Makhachev got a new rival in the UFC

Russian UFC fighter Islam Makhachev will fight Beneil Dariush championship (UFC). This is reported by ESPN MMA. 30-year-old Russian athlete will fight with American Beneil Dariush. Their rivalry is set to lead the UFC on February 26th. Both fighters have already agreed to hold the fight. The UFC has not yet announced the place where the event will take place. On October 30, at the UFC tournament in Abu Dhabi, Makhachev defeated New Zealander Dan Hooker. After the triumph, the Russian fighter announced his readiness to fight for the lightweight title. The current belt holder is Brazilian Charles Oliveira. Makhachev confidently performs under the auspices of the UFC. He demonstrates a series of nine victorious fights. The only defeat in the framework of the promotion he suffered in October 2015, losing to the Brazilian Adrian Martins. Makhachev is an ally of the former UFC champion Khabib Nurmagomedov. He also trains

Rally held in Armenia demanding Pashinyan's resignation

The talks in Sochi sparked a protest in Armenia demanding the removal of Pashinyan and Sargsyan Pashinyan and Armenian President Armen Sargsyan. Representatives of the “Liberation Movement” organization demanded to replace the current political leadership of the country. This is reported by Sputnik. “We call to unite not around us, but around the demands that we have voiced. Let's jointly demand the resignation of these two persons (the President and the Prime Minister of Armenia – comment of ), ”said the representative of the movement, former chairman of the Chamber of Lawyers Ara Zohrabyan. Zohrabyan does not conciliatoryly share the policy of Pashinyan and Sargsyan and is convinced that all the “misadventures” of the Armenian people are the result of the retreat of the Armenians from the three fundamental institutions of society: the church, the family and the army. Zohrabyan called on those present to return to the street

The bodies of five more dead at the Listvyazhnaya mine were recovered

The bodies of five miners were raised at the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region the bodies of five more victims, TASS reports with reference to the press service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. It is noted that all those raised during the rescue operations are dead miners. In total, after the accident at the mine, the bodies of 11 victims have so far been raised, three of them are rescuers. On November 26, the bodies of six victims of the explosion were raised – three miners and three rescuers. The names of all of them have already been established. Methane explosions at the Listvyazhnaya mine took place on the morning of November 25. 51 people were killed, 63 were injured. Among the dead were both miners and rescuers who went to rescue them. A criminal case was initiated, five suspects, including the director of the mine, were arrested for

Russian biathlete mixed up the finish and lost a medal at the World Cup race

Russian biathlete Eduard Latypov mixed up the finish flaps at the World Cup race World Cup and lost the chance to win a medal. This was reported by the correspondent. The 27-year-old athlete confused the finish lines on the last lap. Instead of the finish line, Latypov went to the firing line. Due to a mistake, he lost time and lost chances for medals in the race. As a result, he took seventh place. The first place was taken by the representative of Norway Sturla Holm Legrade. Second place went to his compatriot Tarja Be, who made two mistakes in shooting. The third place was taken by the Frenchman Simon Destier. The World Cup stage is held in Ostersund, Sweden. According to the results of the World Cup last season, Latypov took 18th place in the overall standings.

Veteran blogger who retired at the stand with a picture of a veteran was taken into custody

A Moscow blogger who relieved his need on a stand with a photo of a veteran was arrested until January 25 in the Izmailovo district, a stand with a photograph of a veteran was arrested. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the capital's prosecutor's office. “Taking into account the position of the prosecutor's office, the Izmaylovsky District Court has chosen a preventive measure against the 19-year-old accused in the form of detention until January 25, 2022,” publications. The fact that the Muscovite has relieved himself in the photo of the veteran Anatoly Frolov, it became known on November 25. The user under the nickname ogm4tt_aka_bamperone posted the video in Stories on his Instagram page. After a while, he deleted the video. The young man's account is filled with pictures of him behind bars. After the video was published, he was detained in St. Petersburg. Having learned about the

In the UK, two cases of infection with a new strain of coronavirus detected

Head of the UK Ministry of Health: two cases of infection with the omicron strain cases of infection with a new strain of coronavirus omicron. This is reported by Sky News. According to him, cases of infection were recorded in Chelmsford and Nottingham. It is planned to conduct targeted testing there. It is clarified that the infected are now in self-isolation with their household members. The authorities are finding out with whom the sick were in contact and contacting possible infected. Earlier it was reported that a new strain of the omicron coronavirus was most likely identified in Germany. Presumably, a citizen who recently returned from a trip to South Africa was infected with the African strain. The first cases of infection with the new variant became known on November 24. Then there were reports of dozens of people infected in South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong. British scientists suggested

Refugees complained about violence by Belarusian security forces

Human Rights Watch: Belarusian security forces woke up migrants with kicks and drove them to the border Belarusian-Polish border. Victims' accounts are featured in a 26-page report from Human Rights Watch. One of the refugees, a 14-year-old girl, revealed details of an overnight stay near the border area. “In the morning, Belarusian border guards woke us up with kicks. They kicked the fire, too, and it ignited my sleeping bag. I was badly burned, ”said the victim. The authors of the report claim that they themselves saw burns on the girl's foot and lower leg. “They grabbed me and other family members and dragged me to the place at the border, where they left them,” she complained, describing the actions of the Belarusian security forces. Related materials 15: 25-19 November Border stand. Migrants on the border of Poland and Belarus – about a breakthrough to Europe, life in a camp

Akhmat beat Rostov in the RPL match

Akhmat defeated Rostov in the match of the 16th round of the Russian Premier League (RPL) Akhmat Grozny defeated Rostov in the match of the 16th round of the Russian Premier League (RPL). This was reported by the correspondent. The meeting took place in Grozny. Footballers of “Akhmat” sent two unanswered goals to the opponents' goal. First, in the 27th minute, Artem Polyarus scored, who managed to convert the penalty. Already in the second half at the 76th minute, Senin Sebay doubled the hosts' lead and allowed his team to beat the rivals with a score of 2: 0. assets scored 24 points. Lokomotiv, which is in fourth place, has 25 points. Ural and Sochi also met in the 16th round. The match ended in a draw. On November 20, Akhmat's footballers managed to defeat Lokomotiv. Andrey Talalaev's team outplayed their opponents 2: 1 away.

Russians were taught to choose apples

Rospotrebnadzor advised to pay attention to the apple peel Russians were encouraged to pay attention to the type of product and its peel. Representative of the department Ekaterina Golovkova shared her advice in an interview with KP.RU. According to the expert, buyers must decide why they buy apples – to eat them raw or use them in desserts as a filling. For the first purpose, you need to choose fresh and ripe fruits, and for the second – soft and overripe. You need to choose strong fruits without dark spots, dots and dents. Otherwise, the apple may be stale. “Although, unattractive domestic wild apples, with some bruises and imperfect surface in taste, often turn out to be bright, and in terms of the content of vitamins they are ahead of selection fruits,” Golovkova noted. The specialist advised not to buy apples on the peel of which you can feel sticky

Former Prime Minister of Lithuania spoke about the timing of the accession to the EU of post-Soviet countries

Former Prime Minister of Lithuania Kubilius: Ukraine and Georgia will be able to join the EU no earlier than 2040 Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova will be able to become members European Union (EU) no earlier than 2040. Former Prime Minister of Lithuania, Member of the European Parliament Andrius Kubilius told lrytas about the timing of the accession of the post-Soviet countries to the EU. Materials on the topic 00:01 – March 1 ” They have their own interests and goals “Protests gripped Georgia again. After the arrest of the opposition leader, his supporters demand a change of power 00:03 – 4 September “Ukraine will remain an outpost of the West” How the meeting between Zelensky and Biden will change Ukrainian politics and how it threatens Russia According to the politician, if the European Union does not change its guidelines for expanding the community, Kiev, Tbilisi and Chisinau should not expect