«Ужасающая мутация». Чем опасен новый штамм коронавируса B.1.1.529 и как быстро он распространится по миру?

В настоящий момент зафиксировано 77 случаев заболевания новым вариантом коронавируса в южноафриканской провинции Гаутенг и четыре — в Ботсване. Случай в Гонконге напрямую связывают с прилетом инфицированного из ЮАР. Однако южноафриканские ученые, на основании проводимых ими исследований, результаты которых пока не опубликованы, говорят, что новый штамм, скорее всего, уже присутствует практически на всей территории ЮАР. Великобритания уже отменила авиасообщение с шестью африканскими странами — ЮАР, Ботсваной, Намибией, Лесото, Зимбабве и Эсватини. О запрете на полеты из большинства африканских стран заявил в пятницу и премьер-министр Израиля Нафтали Беннет. ВОЗ проводит в пятницу экстренное совещание, посвященное новой опасности, на котором штамму, скорее всего, будет присвоено греческое название — по аналогии с Альфа-, Бета- и Дельта-штаммами. В настоящий момент новый вариант называют B.1.1.529. По словам ученых, количество мутаций нового штамма ужасает. Ни один из прежних вариантов коронавируса не мутировал так интенсивно. Самый главный вопрос сейчас — насколько быстро этот штамм может распространяться. Что известно о новом штамме? По словам ученых, он сильно отличается от всех предыдущих. «Этот вариант удивил нас. Он совершил большой эволюционный скачок и прошел около 50 мутаций», — сказал на брифинге для журналистов профессор Тулио де Оливейра, глава южноафриканского Центра эпидемиологического реагирования и инноваций. Порядка 30

Zhirinovsky responded to the change of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service

The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Zhirinovsky said about the “Stalinist system of camps” in the work of the FSIN The structure of the FSIN is still ” therefore, the work of the service still cannot be adjusted, and a change in leadership is unlikely to change anything. This is how LDPR chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky in Telegram reacted to the resignation of the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Alexander Kalashnikov. According to the politician, the situation will change when other people come to the system. The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party noted that employees must be recruited at a general competition. In addition, in his opinion, it is necessary to get rid of the “cane” system that pushes workers to abuse. Kalashnikov was dismissed from his post as head of the Federal Penitentiary Service on November 25 by a decree of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Instead of

Zelensky asks Putin to refute preparations for invasion of Ukraine

President Zelensky: the current situation on the border between Russia and Ukraine is no worse than in the spring worse than spring. President of the Republic Vladimir Zelensky said this during his press marathon, which is broadcast on Facebook. He compared the current situation on the border of the two states with the spring period and noted that now the number of Russian military there is less. At the same time, Zelensky stressed that since the beginning of the truce in Donbass, their number has increased. The head of the republic also expressed concern about Moscow's rhetoric towards Kiev and NATO and asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to refute the preparation of troops to invade Ukraine . Prior to that, Zelensky assessed the likelihood of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian military conflict. According to him, information about this in the media is “intimidation”, and the borders of the republic are under the

There were reports of the threat of an explosion at the Sheremetyevo airport

TASS: an unknown person reported a threat of an explosion at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport An unknown person, through the operator of the 112 service, reported a threat of an explosion at Moscow airport Sheremetyevo. This was reported by TASS with reference to a law enforcement source. According to the agency, the airport building was not evacuated. At the moment, police officers and dog handlers with dogs are working on the spot.

The OSCE spoke about the number of troops on the border of Russia and Ukraine

OSCE Chairperson Ann Linde did not see the accumulation of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine We did not see an excessive accumulation of Russian troops on the border between Ukraine and Russia. These observations were shared by the Chairperson of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde, reports TASS. “We must always keep our eyes open, but there are no signs that Russia is not going to comply their obligations, “Linde said. The Chairperson also noted that the Russian Armed Forces left some of the equipment and equipment near the Ukrainian border after the West-2021 exercise. However, it cannot be said that this is an unusually large number of weapons. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also observed that, according to his data, there are fewer Russian troops on the border than during the exercises. He also added that the situation on

Zelensky asks Putin to refute preparations for invasion of Ukraine

President Zelensky: the current situation on the border between Russia and Ukraine is no worse than in the spring worse than spring. President of the Republic Vladimir Zelensky said this during his press marathon, which is broadcast on Facebook. He compared the current situation on the border of the two states with the spring period and noted that now the number of Russian military there is less. At the same time, Zelensky stressed that since the beginning of the truce in Donbass, their number has increased. The head of the republic also expressed concern about Moscow's rhetoric towards Kiev and NATO and asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to refute the preparation of troops to invade Ukraine . Prior to that, Zelensky assessed the likelihood of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian military conflict. According to him, information about this in the media is “intimidation”, and the borders of the republic are under the

There were reports of the threat of an explosion at the Sheremetyevo airport

TASS: an unknown person reported a threat of an explosion at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport An unknown person, through the operator of the 112 service, reported a threat of an explosion at Moscow airport Sheremetyevo. This was reported by TASS with reference to a law enforcement source. According to the agency, the airport building was not evacuated. At the moment, police officers and dog handlers with dogs are working on the spot.

The OSCE spoke about the number of troops on the border of Russia and Ukraine

OSCE Chairperson Ann Linde did not see the accumulation of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine We did not see an excessive accumulation of Russian troops on the border between Ukraine and Russia. These observations were shared by the Chairperson of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde, reports TASS. “We must always keep our eyes open, but there are no signs that Russia is not going to comply their obligations, “Linde said. The Chairperson also noted that the Russian Armed Forces left some of the equipment and equipment near the Ukrainian border after the West-2021 exercise. However, it cannot be said that this is an unusually large number of weapons. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also observed that, according to his data, there are fewer Russian troops on the border than during the exercises. He also added that the situation on

“Russian Creative Week – Siberia” has begun in Russia

In Krasnoyarsk, they began to discuss the creative industries in Siberia In Krasnoyarsk, on November 26, the first regional forum “Russian Creative Week – Siberia” began. Representatives of business, government, development institutions and opinion leaders met at the Kamenka art residence to discuss the development of the region's creative economy. A plenary session “CREATIVE SPRINT SIBERIA: activating a new generation economy” was held during the week. The Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss noted that the Territory has serious potential for the development of the creative industry. “Now in this area we employ over 11 thousand people, about 5 thousand entrepreneurs and organizations. Most of them work in information technology, advertising, publishing, and fashion and design. We are proud of our designers who created the image of the 2019 Universiade. Talented and passionate people have opened an institute of gastronomy here. The place where we are now – Kamenka

Russia spoke about the meaning of the coup in Ukraine

Political scientist Zharikhin: Zelensky can justify the martial law regime with a coup to justify the introduction of martial law in the country, said political scientist, deputy director of the Institute of CIS Countries Vladimir Zharikhin. In a conversation with “Lenta.ru”, he suggested that the politician plans in this way to rally around himself the people who have turned their backs on the head of state. Zelensky said earlier that he had received information about the upcoming coup d'etat in Ukraine on December 1. Sly plan Zharikhin found the logic of the Ukrainian president's actions strange. According to him, in the event that reliable information is received about an impending coup d'état, there are arrests first, and only then there are speeches at press conferences. “Therefore, I can assume that this is another attempt by Zelensky to rally around himself an increasingly rejecting population. Apparently, the Russian threat is no