Rescuers confirmed the death of 52 people in the Listvyazhnaya mine

Ministry of Emergency Situations: 52 miners and rescuers who were in the Listvyazhnaya mine were killed 52 miners and rescuers who were in Listvyazhnaya ”Died due to lack of oxygen and high concentration of harmful gases. The commander of the Kemerovo Paramilitary Mine Rescue Detachment, Yuri She, told reporters about this. – said the lifeguard. He explained that people have been poisoned by carbon monoxide, which is absorbed through the skin.

The main weapon in the fight against global warming named

US mayors named electric vehicles as the most promising technology for reducing emissions citing a poll by the Conference of Mayors of US Cities. More than half of 103 officials surveyed named electric vehicles as the most promising technology for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. The mayors of 71 American cities said they have a concrete strategy to create infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles. The heads of the cities said that their implementation of their plans depends on financial assistance from federal, state and private partners. In the recently adopted infrastructure development bill, about $ 7.5 billion was allocated for the installation of charging stations. By 2030, the country plans to create 500 thousand public stations. The city authorities are giving priority to the development of solar energy, as well as the installation of LED or other types of energy efficient lighting. About 70 percent of the mayors surveyed

The main weapon in the fight against global warming named

US mayors named electric vehicles as the most promising technology to reduce emissions citing a poll by the Conference of Mayors of US Cities. More than half of 103 officials surveyed named electric vehicles as the most promising technology for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. The mayors of 71 American cities said they have a concrete strategy to create infrastructure for recharging electric vehicles. The heads of the cities said that their implementation of their plans depends on financial assistance from federal, state and private partners. In the recently adopted infrastructure development bill, about $ 7.5 billion was allocated for the installation of charging stations. By 2030, the country plans to create 500 thousand public stations. The city authorities are giving priority to the development of solar energy, as well as the installation of LED or other types of energy efficient lighting. About 70 percent of the mayors surveyed

A monument to coronavirus with a golden vagina appeared in Odessa

A monument in the form of a coronavirus with a golden vagina appeared in the Odessa City Garden coronavirus with a golden vagina. This is reported by the portal Local artist Eva Yatt became the author of the sculpture. She explained that as a result of the self-isolation regime introduced around the world, the level of domestic violence has increased, and the art object embodies both the planet, the virus and the feminine, thereby calling for attention to the problems of society. In August 2020, a monument has appeared in St. Petersburg, symbolizing the “victory over the coronavirus.” The construction, which mimics the shape of the virus, was surrounded by a black cage and installed next to the youth center. The author of the object has been working on it for several months.

A monument to coronavirus with a golden vagina appeared in Odessa

A monument in the form of a coronavirus with a golden vagina appeared in the Odessa City Garden coronavirus with a golden vagina. This is reported by the portal Local artist Eva Yatt became the author of the sculpture. She explained that as a result of the self-isolation regime introduced around the world, the level of domestic violence has increased, and the art object embodies both the planet, the virus and the feminine, thereby calling for attention to the problems of society. In August 2020, a monument has appeared in St. Petersburg, symbolizing the “victory over the coronavirus.” The construction, which mimics the shape of the virus, was surrounded by a black cage and installed next to the youth center. The author of the object has been working on it for several months.

American businessmen asked the US to approve Sputnik V

Izvestia: US business asked Washington to recognize Sputnik V for business travel vaccination with “Sputnik V”. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to the President of the House, Alexis Rodzianko. Rodzianko said that two things are needed to travel from Russia to the United States: a visa and vaccination with a vaccine recognized by Washington or the World Health Organization (WHO) … He noted that for this reason, businessmen asked the US authorities to approve a number of other vaccines, including Sputnik V, for business trips to the country. The Russian Ministry of Health, in turn, reminded Izvestia that that the issue of mutual recognition of vaccines by Moscow and Washington was discussed on October 2 in Geneva at the talks between Russian Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko and the American delegation. The department also said that as a result of the conversation, they sent a letter to the

US business asks Washington to approve Sputnik V

Head of AmCham Rodzianko: US businessmen asked the State Department to recognize Sputnik V for travel Sputnik V vaccination certificates. This was stated by the President of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) Alexis Rodzianko in an interview with Izvestia. The entrepreneur said that the organization has applied to the State Department with a proposal. He noted that the department accepted an appeal for consideration. The answer to our request was this: while we think Alexis RodziankoThe head of AmCham Rodzianko also explained that at the moment, in order to travel from Russia to the United States, two things are needed: a visa, which is now impossible to obtain, and an inoculation with that vaccine. which is recognized by either Washington or the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, American businessmen called on the US authorities to approve a number of vaccines for business travel to the country, including the Russian