In Washington state, a train with 250 passengers derailed

In the U.S. state of Washington passenger train Amtrak derailed. About it reports CNN TV channel. As have told in rescue service, the incident occurred on the coast of the town of University place next to a Golf course chambers Bay. With derailed four cars of a train in which there were 250 passengers. The incident resulted in no injuries, with severe injuries the doctors did not. Rescuers said that no the car was not in the water. May 13, in Greece a train traveling from Athens to the second largest city of Thessaloniki, derailed, the locomotive crashed into a house. According to updated information, the train was 70 passengers and five staff members. According to specified data, two persons were lost, seven more got wounds. April 8 in Moscow, the trains crashed into commuter train. Injuries to 50 people. The emergencies Ministry said that hospitalization was required to 12

Unknown opened fire at a mosque in the French city of Avignon

Unknown persons in masks opened fire at a mosque in the city of Avignon in Southeast France. About this newspaper La Provence. Two men armed with a pistol and a rifle, got out of the car and started shooting at people leaving the mosque. In the result of incident eight people were injured, including a seven year old girl. The attackers managed to escape. Police have ruled out an act of terrorism. Allegedly, the incident occurred after a quarrel between young people, the newspaper writes. June 29, a man tried to enter by car into a crowd outside a mosque in créteil 11 kilometers from the French capital. The offender failed to realize his plan because of the set front of the mosque of the barrier. According to the newspaper Le Parisien, citing its sources, he wanted to avenge the terrorist acts in the club Bataclan in 2015 in the

Harvard astronomer recommended exoplanets for real estate investment

Head of Department of astronomy, Harvard University (USA) Abraham Loeb advised exoplanet to purchase the property. The scientist presented in the publication on the website “So I suggest to all their wealthy friends to buy property on Proxima b, because its price is likely to rise sharply in the future,” wrote a specialist in the field of theoretical astrophysics. According to Loeb, the parent exoplanets for Proxima b star, Proxima Centauri, and like him light “provide excellent prospects for life in the distant future, after the Sun dies and becomes a cold white dwarf.” Also the astronomer sees a potential for life system TRAPPIST-1. About the discovery of Proxima b, nearest to the Sun earth-like exoplanets, it became known on 24 August 2016. Around Proxima Centauri exoplanet rotates in a nearly circular orbit at a distance of 0.05 astronomical unit (7.5 million kilometers). Year on Proxima b lasts 11.2

German national team won the confederations Cup

Players of the German national team The German team defeated the team of Chile in the final of the confederations Cup and became the winner of the tournament. About it the correspondent “”. The meeting was held at the stadium “Saint Petersburg” on Sunday, July 2, and ended with the score 1:0 in favor of the Germans. The only goal in the 20th minute was scored by Germany striker Lars Stindl. Earlier on July 2 in the match for third place Portugal defeated the Mexicans in overtime. The main time ended in a draw 1:1. The Portuguese were saved thanks to a goal by Pepe in the 91st minute. At the 105th minute, the winning goal from penalty scored by andré Silva. The confederations Cup held in Russia from 17 June to 2 July. The matches took place in Moscow, Saint-Peterburg, Sochi and Kazan. The world Cup will be held

China called the entry of the US destroyer in the waters of the disputed Islands military provocation

USS Stethem The Chinese foreign Ministry expressed protest in connection with the entry of the US destroyer USS Stethem into the waters of disputed Islands, Xisha (Paracel Islands) in the South China sea, which Beijing claims as its. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a statement by Chinese foreign Ministry. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of China said that the actions of the US destroyer is a serious political and military provocation. It is also reported that warships and fighter jets of China issued a warning to the destroyer, sending him warships and fighter jets. The foreign Ministry stressed that the United States had flagrantly violated the sovereignty of China and international law. “US, hiding behind the banner of “freedom of navigation”, once again sent a military ship that illegally entered the waters of the Chinese Xisha Islands, violating China’s laws and relevant rules of international law, grossly violating China’s

Trump posted a video with the “beating” CNN

Donald Tramploline: CNN responded to trump posted a video with the “beating” channel The President of the United States Donald trump Sunday, 2 July, posted on his Twitter page to a video in which he beat a man with the head, closed with a logo of CNN. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 02 July 2017, 13:21 The action takes place near the Boxing ring. At the end of the 28-second clip in the lower right corner appears FNN News Network Fraud (“fraudulent news network”). It is the same font that is used in the original logo CNN (this abbreviation stands for Cable News Network, “cable news network”). The head of state has not accompanied his post with any explanation, except for the hashtag #FraudNewsCNN and #FNN. 1 Jul trump in his Twitter already offered to rename CNN, FNN. He has repeatedly accused several American media, including this channel, to spread

The media learned about preparing himataki militants in Idlib

The militants of the terrorist group “Jabhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia) are planning the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib. On Sunday, July 2, reported RIA Novosti source in the military-diplomatic circles. The message is marked from Moscow. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, the extremists intend to use the poison gas sarin in the city of Khan Shaykhun and Kefraya. Preparing for provocations allegedly being conducted in the village of al-Magar, also located in Idlib province. There is a warehouse with ammunition loaded with sarin, according to the source. He noted that the purpose of himataki is “discrediting the Syrian government and the failure of negotiations in Astana, scheduled for July 4-5”. The source also stressed that in preparing for the assault in addition to militants “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” involved foreign nationals, including from the United States and Turkey. Earlier, on 2 July the official representative of

Portugal took third place at the confederations Cup

Portugal defeated team Mexico in the match for third place at the confederations Cup in 2017. About it the correspondent “”. The meeting was held Sunday, July 2, in Moscow. The main time ended in a draw 1:1. On 16 minutes, goalkeeper of Mexico Guillermo Ochoa parried a penalty, which was appointed by the judge after watching the video replay. The Mexicans took the lead thanks to an own goal Neto (55-I minute). On the 91st minute, the Portuguese defender Pepe equalized. At 105 minutes, the Portuguese striker Andre Silva converted the spot-kick, proved decisive. The team finished the match in the parent compounds: in the 106th minute for a second yellow card was removed defender of the Portuguese Nelson Semed, at the 112th — Portugal forward Raul Jimenez. In the semifinals of the national team of Mexico lost to team Germany with the score 1:4. The Portuguese lost on

Zakharov told about the start of the propaganda campaign against Damascus

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova warned that the propaganda campaign against Damascus has been already launched. She wrote about this on his page in Facebook on Sunday, July 2. This was confirmed by the appearance of the video, allegedly confirming the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian authorities. Thus, according to her, such records will be many more. “These movies will be more, they will be different quality of execution and including a base, like this one, and Hollywood level. Fakes will be many planned large-scale campaign,” the diplomat said. To his post Zakharova attached a screenshot of the Twitter post, which stated that government forces used the poison gas chlorine in the Eastern suburbs of Damascus, injuring dozens of people. A message was posted on the microblog WorldOnAlert 1 July. — WorldOnAlert (@worldonalert) 02 Jul 2017, 02:11 At the same time the

The patient shot the psychiatrist in Croatia

Croatia On the Croatian island of RAB in the Adriatic sea the patient Srdjan Smojver (Srđan Smojver) shot from a Kalashnikov psychiatrist Sinisa Rakic (Siniše Rakića). On Sunday, July 2, the newspaper reports Jutarnji list. According to the information portal, the patient and the doctor lived in an apartment house in the village of Barbat. On Sunday morning, Smojver shot the psychiatrist. Wife Rakic managed to escape by jumping out of the Windows of the first floor. After that, Smojver barricaded himself in his apartment, threatening to blow. After that, as reported in the Ministry of internal Affairs, the suspect in 1969 opened fire on arrived on the scene to the police. Currently, the talks between him and the guards continue. Man persuaded to surrender. The reason why Smojver shot the psychiatrist, is still unknown. However, it is assumed that the murder could be committed due to a certain property