Polish Prime Minister called the future move “on the chessboard” of the migration crisis

Polish Prime Minister: Belarusian authorities will start bringing Afghans to the Polish border bring migrants from Afghanistan to the Polish border. This concern was expressed by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, TASS reports. Related materials 00:01 – 18 November “They are more likely will die in Europe than return home “How migrants on the border with Poland changed life in Belarus00: 01 – 3 November hosted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to drive them out? According to the politician, bringing refugees from Iraq is a closed path. Therefore, according to the prime minister, the invitation of Afghans to Belarus is “one of the future moves on the chessboard” of the migration crisis, which is allegedly planned by Minsk and Moscow. Belarus. He pointed out that Warsaw is also thinking about more serious economic sanctions. The politician called what is happening on the Polish-Belarusian

The Russians named the most expensive foreign travel destinations

Maldives and Seychelles named the most expensive foreign destinations for Russians Their words are quoted by URA.RU/a>. said the president of the “Ural Tourism Association” Mikhail Maltsev. The specialist included New Zealand, Colombia and the countries of Black Africa in the first group, where the cost of the trip is influenced by individual programs, instructors and security. The second – the Maldives and Seychelles. Natalia Osipova, executive director of the Alliance of Travel Agencies agreed with her colleague. She noted that the Maldives and Seychelles are considered the most expensive and popular luxury resorts, which are not mass destinations due to the high price tag. “The Emirates cannot enter this list because there are hotels for every budget,” she added. Earlier in November, Russian tourists were warned of an impending shortage of places in Maldives hotels during the New Year period. According to tour operators, the republic is one of

The Russians named the most expensive foreign travel destinations

Maldives and Seychelles named the most expensive foreign destinations for Russians Their words are quoted by URA.RU/a>. said the president of the “Ural Tourism Association” Mikhail Maltsev. The specialist included New Zealand, Colombia and the countries of Black Africa in the first group, where the cost of the trip is influenced by individual programs, instructors and security. The second – the Maldives and Seychelles. Natalia Osipova, executive director of the Alliance of Travel Agencies agreed with her colleague. She noted that the Maldives and Seychelles are considered the most expensive and popular luxury resorts, which are not mass destinations due to the high price tag. “The Emirates cannot enter this list because there are hotels for every budget,” she added. Earlier in November, Russian tourists were warned of an impending shortage of places in Maldives hotels during the New Year period. According to tour operators, the republic is one of

Merkel discussed with Zelensky the situation in Donbass

Merkel promised Zelensky not to leave the encroachment on Ukraine without consequences promised not to leave without consequences the encroachment on the sovereignty of Ukraine. This is reported by TASS with reference to the official representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Germany, Steffen Seibert. Related materials 00:01 – November 2 “We we cannot live in enmity “Why does Zelensky want to meet with Putin and what is he ready to do in order to maintain power? 17: 26 – 23 November The DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why is Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? The politician discussed the situation in Donbass with the Ukrainian leader and assured that she supports the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine. “The Chancellor and the President were unanimous on the continuation of efforts in the Normandy format to implement the Minsk Agreements with the

The man sold the roof of the house to his mother for a date with the girl

A resident of Indonesia spent money from the sale of furniture and the roof of a house on the maintenance of his beloved sweetheart. The young man's mother did not appreciate the act and filed a police report against her son, writes Cocontus. The man decided to commit a crime because of the low salary, which was not enough to maintain a relationship with a girl. To find free funds, the 24-year-old Indonesian thought to dismantle the roof in the house shared with his mother and sell it along with some of the furniture. He spent the proceeds on daily trips to cafes, and also bought gifts for his beloved – bags and clothes. The Indonesian's mother outraged his idea – for a long time she worked as a housekeeper in order to be able to make repairs in the house and pay off the mortgage … The woman estimated

The man sold the roof of the house to his mother for a date with the girl

A resident of Indonesia spent money from the sale of furniture and the roof of the house on the maintenance of his beloved sweetheart. The young man's mother did not appreciate the act and filed a police report against her son, writes Cocontus. The man decided to commit a crime because of the low salary, which was not enough to maintain a relationship with a girl. To find free funds, the 24-year-old Indonesian thought to dismantle the roof in the house shared with his mother and sell it along with some of the furniture. He spent the proceeds on daily trips to cafes, and also bought gifts for his beloved – bags and clothes. The Indonesian's mother outraged his idea – for a long time she worked as a housekeeper in order to be able to make repairs in the house and pay off the mortgage … The woman estimated

In Kolyma, a member of an organized criminal group from Ingushetia was detained for extortion from women

In the village of Orotukan, Magadan Region, a member of an organized crime group from Ingushetia was detained for extortion women using photo and video materials. This was announced on Thursday, November 25, by Interfax. The attacker was caught on November 22 in the village of Orotukan in the Kolyma during the search operations. Previously, he was on the federal wanted list for committing a crime under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Extortion”). According to the investigation, 47-year-old Altemirov from 2012 to 2017, as part of an organized criminal group, extorted money from a native of Ingushetia. He threatened to distribute photographs and video materials that would dishonor her. The attacker received about 800 thousand rubles by blackmail. Since the detained Altemirov has six children, he was sentenced to four years in a general regime colony. Detained 47-year-old Sultan Altemirov – the brother of the

In Kolyma, a member of an organized criminal group from Ingushetia was detained for extortion from women

In the village of Orotukan, Magadan Region, a member of an organized crime group from Ingushetia was detained for extortion women using photo and video materials. This was announced on Thursday, November 25, by Interfax. The attacker was caught on November 22 in the village of Orotukan in the Kolyma during the search operations. Previously, he was on the federal wanted list for committing a crime under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Extortion”). According to the investigation, 47-year-old Altemirov from 2012 to 2017, as part of an organized criminal group, extorted money from a native of Ingushetia. He threatened to distribute photographs and video materials that would dishonor her. The attacker received about 800 thousand rubles by blackmail. Since the detained Altemirov has six children, he was sentenced to four years in a general regime colony. Detained 47-year-old Sultan Altemirov – the brother of the

Kharlamov made fun of the heroine, who refused underwear, “Let's get married!”

Garik Kharlamov laughed at the bride from “Let's Get Married!” programs “Let's get married!”. In it, a participant in the show named Linda said that she had given up wearing underwear. In the post, the comedian ridiculed the heroine of the issue, and also showed an excerpt from the TV show “Living is great!”, Dedicated to women's panties. “I never started meeting a bride with such a question, but now I can’t hold back, sorry. Are you in shorts now? ” – asked the host of the program “Let's get married!” Larisa Guzeeva. In response, the girl admitted that she was not wearing underwear. After that, Kharlamov showed a fragment of a concert recording in which the Freestyle group performed the song “Oh, what a woman.” The video of the comedian also includes a fragment from the release of the program “It's great to live!” Some noted that they would

The combat effectiveness of the Russian MiG-31 was tripled

RIA Novosti: modernization has tripled the effectiveness of the MiG-31 fighter-interceptors representatives of the Sokol aircraft plant in Nizhny Novgorod told Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko, RIA Novosti reports. times increases the combat effectiveness of the aircraft, “the company said. In September, The Military Watch magazine drew attention to the expanded arsenal of MiG-31BM and MiG-31BSM interceptors, including the new R-74M short-range air-class missile -air “, which makes the MiG-31 one of the most versatile aircraft. The modernization carried out since 2007 involves, in particular, replacing well on-board equipment and a lamp, glider flaw detection, updating the wiring and rubber gaskets of the MiG-31.