Russian who entered the covid hospital disguised as a doctor left the country

Russian Sergei Samborsky, who was caring for his grandmother in a covid hospital, left for Tbilisi Russian Sergei Samborsky, under the guise of a doctor hospital in Tomsk and looked after his grandmother, left the country. He reported this to The Insider (included by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the list of foreign agents) . According to Samborsky, he stopped feeling safe in Russia and left for Tbilisi. Earlier, Samborsky said that an information war was launched against him. He could not fly from Moscow back to Tomsk, because he knew that upon arrival he was planned to be removed from the plane. At the end of October, an 84-year-old patient died in the intensive care unit of the respiratory hospital at the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 2 in Tomsk. The doctors named the cause of death as coronavirus, pneumonia, acute cardiovascular and respiratory failure. The grandson

Czech President appoints new prime minister

Czech President Milos Zeman has appointed Petr Fiala as the new prime minister Czech President Milos Zeman has appointed a new head of the country's government. This was reported by RIA Novosti. Petr Fiala, leader of the liberal coalition “Together”, which won the parliamentary elections on October 8-9, became him. During the ceremony, he was separated from the rest of the participants in a special wall, while maintaining visual and sound contact between them. All those present were wearing respirators. Earlier, Zeman accepted the resignation of the Conservative government under the leadership of the Prime Minister of the Republic Andrei Babish. The resignation was due to the election victory of the liberal coalition, which is to form a new cabinet. At the same time, Zeman asked the members of the current cabinet to fulfill their duties until the approval of the new list of government members. On October 9, the

Poroshenko spoke about the trap prepared in Belarus for Ukraine

Poroshenko: Belarus will stop supplying electricity to Ukraine at minus 15 Former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that Minsk prepared a trap for Kiev. This was announced on Sunday, November 28, by Obozrevatel. “We emphasize that the purchase of electricity from Belarus is a trap. You will see: Belarus will stop supplying us with electricity at a temperature of minus 15–20. So that right now, having hooked us on a needle, hitting, so that it would be even more painful, “Poroshenko said. Earlier, the Ministry of Energy of Belarus confirmed that it was resuming the supply of electricity to Ukraine in accordance with the contract signed for November. On November 17, it was reported that the supply of Belarusian electricity to Ukraine stopped immediately after the emergency shutdown of the unit of the Belarusian NPP. Energy imports were needed by Kiev due to the growing energy crisis. In the

Russian Ambassador to London worries about the deployment of British troops in Germany

Ambassador Kelin: NATO troops near the border with Russia are not helping to ease tensions troops in Germany will not help ease the current military tensions between the two countries. He expressed his concern on Times Radio, as quoted by RIA Novosti. Kelin noted another ten-year movement of British troops closer to the NATO-Russia border and called this decision in line with the Western policy of recent years. The Ambassador in London recalled the recent NATO exercises in the Black and Baltic Seas, as well as the summer incident with the British destroyer Defender, which passed near Crimea. On November 25, it was reported that the UK decided to increase its global military presence in the world. In addition to Germany, the British are planning to deploy their troops in Kenya and Oman. London intends to significantly increase military spending.

Putin expressed condolences to the Gradsky family

President Putin expressed his condolences to the family of the deceased singer Gradsky Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram to the family of the deceased singer Alexander Gradsky. This was reported by RIA Novosti. In it, he expressed deep condolences to the artist's relatives. Earlier it was reported that Gradsky could be buried at the Kuzminskoye cemetery next to his parents. Shortly before the death of the singer and composer, a large number of antibodies to coronavirus were found in his blood. After Gradsky suffered COVID-19, he began to complain of pain in his legs and practically did not get up. The death of the musician became known on Sunday, November 28. Doctors took Gradsky to the hospital with suspected stroke. The coronavirus infection he suffered in September led to a deterioration in his health.

Doctors call atypical symptoms of the omicron-strain of coronavirus

Doctors from South Africa: when infected with the omicron strain COVID-19, the sense of smell and taste does not disappear – strain of coronavirus. They are listed by SM-News. Experts note that when infected with a new variant of COVID-19, the sense of smell and taste does not disappear, only an increase in temperature and loss of strength is noted. In addition, the majority patients also recorded a rapid pulse. Doctors note that the omicron strain is primarily spreading among young people. Earlier, doctors from South Africa expressed concern about the rapid spread of omicron among young people. According to them, this is the most vulnerable group of the population for the strain. People aged 20-30 are admitted to hospitals, 65 percent unvaccinated. A new strain of coronavirus, code B.1.1.529, was detected in South Africa on November 11. The first confirmed cases of infection date from November 24. The strain

The preliminary date and place of farewell to Alexander Gradsky have become known

Representative of the Gradsky Hall theater: farewell to Gradsky is scheduled for December 1 The preliminary date and place of farewell to the singer and composer Alexander Gradsky. TASS writes about this with reference to a representative of the Gradsky Hall Theater. According to him, the farewell ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, December 1, and will take place at the Gradsky Hall Theater. Details will be specified later. The Moscow Theater and Concert Musical Association under the direction of Alexander Gradsky, or Gradsky Hall, opened on September 4, 2015. Among the guests of the theater were the winners and finalists of the vocal project “Voice”, one of whose mentors was the composer. Earlier it was reported that colleagues of Gradsky, who died on November 28, spoke about the musician's last days. According to a StarHit source on the set, the artist continued to work on The Voice despite not feeling

The families of those killed at Listvyazhnaya began to receive compensation

Families of 27 victims and 60 injured at the Listvyazhnaya mine in Kuzbass received payments in the Kemerovo region received payments, TASS reports the words of the governor of the region, Sergei Tsivilev. According to him, the families of 27 victims, as well as 60 victims, have received compensation so far. Payments began to come from the budgets of Kuzbass and the Belovsky district, where the mine is located. Tsivilev noted that the relatives of the victims will receive 250 thousand rubles each, those who are in hospitals – 150 thousand each, those treated on an outpatient basis – 75 thousand. Also, according to TASS, the Siberian Business Union (SDS) group of companies will pay the families of the victims two million rubles each and one million each to their close relatives. In addition, the SDS is going to pay off loans to the families of the victims and purchase

A mining farm was discovered in the mountains of Dagestan

In the mountains of Dagestan, they discovered a large farm for the production of cryptocurrency In the mountains of Dagestan, a large mining farm for the production of cryptocurrency was discovered. This is reported by the Central News Service. The name of the owner of the farm is unknown, and there is no data on the company's income. Investigators are finding out the information. Earlier it was reported that an American student took part in the construction of a mining farm and became rich. Nick Sears, at the age of 17, joined SCATE Ventures in Dullesport, Washington, making a dramatic difference in his life.

An agreed picket against QR codes was held in Yekaterinburg

A picket was held in Yekaterinburg against the introduction of QR codes in public transport … This was reported by RIA Novosti. The picket participants oppose the introduction of QR codes on vaccinations for using public transport. The action gathered about 100 people. It was organized by a public organization of parents. The event passed calmly. Earlier, the Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Pavel Krekov said that the region is working on the introduction of QR codes in public transport. He explained that the authorities of the Russian region will study the experience of Tatarstan, which was the first in Russia to introduce digital documents for access to transport. For this, a special working group will be sent to the republic, consisting of employees of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Transport.