The resignation of the head of the FSIN Kalashnikov saw the weakening of the positions of the FSB

Human rights activist Litvinovich on changing the head of the FSIN: control over the service is transferred from the FSB to the Ministry of Internal Affairs The head of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) resign Alexander Kalashnikov and the appointment of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Arkady Gostev to this post, one can see the weakening of the positions of the Federal Security Service (FSB), from which the former head of the FSIN is a native. Human rights activist Marina Litvinovich wrote about this in her Telegram channel. “Control over the FSIN is transferred from the FSB to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The decision to remove the head of the FSIN Kalashnikov and appoint Gostev is quite strong and inspires some optimism, “she commented on the change in the head of the service. Litvinovich stated that it is the FSB that oversees all operational work in colonies

Slovakia apologizes for forced sterilization of Roma women

Kronen Zeitung: Slovak government apologizes for decades of sterilization of Roma women … This is reported by the Kronen Zeitung. According to the newspaper, in the adopted statement, the country's four-party coalition condemned the violations of the rights of the Roma population and apologized to all the victims. Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic called this decision “the first important step” towards compensation for victims of Bratislava politics. According to Cabinet reports, forced removal of the uterus of Roma women was practiced in Slovakia from 1966 to 1989. the aim of limiting the number of children from disadvantaged ethnic minorities. At the same time, after the fall of the communist regime in the period from 1990 to 2004, women were persuaded to agree to sterilization after the birth of a child. European Union human rights organizations have repeatedly called on Bratislava to pay compensation to the victims.

The resignation of the head of the FSIN Kalashnikov saw the weakening of the positions of the FSB

Human rights activist Litvinovich on the change of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service: control over the service is transferred from the FSB to the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Kalashnikov and the appointment of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Arkady Gostev to this post, one can see the weakening of the positions of the Federal Security Service (FSB), from which the former head of the FSIN is a native. Human rights activist Marina Litvinovich wrote about this in her Telegram channel. “Control over the FSIN is transferred from the FSB to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The decision to remove the head of the FSIN Kalashnikov and appoint Gostev is quite strong and inspires some optimism, “she commented on the change in the head of the service. Litvinovich stated that it is the FSB that oversees all operational work in colonies and pre-trial detention centers, using

Russia and Japan discussed a peace treaty on the Kuril Islands

The Foreign Ministers of Russia and Japan held telephone talks and discussed the belonging of the Kuriles , during which they discussed a peace treaty regarding the ownership of the Kuril Islands. TASS writes about this. The parties “confirmed their intention to continue the dialogue” in order to conclude peace. “The ministers exchanged views, stressing the intention to develop Japanese-Russian relations in many areas, including in the field of politics, culture and so on, as well as in the direction of concluding a peace treaty,” the agency quotes the press service of the Japanese minister. Due to a dispute over the ownership of the southern part of the Kuriles, Moscow and Tokyo cannot sign a peace treaty following World War II. Japan regards Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and the Habomai group of islands as their “northern territories”. In turn, Russia does not recognize the very fact of the territorial dispute.

Latvia reaches EU vaccination target

Latvian Minister of Health Pavluts announced vaccination of 70% of the adult population percent of the adult population, reports TASS. “Yesterday we achieved the goal set in the [Latvian] vaccination plan, and the EU goal to vaccinate at least 70 percent of the adult population,” Pavluts said. 70.28 percent of residents aged 12 and over were fully vaccinated, the head of the Ministry of Health explained. “We are approaching the average vaccination coverage of the entire EU population (70.1 percent), now we have 66.67 percent,” added Pavluts. Earlier, the Latvian authorities announced that from December 6, all workers in a country who has possible contact with other people at work will be required to be tested for the presence of antigens to COVID-19 twice a week, regardless of the fact of vaccination. In eight weeks, the state will have to spend 14-15 million euros for these purposes.

In Russia, explained Kiev's unwillingness to comply with the Minsk agreements

Political strategist Bashirov: a peaceful settlement of the situation with Donbass is still possible The Minsk agreements, the political strategist Marat Bashirov is sure. In a conversation with, he added that Kiev is likely to sabotage the agreements until it receives a direct command from Washington. Kiev is sabotaging its obligations under the Minsk agreements, which leads to the disruption of settlement negotiations conflict in Donbass in any format, and calls for a violent scenario. This was previously stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Kiev understands the risks Bashirov is sure: despite the general strengthening of military rhetoric, large-scale clashes between Russia and Ukraine should not be expected – Kiev understands that this will not lead to anything good. Regular drone attacks are likely to continue, however. “Kiev will sabotage all the Minsk agreements until it receives a direct command from Washington to

Latvia reaches EU vaccination target

Latvian Minister of Health Pavluts announced vaccination of 70% of the adult population percent of the adult population, reports TASS. “Yesterday we achieved the goal set in the [Latvian] vaccination plan, and the EU goal to vaccinate at least 70 percent of the adult population,” Pavluts said. 70.28 percent of residents aged 12 and over were fully vaccinated, explained the head of the Ministry of Health. “We are approaching the average vaccination coverage of the entire EU population (70.1 percent), now we have 66.67 percent,” added Pavluts. Earlier, the Latvian authorities announced that from December 6, all workers in a country who has possible contact with other people at work will be required to be tested for the presence of antigens to COVID-19 twice a week, regardless of the fact of vaccination. In eight weeks, the state will have to spend 14-15 million euros for these purposes.

Rashkin compared his case to the Kennedy assassination

MP from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Rashkin: the federal channel devoted 4 hours 26 minutes to the case of the murder of an elk State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin compared the case of illegal hunting in the Saratov region, of which he is involved, with the murder of the 35th US President John F. Kennedy. He made such a statement at a meeting of the lower house of parliament. Rashkin explained that 4 hours and 26 minutes were devoted to the case of the murder of a moose on one of the federal channels. “Not a single artiodactyl has been devoted so much time. They wrote more only about the Kennedy assassination, “he said. The deputy was also outraged that the media did not pay so much attention to the” bear paws “and” elk lips “that they found from

The defendant in the fraud case testified against the rector of Shaninka

Executive Director Shaninka Kryuchkova testified against Rector Zuev Executive Director of Shaninka – Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences) (MVSES Kryuchkova began to cooperate with the investigation and was placed under house arrest. This is reported by “Interfax” with reference to a source in the investigating authorities. According to him, Kryuchkova pleaded guilty and told about cashing the stolen money. In addition, she testified against other defendants in the fraud case, including the rector Sergei Zuev. The executive director was released from the pre-trial detention center under house arrest. Earlier it was reported that the rector Shaninka was placed in the medical unit of the SIZO “Matrosskaya Tishina”. He was accused of embezzling 21 million rubles allocated from the budget for the federal project “Teacher of the Year” of the national project “Education.” In 2020, the parties terminated them by mutual agreement. At that time, 21 million rubles