threaten Russia? 00:01 – May 28 “He is an incredibly skillful manipulator.” How can Russia take advantage of Lukashenko's final

Russians warned about the risks of buying too cheap housing in Moscow

“Kommersant”: apartments or studios at a price much lower than the market price may turn out to be illegal Russians' interest in suspiciously cheap housing. Experts interviewed by Kommersant warned about the risks when buying apartments at prices much lower than the market ones. According to the Institute for Urban Economics, an average family of three will need to save 4.5 years to buy an apartment in the capital, much longer than it can be done in other regions of Russia. Meanwhile, only 41.2 percent of Muscovites found affordable housing. Such indicators make budgetary, but often illegal, projects from small developers popular. We are talking about old business centers, apartments or studios in private houses and on the basement floors of buildings converted into apartments. Developers offer such housing at too attractive a price – several times cheaper than apartments in ordinary new buildings. A studio with an area of

Russian customs took up arms against goods from Finland

The courier company CDEK complained about problems with cargo at the border with Finland Employees of the automobile customs point at the Russian-Finnish border for more than a month inspect goods, including orders from online stores, told “Lente.ru” in the courier company CDEK. Due to the fact that the customs took up arms against goods from Finland, the delivery services are faced with serious material losses and reputational losses, they pointed out there. Buyers have to wait longer for already paid orders. The company said that they have been receiving many complaints about a significant increase in the delivery time of parcels from Finland for several weeks. According to CDEK, the problems are related to the situation at the border. Goods from Finland travel through the Torfyanovka international automobile checkpoint (MAPP) in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region. Cars delivering express orders for buyers have been repeatedly detained for

Peskov explained the delay in the adoption of bills on QR codes

“This is quite difficult and & nbsp; technologically, and & nbsp; social, and & nbsp; numerically. It is clear that & nbsp; is a very difficult process, a very difficult task & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Peskov in & nbsp; the answer to the & nbsp; question why the adoption of bills on & nbsp; QR codes is delayed. According to & nbsp; he said, the authorities “ are trying to walk along a very, very narrow blade and & nbsp; first and foremost, and & nbsp; people, to ensure their & nbsp; health, and & nbsp; on the & nbsp; other hand, not to & nbsp; harm the country's economy. '' “ Therefore, both the & nbsp; government and & nbsp; all the country's leadership each time is in & nbsp; such a difficult situation, but & nbsp; it, unfortunately, is provoked by this very pandemic '',

Investigation into the incident with the Ryanair plane in Belarus postponed for a year

Foreign Ministry: Western countries block the investigation of the incident with Ryanair in Belarus postponed its consideration for a year, said the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova. The correspondent of “Lenta.ru” informs about it. “Minsk appealed to ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization – approx.” Lenta.ru “) with a request for an early consideration of this issue , but a number of countries are trying to postpone this whole story, the discussion of this uncomfortable topic for them into a distant box. With their submission, the consideration was postponed to the next session, which will be held in 2022, “- said Zakharova. Related materials 00:02 – 26 May Reached heaven. The West imposes sanctions against Belarus due to the arrest of the founder of NEXTA. How does this threaten Russia? 00:01 – May 28 “He is an incredibly skillful manipulator.” How can Russia take advantage of Lukashenko's

Russians warned about the risks of buying too cheap housing in Moscow

“Kommersant”: apartments or studios at a price much lower than the market price may turn out to be illegal Russians' interest in suspiciously cheap housing. Experts interviewed by Kommersant warned about the risks when buying apartments at prices much lower than the market ones. According to the Institute for Urban Economics, an average family of three will need to save 4.5 years to buy an apartment in the capital, much longer than it can be done in other regions of Russia. Meanwhile, only 41.2 percent of Muscovites found affordable housing. Such indicators make budgetary, but often illegal, projects from small developers popular. We are talking about old business centers, apartments or studios in private houses and on the basement floors of buildings converted into apartments. Developers offer such housing at too attractive a price – several times cheaper than apartments in ordinary new buildings. A studio with an area of

Rashkin announced the purchase of a moose cow “to restore the population”

State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Rashkin said that he would buy a moose cow “to restore the population” who found the carcass of a dead animal, said that he had agreed to buy a moose cow. The State Duma meeting is broadcast on the website of the lower house of parliament. He will acquire an animal in the Yaroslavl region “of the appropriate age to restore the population.” Prosecutor General of Russia on the deprivation of parliamentary immunity Valery Rashkin, who is suspected of illegal hunting elk. The deputy himself said that he was hunting in the forest illegally. According to him, he did not check if there are hunting permits. In addition, Rashkin pleaded morally guilty in this situation. A Communist Party deputy confessed to killing an elk, the carcass of which was found by police in his car. In a video message,