Lukashenko named the main changes in the Constitution of Belarus

Lukashenko: the main changes to the Constitution are aimed at strengthening the institution of democracy in a popular referendum. This appeal was made by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a joint meeting of the Constitutional Commission and the working group on finalizing the draft Constitution, BelTA informs. According to him, according to the results of a sociological survey, 50-60 percent of the population is ready to come to the referendum and support the draft Constitution. The Belarusian leader pointed out that citizens should come to the referendum with a clear understanding of the essence of all innovations and the need for their adoption. The politician also named the main changes in the Constitution. He pointed out that the main emphasis in the document of the draft law was placed on strengthening the institution of democracy, namely, the consolidation of the constitutional status of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly (ANC). “VNS

An eyewitness who came under fire told about the Bayraktar strike on Donbass

DPR serviceman described the strike of the Ukrainian UAV Bayraktar in Donbass assistance of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Bayraktar of Turkish production. His story is quoted by the Vashi Novosti portal. According to the military, on October 26, together with several colleagues, he was hit by a drone. “Neither the exit nor the approach of the projectile was heard at all. There was an unexpected explosion, and then we already realized that we were “copied”. The personnel immediately rushed for cover, because it became clear that artillery was working on us, ”an eyewitness recalled. As the interlocutor of the portal noted, the caliber of the projectile fired by Bayraktar was presumably 82 millimeters. As a result of his hit, three people were slightly injured, they were immediately provided with medical assistance. At the same time, after the drone attack, the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at the positions of the

В США спасли оленя с пластиковым контейнером на голове

Они также напомнили о необходимости правильно выбрасывать мусор и не оставлять открытые бутылки и контейнеры в местах обитания диких животных. Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Екатерина Гура

Rosobrnadzor reacted to Bastrykin's idea to cancel the exam

The head of Rosobrnadzor about Bastrykin's idea to cancel the Unified State Exam: the department is waiting for specific proposals ), however, they have not yet been received. So the head of the department Anzor Muzaev commented on the proposal of the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Alexander Bastrykin, TASS reports his words. “We are always open to any suggestions, we always have many expert platforms during the year, if there are specific proposals on some narrow point are always ready, “- said Muzaev. He stressed that the department did not see the specifics in Bastrykin's statement. The head of the ICR previously announced the need for reform education on November 23 during the conference “The role of law in ensuring human well-being.” In addition, Bastrykin called for the revival of the Soviet school of education, since, in his opinion, it was the best in the world.

Kazakhstan proposed to rename “Black Friday”

The Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan urged to rename “Black Friday” to “generous” … This was reported in the press service of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Republic. He drew attention to the name of the marketing campaign and stressed that in Islam and Kazakh traditions the word “Friday” (in Kazakh – “juma”) is revered concept and a sacred day. Based on this, the mufti proposed to entrepreneurs and owners of shopping centers in Kazakhstan to rename “Black Friday” (“Kara Zhuma”) to “Generous Friday” (“Zhomart Zhuma”). In his opinion, such changes will make the action closer to the “understanding and mentality” of Kazakh Muslims and will receive support among the country's population. In 2019, the current President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, proposed to name the capital of the Republic of Astana in honor of Nursultan Nazarbayev … After it was renamed, the deputy chairman of the Ak Zhol party,

Zhulin responded to the American who accused the judges of overstating Tutberidze's daughter

Coach Zhulin on the overestimation of skaters Davis and Smolkin: what are the guys to blame for? Two-time Olympic medalist , coach Alexander Zhulin commented on the accusations of American journalist David Lees of overestimating Russians Diana Davis and Gleb Smolkina. His words are quoted by Sport24. The specialist drew attention to the fact that the couple won not at the stage of the Grand Prix series, but at the Challenger, where a lot depends on the refereeing panel. “What are the guys to blame for? You can skate dirty, but being French in France and getting high scores, you can be Russian in Russia and getting huge scores, “he said, adding that fair refereeing should be at the Olympic Games in Beijing. On November 22, Lees announced that the pair had received too high points in the Warsaw Cup. He noted that the Russians show not too difficult content.

Kazakhstan proposed to rename “Black Friday”

The Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan urged to rename “Black Friday” to “generous” … This was reported in the press service of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Republic. He drew attention to the name of the marketing campaign and stressed that in Islam and Kazakh traditions the word “Friday” (in Kazakh – “juma”) is revered concept and a sacred day. Based on this, the mufti proposed to entrepreneurs and owners of shopping centers in Kazakhstan to rename “Black Friday” (“Kara Zhuma”) to “Generous Friday” (“Zhomart Zhuma”). In his opinion, such changes will make the action closer to the “understanding and mentality” of Kazakh Muslims and will receive support among the country's population. In 2019, the current President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, proposed to name the capital of the Republic of Astana in honor of Nursultan Nazarbayev … After it was renamed, the deputy chairman of the Ak Zhol party,

Zhulin responded to the American who accused the judges of overstating Tutberidze's daughter

Coach Zhulin on the overestimation of figure skaters Davis and Smolkin: what are the guys to blame for? , coach Alexander Zhulin commented on the accusations of American journalist David Lees of overestimating Russians Diana Davis and Gleb Smolkina. His words are quoted by Sport24. The specialist drew attention to the fact that the couple won not at the stage of the Grand Prix series, but at the Challenger, where a lot depends on the refereeing panel. “What are the guys to blame for? You can skate dirty, but being French in France and getting high scores, you can be Russian in Russia and getting huge scores, “he said, adding that fair refereeing should be at the Olympic Games in Beijing. On November 22, Lees announced that the pair had received too high points in the Warsaw Cup. He noted that the Russians show not too difficult content. At the

Russian immunologist commented on the data on a new dangerous strain of coronavirus

Immunologist Zhemchugov: new strains of coronavirus are an attempt by the virus to bypass immunity This is how the immunologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladislav Zhemchugov commented on the data on the new dangerous strain B.1.1.529, Izvestia cites his words. The Russian expert noted that the ability to mutate is one of the main properties of viruses, which allows you to adapt to different conditions. According to him, the new conditions for coronavirus now include post-vaccine and herd immunity. By mutating, the virus is trying to bypass them, and, in particular, the delta strain has already demonstrated a significant percentage of evasion, the immunologist said. “Mutations are spontaneous, like beads on a string, jumping all the time, or like a picture in a kaleidoscope … As a result of the action of external factors, according to Darwin, those mutations are selected that are in the interests of the virus, “Zhemchugov

They wanted to make credit holidays for Russians permanent

The Central Bank proposed to introduce a permanent opportunity to take credit holidays The Central Bank wanted to make permanent the opportunity to take credit holidays. Such a proposal was announced by Mikhail Mamuta, Head of the Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Ensuring the Availability of Financial Services of the Bank of Russia, at a conference of the Association of Russian Banks (ADB), TASS reports. Mamuta said that the extension of the mechanism for introducing credit holidays to consumer loans on an ongoing basis, “it would be very, very useful”, since the borrower receives a guaranteed right to a respite at a difficult moment for himself. Now this is not always possible, because some lenders do not always meet the client's needs and begin to use their dominant position. Mamuta believes that legislative support for such an initiative would be in great demand. In 2020, at the