A colleague named the surviving mine rescuer at Listvyazhnaya in Kuzbass a hero

“112”: an EMERCOM employee injured at a mine in Kuzbass: a surviving mine rescuer – a hero One of the victims of an emergency at the Listvyazhnaya mine “In Kuzbass, the Ministry of Emergency Situations called the surviving mine rescuer Alexander Zakovryashin a hero. The words of a colleague are quoted in the Telegram channel “112”. The man in the hospital stressed that saving other people's lives is “our job.” The injured employee of the Ministry of Emergencies noted that after providing medical assistance, he was gradually recovering. 51-year-old mine rescuer Alexander Zakovryashin, who was previously believed to be dead, spent the night underground and managed to get out on his own. Po According to the Governor of the Kemerovo Region, Sergei Tsivilev, now the surviving mine rescuer is in a state of moderate severity. He was taken to the Miners' Health Center, which is located in the city of

A scandal erupted in Moscow around the legendary Soviet building

Arkhnadzor contested the project of the Garage Museum for the restoration of the Soviet building “Hexagon” found himself at the center of a scandal. The public movement Arkhnadzor opposed the project of its restoration, prepared by the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. The association's website offered to publicly discuss the initiative. “Arhnadzor calls on the Department of Cultural Heritage to reject the act of consent with the examination and to postpone the approval of the project, fraught with the loss of the authenticity of the monument, until a new act is received. We propose to organize a public discussion of the project on the spot, with the open participation of heritage experts and city defenders, ”said the representatives of the movement. The Moscow Garage Museum presented a project for the restoration of the building on November 22. “Hexagon” was one of the pavilions of the ensemble of the first Agricultural

Urgant joked about Putin's dismissal of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Ivan Urgant joked that the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, dismissed by Putin, will shoot videos on TikTok Putin, the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), Alexander Kalashnikov. The presenter's statements, in which he also hinted at a torture scandal in Russian colonies, were aired on the Evening Urgant program on Channel One, the release is available on YouTube. Commenting on Kalashnikov's resignation, Urgant portrayed bewilderment because the reasons for the dismissal of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service. “And why [Putin] dismissed (Alexander Kalashnikov from the post of head of the FSIN – comment of” Lenta.ru “), everything seemed to be fine there now, at the FSIN,” the presenter sarcastically. The showman also joked about what Kalashnikov could do after his resignation. “Where do the FSIN officers who are fired usually go? In TikTok, because they know how to shoot funny videos, “said Urgant, hinting at

A scandal erupted in Moscow around the legendary Soviet building

Arkhnadzor contested the project of the Garage Museum for the restoration of the Soviet building “Hexagon” found himself at the center of a scandal. The public movement Arkhnadzor opposed the project of its restoration, prepared by the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. The association's website offered to publicly discuss the initiative. “Arhnadzor calls on the Department of Cultural Heritage to reject the act of consent with the examination and to postpone the approval of the project, fraught with the loss of the authenticity of the monument, until a new act is received. We propose to organize a public discussion of the project on the spot, with the open participation of heritage experts and city defenders, ”said the representatives of the movement. The Moscow Garage Museum presented a project for the restoration of the building on November 22. “Hexagon” was one of the pavilions of the ensemble of the first Agricultural

Сертификат для переболевших COVID-19 автоматически продлят до года

«По сертификату переболевшего. Сертификат будет автоматами продлен для всех, у кого было заболевание в течение последнего года. Поэтому один год с момента выздоровления», — сказал он. Мурашко добавил, что в настоящее время вносятся соответствующие документы. Новость дополняется.

Голикова перечислила регионы с коллективным иммунитетом выше 70 процентов

«У нас есть регионы-лидеры, где этот показатель (коллективного иммунитета — ред.) выше 70%. Это Севастополь, Чукотка, Тыва, Московская область и Москва, Карелия. Призываем другие субъекты подтягиваться к этим субъектам и в целом стремиться к цифре 80%», — приводят ее слова в оперативном штабе по борьбе с распространением коронавируса. Голикова также напомнила россиянам о важности не только вакцинации, но и своевременной ревакцинации. «Сейчас есть все возможности, чтобы сделать бесплатно прививку, провести новогодние праздники спокойно и не дать болезни нарушить ваши планы», — подчеркнула она.

Urgant joked about Putin's dismissal of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Ivan Urgant joked that the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service, dismissed by Putin, will shoot videos on TikTok Putin, the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), Alexander Kalashnikov. The presenter's statements, in which he also hinted at a torture scandal in Russian colonies, were aired on the Evening Urgant program on Channel One, the release is available on YouTube. Commenting on Kalashnikov's resignation, Urgant portrayed bewilderment because the reasons for the dismissal of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service. “And why [Putin] dismissed (Alexander Kalashnikov from the post of head of the FSIN – comment of” Lenta.ru “), everything seemed to be fine there now, at the FSIN,” the presenter sarcastically. The showman also joked about what Kalashnikov could do after his resignation. “Where do the FSIN officers who are fired usually go? In TikTok, because they know how to shoot funny videos, “said Urgant, hinting at

Rostourism began preparations for the cashback program in 2022

ATOR: Rosturizm invited tour operators to participate in the cashback program in 2022 Rosturizm began preparing the legislative and technical base for the implementation of the tourist cashback program in 2022. This information appeared on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). The agency has sent invitations to tour operators, hotels and aggregators of tourist services to join the program. Preparatory work must be completed by December 12, 2021. By this time, participants in the tourism market must develop a landing page where the sale of vouchers with cashback will be carried out. The exact terms of the program and the amount of subsidies are still being disclosed. Earlier in October, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to consider the possibility of increasing the tourist cashback to 40 thousand rubles for travel to the Far East. Also, the head of state proposed to reduce the VAT rate

Rostourism began preparations for the cashback program in 2022

ATOR: Rostourism has invited tour operators to participate in the cashback program in 2022 in 2022. This information appeared on the website of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). The agency has sent invitations to tour operators, hotels and aggregators of tourist services to join the program. Preparatory work must be completed by December 12, 2021. By this time, participants in the tourism market must develop a landing page where the sale of vouchers with cashback will be carried out. The exact terms of the program and the amount of subsidies are still being disclosed. Earlier in October, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to consider the possibility of increasing the tourist cashback to 40 thousand rubles for travel to the Far East. Also, the head of state proposed to reduce the VAT rate for organizations in the tourism industry.