The U.S. Senate passed a bill on sanctions against Russia in the House of representatives

Us senators have fixed the technical issues in the bill to expand sanctions against Russia, which he could not get to the house of representatives. On Thursday, June 29, reports Reuters. June 20 Republicans in the lower house of Congress slowed down the document, sending it for consideration to the Committee on foreign Affairs. According to them, the bill in its current form violates the constitutional order, concerning questions of government revenues. Senator Ben Cardin said Thursday that the issue was resolved without significant amendments in the bill. According to the Agency, the document has been submitted to the house of representatives. 14 Jun 98 senators out of 100 voted for the extension of sanctions against Russia. In the event of approval, American companies and individuals will not be allowed to lend to Russian banks for longer than 14 days. It is also proposed to limit the terms of financing

Washington announced the appointment of trump and Putin

Donald trump and Herbert McMaster The US President Donald trump on the sidelines of the summit of “Big twenty” in Germany will meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. This was told to journalists a senior Advisor to the us leader’s national security, Herbert McMaster, reports Reuters. According to him, the agenda of the upcoming next week’s meeting of the two presidents has not been determined. Trump and Putin have not personally met, but called up a few times on the phone. Earlier on 29 June, the foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel expressed the hope that during the summit of “Big twenty” in Hamburg will be able to organize a meeting of presidents of Russia and the United States. Russian presidential aide Yuri Ushakov said that among the planned meetings between Putin at the summit includes the talks with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, the President of South Korea

The man tried to enter the crowd at the mosque in Paris

The man tried to enter by car into the crowd in front of a mosque near Paris. According to Reuters Thursday, June 29, as a result of incident nobody has suffered. The incident occurred in the city of Creteil 11 kilometers from the French capital. The guards explained that the attacker failed to put his plan into action because of the set front of the mosque of the barrier. The motives of the perpetrator is not yet established. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, citing its sources, he wanted to avenge the terrorist attacks in the Bataclan club in the Elysian fields. At the time of the incident he was not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. On 24 may, the President of France Emmanuel Makron decided to go to Parliament with a proposal to the next, the sixth renewal of a state of emergency (PE) in the country

The state Duma and Knesset condemned the demolition of monuments to Soviet soldiers in Europe

The state Duma and the Knesset of Israel will adopt a joint statement condemning the destruction of monuments to Soviet soldiers in Europe. This was reported on the official website of the lower house of the Russian Parliament following the meeting of Russian and Israeli speakers Vyacheslav Volodin, and Yuli Edelstein. Thursday, June 29, Volodin drew attention Edelstein, who is paying an official visit to Russia, the destruction in Europe of memorials to soldiers-liberators. “The chairmen of the parliaments considered adopted by the Polish Sejm amended the law, allowing to demolish the monuments to Soviet soldiers”, — stated in the message. “The speakers have agreed to prepare a joint statement condemning such actions”. A joint letter will be sent to the parliaments of the countries of Europe and inter-parliamentary organizations. “Our peoples have suffered most from fascism in the Second world war. Absolutely unacceptable cases of desecration of monuments to

The US demanded tighter security measures at Russian airports

The American government demanded tougher security measures during screening of passengers to airlines flying to the US from Moscow airports Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo. About the Agency TASS said the representative of the Ministry of internal security of the United States. Earlier, Reuters reported that airlines that do not meet the new security arrangements, U.S., may lose their flight certificates flights over the territory of the country. The head of the Ministry of internal security of the USA John Kelly has announced tighter controls on flights to the country from abroad. The new measures will affect passengers travelling to the United States of the 280 airports in 105 countries around the world. In particular, travellers, as well as electronic devices will be thoroughly tested. In addition, enhanced control measures will be introduced in the passenger terminal. Such initiative is explained by the growth of the terrorist threat. In March, the airline

In Venezuela found attacking the Supreme court helicopter

Venezuelan authorities found a police helicopter from which was fired at a building of the Supreme court in Caracas. About it reports TV channel Venezolana de Television. As explained Vice-President of the Republic Tareq al-Aissami (Tareck El Aissami), a helicopter found in Northern Vargas state near the coast. The culprit Oscar Perez is not caught. “We’re looking for terrorists,” said El-Aissami. Earlier on 28 June, the Minister of communication and information of Venezuela Ernesto Villegas said that the theft of the helicopter was associated with the CIA and the U.S. Embassy. Oscar Perez June 28, stole a police helicopter that fired 15 bullets at the Supreme court building and threw four grenades at him. With the aircraft he also waved a flag with the inscription “Freedom”. Perez announced the deployment of ground and air operations in the country with the aim to “return power to the people and to restore

In Corsica showed up “armed and dangerous” man

The police of the French Department of Upper Corsica urged residents of the commune of Feliceto not to leave the house because of the “armed and dangerous person.” On Thursday, June 29, according to Twitter office. According to the BFMTV, the search for the perpetrator, the guards caught the helicopter. The operation began on Thursday morning, after an attacker fired at a car carrying two tourists. In the car were a married couple, natives of the French Department of Pas-de-Calais. In the incident, 57-year-old man, who was driving, died. His wife was taken to hospital in a state of shock. The reasons why there was an attack on the travellers, is still unknown. However, according to Le Parisien, citing sources, shot in 2011 received a prison sentence for robbing a supermarket. After his release from prison, he was in depression and was observed in a psychiatric hospital.

Breivik has complained to Norway

Anders Breivik The organizer of a double bombing Anders Breivik, who is serving a sentence in a prison in Norway, has filed a complaint with the European court of human rights. About it reports Reuters. The offender complained about the conditions of detention. “The meaning of the complaints that we are displeased with an isolation level, which, moreover, lasts long enough” — said one of his lawyers øystein Storvik (Oeystein Storrvik). On 8 June the Norwegian Supreme court refused to consider the complaint of Breivik on the conditions of his detention in prison. Terrorist complained about being held in solitary confinement, he was not allowed to communicate with other prisoners. He called such treatment inhuman. In April 2016 the district court in Oslo found the complaint partially justified and gave him compensation, but in March 2017 court of Appeal Borgarting abolished it, believing that “single” is justified because Breivik did

The court in the Hague ruled in favor of Slovenia in the territorial dispute with Croatia

Slovenia gained the right of passage to international waters through the Croatian territorial waters in the Adriatic sea, and three-quarters of the area of the Piran Bay (which is part of the Gulf of Trieste). This decision was made on Thursday, June 29, the court of arbitration in the Hague, reports Reuters. According to the verdict, a corridor for Slovenian ships and aircraft will be able to move freely, there must be a width of about 2.5 nautical miles (4.63 kilometers). It is noted that Slovenia does not receive the territory into the property. Croatian authorities said they did not recognize the court’s decision. Two republics of the former Yugoslavia since 1991, debate on the division of the Piran Bay in the Northern part of the Adriatic sea. In particular, Zagreb demanded to deprive Slovenia direct access to neutral waters, while Ljubljana has succeeded in creating a special corridor. In

In the fall cab cable car in Pakistan killed 12 people

At least 12 people were killed and two others injured in result of falling of a cabin of the cable car in the region Galyat, located in the North of Pakistan. On Thursday, June 29, reported Geo TV citing rescuers. It is noted that the dead included four members of one family. According to eyewitnesses, the cause of the incident was a strong wind. Dead bodies handed over to relatives, the TV channel. It is reported that the cable car has set the locals without coordination with relevant agencies. It was used in order to get from one Pakistani village to another. On 25 June one of the cabins of the ropeway, a popular mountain resort in the North of India broke free and crashed to the ground. Seven people were killed, including a family with two children and their guide. It is reported that from-for a strong wind on