Donbass explained the threat of a new exacerbation by Biden's rating

A deputy from Donbass linked the risk of aggravation in the region with the rating of US President Biden Biden. The United States is provoking Ukraine to start military action against the Donbass republics in order to divert the attention of the American public from domestic political problems. This opinion was expressed by the deputy of the People's Council of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Kurenkov, RIA Novosti reports. “These are the next geopolitical games in which Ukraine is used by its so-called Western partners. The United States has long introduced into traditional practice any of its internal political problems to be solved at the expense of third-party countries. This practice has been going on since the Vietnam War, “Kurenkov explained. Related materials 00:01 – April 16 ” We have nowhere retreat “DNR head Denis Pushilin – about the threat of a big war in Donbass and the protection

“Moldovagaz” did not find money to pay off debt to “Gazprom”

Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova Spinu: Moldovagaz has not found a solution for gas payments Energy company Moldovagaz has not found money yet to pay the debt to the Russian “Gazprom” in the amount of $ 74.2 million. The Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova Andrei Spinu wrote about this on his Facebook. He noted that the day before, on November 22, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of Moldovagaz took place, the topic of which was the debt accumulated by the energy company in October and November. Gazprom was supposed to receive payment before November 20 – this form of payment is included in the contract between Gazprom and Moldovagaz. After the meeting, the energy company received a notification about the need to pay the debt within 48 hours. “So far, Moldovagaz has not found a commercial solution to close the current debt,” wrote Andrei Spynu and explained that the

The man who died on the plane from Egypt was taken to Russia

S7: the body of the passenger who committed suicide on the plane from Egypt was delivered to Samara The men took al-Sheikh to Samara, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the S7 airline. It is noted that after an emergency landing in Cairo, doctors tried to save the passenger, but he died. According to the LIFE SHOT Telegram channel, the Egyptian police refused to leave the body in the country's capital. He was loaded into the luggage compartment of the same plane and taken to Russia. In Samara, the plane landed at 6:09 local time – five hours later than planned. Earlier it was. It is known that a 48-year-old auto mechanic who was resting in Egypt committed suicide in the toilet of the plane. Passengers who were in the airliner with the deceased said that during the flight the man behaved strangely and talked to himself.

An infectious disease specialist named the percentage of vaccinated people necessary to defeat COVID-19

Infectionist Malyshev: to defeat COVID-19, 90 percent of citizens need to be vaccinated “” the percentage of vaccinated people needed to defeat COVID-19. In order to establish this indicator, you need to pay attention to the experience of combating other infectious diseases, the infectious disease specialist noted. “In the mid-90s there was a rise in diphtheria, how did you manage to get out of it? Almost 90 percent were vaccinated. We must strive for this. It's like the horizon: we are approaching, and it goes further. So to avoid this, you need to climb higher, and for this you need to get more vaccinated, “Malyshev said. The infectious disease specialist also noted that at the current rate of vaccination, a further increase in the number of COVID-19 cases is possible. “We see that in countries where 60-70 percent are already vaccinated, but there remains a fairly significant layer of people

Loser Emelianenko American disappointed in MMA

American MMA fighter Quinton Jackson will change sport after a fight with Emelianenko American mixed style fighter (MMA) Quinton Jackson try yourself in other martial arts. This is reported by MMA Junkie. The 43-year-old American, who lost to Russian heavyweight Fedor Emelianenko in his last fight, will end his MMA career. Jackson admitted that he was disappointed in this sport and intends to try himself outside the cage. In particular, he is considering participating in fights according to the rules of boxing. Jackson is looking forward to a fight with a famous boxer. We are talking about a possible confrontation with the veteran Shannon Briggs. The fight with the former world heavyweight champion is planned under the Thriller banner. Jackson's last MMA fight was at the Bellator tournament in Japan, which took place in December 2019. Then the American lost to Emelianenko by knockout in the first round. Jackson has

Nazarbayev will give President Tokayev the post of leader of the ruling party

Nazarbayev decided to transfer the powers of the chairman of the Nur Otan party to President Tokayev the post of leader of the ruling Nur Otan party. This was announced on Twitter by Nazarbayev's press secretary Aidos Ukibay. “During an expanded meeting of the political council, Nursultan Nazarbayev decided to transfer the powers of the chairman of the Nur Otan party, stressing that the party should be headed by the country's president. The procedure for the transfer of powers will be carried out in accordance with the party's charter, “Ukibay said. Nursultan Nazarbayev resigned as president of Kazakhstan in March 2019, having been in power for almost 30 years. He bears the title of the leader of the nation (Elbasy), and also remains the life-long head of the Security Council. In April 2021, Nazarbayev decided to transfer the life-long post of head of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan

The most popular stars at New Year's corporate parties in 2021 have been named

The concert director listed the most popular stars at New Year's corporate parties of the year. His words are quoted by RBC. The most popular celebrities were Leonid Agutin, Svetlana Loboda, Valery Meladze, Zivert, the Bi-2 group, Grigory Leps, Vera Brezhneva, Nikolai Baskov, Dima Bilan, Philip Kirkorov, Polina Gagarina and rapper Basta. It is noted that their fees for corporate events and the number of orders have not decreased since the beginning of the pandemic. Shahidi said that the stars have already scheduled two or three New Year's performances per evening. The same material reported that since the beginning of the pandemic, artists have increased the prices for New Year's corporate parties by one and a half to two times. On holidays in 2021, the average celebrity fee ranges from 1.5 to 2 million rubles.

Filler went down to blogger's chin after failed lip augmentation

Hyaluronic acid went beyond the contours of Ruzanna Smbatyan's mouth and moved to the chin The Sun journalists drew attention to the video published on TikTok. In the footage posted on the network, Ruzanna Smbatyan explained that after lip augmentation, fillers can move to other parts of the face. So, she demonstrated that hyaluronic acid went beyond the contours of her mouth and partially descended into her chin. The post went viral and got 1.1 million views and 63.8 thousand likes. Netizens were scared by the blogger's video. “Okay, you convinced me not to have lip augmentation”, “God, I just signed up for lip augmentation. Now I am canceling the recording. Thanks for showing us this! I never knew about this before. “,” I really hope that soon the era of artificial lips will end and people will return to their natural appearance, because nine out of ten people look

The creator of “Sputnik V” spoke about the childhood vaccination against COVID-19

Head of the Gamaleya Center Gunzburg: the COVID-19 vaccine should be added to the national calendar Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Alexander Gintsburg spoke about the COVID-19 vaccination for children. His words are quoted by In his opinion, the coronavirus vaccine should be included in the national vaccination schedule. “How does the coronavirus vaccine differ in terms of ethics and safety from other vaccinations? Our institute produces not only a vaccine against COVID-19, but also a vaccine against tuberculosis – BCG, which is used for two-day-old children, ”said Gunzburg. noting that it is not clear to him why the vaccine against coronavirus caused a resonant discussion. In addition, he said that the vaccine is safe even for children with low immunity. When asked about parents' concerns about the insufficient study of the drug, Gunzburg replied that the vaccine has been studied quite well by the adult