The secret of the contents of the personal safe of Elizabeth II has been revealed

Representative of Elizabeth II Macfarlane: the wills of her family members are kept in the Queen's safe People have revealed the secret of the contents of her tightly guarded safe. According to McFarlane, the safe, which is restricted to a narrow circle of members of the royal family, contains officially certified wills – both of the Queen and her relatives. The vault contains over 30 documents in sealed envelopes. After the death of a member of the Windsor family, his will will become public, and the envelope with it will no longer be kept in the safe. In September, Elizabeth II became a great-grandmother for the 12th time. Princess Beatrice of York, 33, ranked ninth in the line of succession to the British throne, gave birth to her daughter on Saturday 18 September. The girl, weighing 2.77 kilograms, was born at 11:42 pm in a London hospital. She became 11th

Shukshina spoke about an attempt to contact the doctor who invited her to the “red zone”

Actress Shukshina tried to contact one of the doctors after being invited to the “red zone” of the doctors who signed an open letter inviting famous anti-Axis to the “red zones”. She announced this in her Telegram channel. According to Shukshina, she turned to the head physician of the Botkin hospital in St. Petersburg Denis Gusev, who, along with other Russian doctors, signed an open letter to anti-vaccinations … Having called him at the reception, she was told that all the managers were busy, so she had to wait. “It seemed that the phone was designed to accept orders for paid services. When they answered me, she asked if it was really the chief doctor's office. They answered me in the affirmative and asked about what issue I was calling, “she said. After the artist announced her intention to talk to the head doctor about the proposal to visit the”

Russians with high cholesterol were given advice on healthy eating

Nutritionist Bukin: if you have high cholesterol, you can't eat fatty meat, oils and egg yolks named foods that should be avoided and which should be paid attention to people with high cholesterol levels in the body. She noted that contrary to common misconceptions, cholesterol is found not only in the human body, but also in food: in the liver, brain, kidneys, meat, whole milk and other foods. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy person should consume no more than 300 mg of cholesterol-containing foods per day, and a patient with high levels should consume less than 200 mg per day. Otherwise, the risk of strokes, heart attacks and other serious heart problems increases. The doctor recommends focusing on fish, poultry and legumes in the diet. At the same time, in any case, it is worth removing fat from lean meats, and skin from

Pushkov reacted to the cancellation of Morgenstern's concerts after Bastrykin's statement

Pushkov on the cancellation of Morgenstern's concerts: Bastrykin should be grateful at least for this Member of the Federation Council Alexey Pushkov reacted to the cancellation of Morgenstern's concerts (Alisher Morgenstern) after the statement of the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia (SK) Alexander Bastrykin that the singer is engaged in drug trafficking through social networks. The senator spoke on his Telegram channel. “Bastrykin should be thanked at least for this. Now you can place bets – in how many months the singer will run out of money in his mouth and he will ask to return to his homeland. For no one else in the world needs his “work” … not even starlings, ”he wrote. that the artist is selling drugs on social networks. The musician's lawyer Sergei Zhorin said that he fears pressure from law enforcement officers on his client after Bastrykin's speech.

Japan allowed the possibility of preemptive strikes on enemy bases

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida allowed the possibility of preemptive strikes against enemy bases Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida allowed the possibility of using preventive strikes against enemy bases as a defensive measure. This is reported by TASS. As the head of the Japanese government said, speaking to the military in the Asaka camp of the country's ground self-defense forces, Tokyo will consider all the options necessary to strengthen its defense capabilities. In addition In addition, Kishida also raised the DPRK issue, stressing that Pyongyang's continued development of missile technology, including the development of its supersonic weapons, should not be overlooked.

The endocrinologist named the external signs of the onset of diabetes

Endocrinologist Syurashkina: the symptoms of onset diabetes can be determined by the skin on the palms This was reported by endocrinologist Elena Syurashkina, Channel Five reports. According to the doctor, at a dangerous level of sugar in the blood, the skin of the hands becomes thicker, and the flexion function of the hands is impaired. Stiff hand syndrome can affect up to 30 percent of people with diabetes, the doctor said. Numbness in the hands is another sign. Diabetics are often unable to fully extend the palm so that the fingers become straight. A syndrome occurs from the little finger, passing to the thumb. First, numbness or tingling is felt, then stiffness sets in. If the fingers do not touch each other when the palms are folded together, this may indicate a deterioration in blood supply, which led to a change in the conduction of nerve impulses. Previously, scientists at

Rostekhnadzor denies gas problems at Listvyazhnaya mine

Rostekhnadzor inspector on the explosion at the Listvyazhnaya mine: there were no violations with gas for a long time about problems with gas and violations in the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass, where 51 people died as a result of a gas explosion. He told REN TV about this. According to him, there have been no violations related to gas in the mine for a very long time. “Nobody was there for a day. On the 18th, the inspectors were there and on the 11th, the last time they were in this face, where the explosion took place. 139 violations – this was revealed within a year, and not eliminated in a day. On that day, there were only 11 or 12 violations, they immediately eliminated them. They had nothing to do with the accident at all, there were transport violations. And this is gas, “Trockman explained. He added that the

In Germany, they started talking about the possibility of launching Nord Stream 2 without certification

Handelsblatt: Nord Stream 2 may start operating before official certification Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline under certain circumstances can start working without waiting for the completion of the certification process. This conclusion was reached by the authors of an article published in the German newspaper Handelsblatt. They recalled that in the past, similar situations, when pipelines were put into operation before they were certified, had already happened. In particular, we are talking about the German projects NEL and EGL 401. The authors admit that in this case they will have to pay a fine, however, according to the estimates of the German Federal Network Agency (BNA), its amount is no more than one million euros. This amount looks reasonable. Investments in the construction of Nord Stream 2 are no less than ten billion euros Handelsblatt The authors of the article believe that such a scenario may seem “tempting” to

Man attempting to enter a military facility in the United States with a knife was shot

CNN: Man with a knife tried to enter a military facility in San Diego, was shot and killed Unidentified man in the United States tried to enter with a knife entered the US Marine Corps recruit training facility in San Diego, California, and was shot. This was reported by CNN with reference to a representative of a military facility. A man drove up in a car to the checkpoint. The guards ordered him to stop, but the driver got out of the car with a knife in his hands and headed in their direction with “hostile intentions.” After several warnings, the guards opened fire, and the unknown died on the spot. The US Navy Investigation Department is investigating. In March, US intelligence reported that the Iranian military was discussing an attack on the US military base at Fort McNair in Washington. This intelligence became known from intercepted negotiations between the

Russians were given tips on driving in winter

Izvestia: the peak of accidents on roads in winter falls on the interval from 18:00 to 21:00 winter time falls between 18:00 and 21:00 due to high workload and poor visibility. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to experts. “You can't think of anything worse for the correct perception of the road and road users than white snow and twilight,” said master of sports in rally and automobile expert Yegor Vasiliev. According to him, in order to maintain control over the situation and see as much as possible, glasses with yellow filters should be used. He noted that they significantly increase the contrast of the perception of the picture. The USSR champion in auto racing and the author of numerous books on driving, Mikhail Gorbachev, in turn, advised to check the grip under the wheels. “While driving in a straight line, lightly press the brake pedal, of course, making