Russian diplomat found dead in Germany turns out to be the son of an FSB general

The Russian diplomat found dead near the embassy in Berlin turned out to be the son of an FSB general Russian diplomat Kirill Zhalo, found dead near the embassy the son of the head of the FSB department for the protection of the constitutional order, Lieutenant General Alexei Zhalo. This was announced by Kommersant. Previously, 35-year-old Sting fell from one of the upper floors of the embassy building on Behrenstrasse in the Mitte district of Berlin. The body of the diplomat was transferred to Russia, Moscow did not allow an autopsy to be carried out on the territory of Germany. An undercover FSB agent? Germany, the deceased son himself was considered an undercover FSB agent. ” This was reported by RBC. Related materials 00:01 – September 22 “Tired of the government and the people” Migrants, the crisis and Russian gas: what did Germany get over 16 years of Angela Merkel's

US Congress approves trillion dollar infrastructure development plan

US Congress Supports $ 1 Trillion Infrastructure Project US House of Representatives Supports $ 1 Trillion Infrastructure Plan … This is reported by TASS. The plan has already been agreed upon by the White House and a bipartisan group of senators, according to the results of the vote. The exact amount of spending on the bill could range from $ 550 billion to $ 1 trillion, it envisages the allocation of federal funds for infrastructure development over five years. It is also reported that the Democrats who control the House of Representatives were unable to pass 1.8 – a trillion-dollar bill to protect the environment, which turned out to be dissatisfied with a number of moderate Democrats. After this vote, Congress goes on vacation, the final fate of both bills will be decided later. Previously, former US President Donald Trump accused incumbent President Joe Biden of trying to bring the

In Germany, three people were stabbed in a train attack

Bild: in Germany, unidentified persons with a knife attacked train passengers, three people were wounded with a knife, three people were injured. This was reported by the newspaper Bild. According to the newspaper, the attack took place in the Upper Palatinate district of Bavaria, one of the suspects was arrested. Other media reported by TASS, report two victims. The motives of the attackers are unknown. Earlier it was reported that in Tokyo an unknown man attacked the passengers of the train, spilled flammable liquid and set it on fire. As a result, at least 15 people were injured, the attacker was detained.

The first country in the world introduced compulsory vaccination of children against COVID-19

Costa Rica was the first in the world to introduce mandatory vaccination of children from 5 to 11 years old from COVID-19 Costa Rica became the first in the world by a country that introduced compulsory COVID-19 vaccination for children from 5 to 11 years old. This is reported on the website of the local ministry of health. Related materials 00:01 – November 3 Friend or foe. Europe accepted millions refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to drive them out? 13:43 – November 1 Scientists have discovered a new cure for COVID-19 in the United States evaluated the effectiveness of 48 drugs to combat COVID-19 Vaccination for this age group will begin in March 2022. The relevant decree was issued by the National Commission on Vaccinations and Epidemiology “in accordance with the principle of the best interests of children and adolescents.” In October, the authorities announced

US reconnaissance vessel enters the Mediterranean

Interfax: American vessel with submarine tracking system entered the Mediterranean American vessel equipped with SURTASS-E , entered the Mediterranean Sea. This is reported by Interfax with reference to the international ship tracking system. It is noted that the operator of the vessel is a private company Hornbeck Offshore, which usually provides services for the oil and gas industry. Previously, she signed a contract with the US Navy for the provision of tracking services for potential enemy submarines. The total amount of the contract is about $ 40 million. On November 1, the flagship of the Sixth Fleet began passage to the Black Sea. Its task will be to coordinate the actions of the fleets of the United States and its NATO allies during joint military operations in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation assured that the Russian military would follow the actions

Eight people die in a stampede at a music festival

Reuters: stampede killed eight people at rapper Travis Scott concert in Texas at the Astroworld Music Festival in Houston, Texas (USA). This was announced by the head of the fire service Samuel Peña, reports Reuters. According to him, the incident took place at about nine o'clock in the evening on Friday, November 5. The spectators, who gathered for the performance of rapper Travis Scott, tried to push closer to the stage, panic began. The crush lasted about half an hour, people fainted, many were injured. 17 victims were hospitalized – 11 of them had cardiac arrest. Police noted that the exact reasons for the incident remain unknown and asked to refrain from speculation. Earlier it was reported that in the US state of Georgia, near the student campus of Fort Valley State University, there was a shooting. The incident happened during a party. As a result of the accident, one

Foreign Ministry urged to increase the number of employees of American consulates in Russia

Sergei Ryabkov: The United States needs to normalize consular and visa services in Russia Moscow called for an increase in the number of employees of American consulates in Russia. This was stated by the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov, his words are quoted by Interfax. Materials on the topic00: 02 – October 13 “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? 16:32 – June 17 So we talked. How will the meeting between Putin and Biden change relations between Russia and the United States? The diplomat explained that such a step is necessary in order to normalize visa services at US diplomatic missions in Russia. “There are opportunities for this,” he stressed. According to Ryabkov, Russia is open to any options for the mutual settlement of consular issues. He expressed the hope that the parties will be

American caught fire after being hit by a police stun gun

NBC News: Police accidentally set a man on fire in New York City, hitting him with a stun gun In Catskill, New York, USA ) the man caught fire after the police hit him with a stun gun. This was reported by the NBC News TV channel. According to the police, a man came to their police station and started a skirmish with the officers. It was previously established that he doused himself with disinfectant liquid. To neutralize the violator, law enforcement officers hit him with a stun gun, after which he caught fire. Now the victim is at the Westchester Medical Center in serious condition. NBC learned that the cops already knew the man. Details of the incident are being investigated. On November 6, it became known that three people were injured as a result of an attack by unknown assailants with a knife on a train in Germany.

China said the news about the infected with coronavirus products from Russia

Authorities in the Chinese province of Liaoning said the news on the supply infected with the coronavirus of seafood from Russia. About it reports TASS. According to Chinese authorities, in products imported from Russia, it is not revealed traces of coronavirus infection. In the warehouses of the Chinese importing company based in Dalian, there have been no cases of infection. This week in Liaoning province were registered with a local outbreak of the virus that has caused various speculations on this topic. Previously, China has officially published the data on the new coronavirus found on one of the markets of Beijing. China gave the available information on the genome of the virus the world health organization (who). Center for control and prevention of diseases of the country also shared information about the epidemiological situation in the market. On 15 June it became known that the new coronavirus found on the