Petersburg got rid of graffiti with Dostoevsky

“URBAN-fresco”: graffiti with Dostoevsky was painted over in Kuznechny lane of St. Petersburg In St. Petersburg, where graffiti was painted a portrait of the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky was depicted. The URBAN-fresco team on their Instagram reports that the city has gotten rid of the image. According to the Podyem publication, the portrait appeared on one of the walls of the building in Kuznechny Lane in 2019. It was written by the creator of the urban-fresco technology Oleg Lukyanov. Before the bicentennial anniversary of the writer's birthday, which is celebrated on November 11, the graffiti was painted over. Lukyanov restored the work, but soon a similar fate awaited her. The artist said that he did not plan to create graffiti again. He also does not know who exactly painted over the work, and noted that he gets the feeling that everything happens by itself. “There are no regulations allowing street

The United States asked Russia for help in saving the economy

Zakharova: The United States asked Russia to expand oil and gas production in order to lower prices that the United States is asking Russia to expand oil and gas production to help reduce their cost on the global market. Her words are reported by Interfax. “The United States is erecting barriers with one hand, and doing it very hypocritically, for the export of Russian energy resources to the European market, and stretching out its other hand, persuading us and other producing countries – download more, to bring down their prices, ”Zakharova emphasized. The United States has been declaring the need to increase oil production for several months, but the OPEC + sides refused to take such a step.

Petersburg got rid of graffiti with Dostoevsky

“URBAN-fresco”: graffiti with Dostoevsky was painted over in Kuznechny Lane of St. Petersburg In St. Petersburg, where graffiti was painted a portrait of the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky was depicted. The URBAN-fresco team on their Instagram reports that the city has gotten rid of the image. According to the Podyem publication, the portrait appeared on one of the walls of the building in Kuznechny Lane in 2019. It was written by the creator of the urban-fresco technology Oleg Lukyanov. Before the bicentennial anniversary of the writer's birthday, which is celebrated on November 11, the graffiti was painted over. Lukyanov restored the work, but soon a similar fate awaited her. The artist said that he did not plan to create graffiti again. He also does not know who exactly painted over the work, and noted that he gets the feeling that everything happens by itself. “There are no regulations allowing street

The United States asked Russia for help in saving the economy

Zakharova: The United States asked Russia to expand oil and gas production in order to lower prices The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Maria Zakharova said that the United States is asking Russia to expand oil and gas production in order to help reduce their cost on the world market. Her words are reported by Interfax. “The United States is erecting barriers with one hand, and doing it very hypocritically, for the export of Russian energy resources to the European market, and stretching out its other hand, persuading us and other producing countries – download more, to bring down their prices, ”Zakharova emphasized. The United States has been declaring the need to increase oil production for several months, but the OPEC + sides refused to take such a step.

В Англии в поле нашли уникальную римскую мозаику со сценой из Гомера

Вилла и мозаика были найдены довольно случайно: сын фермера из графства Ратленд Джим Ирвин, гуляя во время локдауна в 2020 году по полю, которое его семья возделывала уже десятки лет, наткнулся на необычные черепки и заинтересовался ими. «Наша семья возделывала эту землю уже лет пятьдесят или шестьдесят. Во время локдауна в прошлом году я нашел глиняные черепки, не похожие ни на какие черепки, что я видел до того. Мы вернулись на это место с лопатой, я выкопал неглубокую траншею — и оказалось, что я точно угадал с местом», — рассказывает Джим Ирвин. В Иерихоне реставрирована сложнейшая древняя мозаика. Она состоит из 5 млн элементов Он позвал археологов из университета в ближайшем крупном городе, Лестере, те провели раскопки — и теперь это поле с виллой и мозаикой включено в список охраняемых памятников старины. Правительственный фонд «Историческая Англия», который финансировал раскопки, называет найденную мозаику «одной из самых примечательных и важных» находок такого рода в стране. Размеры мозаики, которая украшала, по всей видимости, пол гостиной или столовой — 11 на 7 метров. Англия три с половиной века была частью Римской империи, и в ней найдено довольно много остатков зданий той эпохи, в том числе и с мозаиками, но картины такого рода —

Information about the ban on training children of unvaccinated parents was denied

The Ministry of Sports of Transbaikalia denied data on the ban on training children of unvaccinated parents the edge was denied. The primary source of information was the publication on the “Anonymous Chita” page in Instagram. The post contains a screenshot of a message on a social network, in which, probably, one of the parents claims that in the Trans-Baikal Territory, only children whose parents are vaccinated against COVID-19 can attend training. Such information, as follows from the message, was given to the parents by one of the coaches, while it is difficult to understand which sports school we are talking about, and whether this exactly refers to the Trans-Baikal Territory, besides the fact that the post was published on an Instagram account, where it is discussed life of the region. The message is also accompanied by a quote, which the author cites as a slogan: “Nobody forces you! If

Information about the ban on training children of unvaccinated parents was denied

The Ministry of Sports of Transbaikalia denied data on the ban on training children of unvaccinated parents the edge was denied. The primary source of information was the publication on the “Anonymous Chita” page in Instagram. The post contains a screenshot of a message on a social network, in which, probably, one of the parents claims that in the Trans-Baikal Territory, only children whose parents are vaccinated against COVID-19 can attend training. Such information, as follows from the message, was given to the parents by one of the coaches, while it is difficult to understand which sports school we are talking about, and whether this exactly refers to the Trans-Baikal Territory, besides the fact that the post was published on an Instagram account, where it is discussed life of the region. The message is also accompanied by a quote, which the author cites as a slogan: “Nobody forces you! If

Doctors found three spoons in the stomach of a Russian woman complaining of pain

In Makhachkala, doctors took two metal spoons and one plastic spoon from a patient's stomach Doctors, with the help of an X-ray, found spoons in the stomach of a Russian woman. The incident is reported by the Telegram channel Mash Gor. Surgeons performed an operation and removed two metal spoons from the duodenum, one of which was in the stomach for a long time and began to oxidize, which provoked an ulcer. In the lumen of the stomach, surgeons found another find – a plastic spoon. In total, doctors pulled out three devices. Doctors performed therapy to restore the Russian woman's gastrointestinal tract. The patient was in the hospital after the operation for a week, at the moment she was discharged. Earlier, a 13-centimeter metal spoon was removed from the digestive system of a resident of the Chinese city of Shenzhen. The woman swallowed the cutlery when she tried to

In a Russian city, an outbreak of infection has led to the disease of 1,340 schoolchildren

Rospotrebnadzor of Kalmykia: 1340 schoolchildren in Elista were diagnosed with viral infection In Elista, 1340 schoolchildren were diagnosed with ARVI symptoms. This was announced by the head of the department of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Kalmykia, the chief sanitary doctor of the region, Dzhangar Sandzhiev. His words are reported by TASS. “In Elista, there is an outbreak of a viral infection with signs of ARVI, a still unknown etiology among schoolchildren. We, epidemiologists, assume that children have enterovirus, “Sandzhiev said. He noted that the exact diagnosis will be determined in the laboratory, at the moment the children have been tested. The chief sanitary doctor of the region suggested that the virus was introduced into Kalmykia from Moscow during a two-week vacation. Over the past week, the epidemiological threshold in Elista among schoolchildren was exceeded by 10 percent. However, at the moment, students will not be sent to distance learning,

Zelensky spoke about the “powerful step” of Ukraine

President of Ukraine Zelensky announced the creation of a national air carrier A national air carrier will appear in Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky said. The speech of the head of state at the forum on aviation and tourism was broadcast on Facebook. “We are making a powerful step, which we talked about. Aside from promises, we move on to practical implementation. This is our national carrier. Its creation, which will begin, one might say, officially today, “- said the President of Ukraine. According to him, the working name of the company is Ukrainian national airlines,” Ukrainian national airlines “. The economic feasibility of the project was confirmed by French consultants, the President of the country said. Zelensky also said that the creation of such an enterprise is “a matter of status, image, prestige” of Ukraine, and said that today the country is investing “billions of hryvnias” in the modernization of