Weapons specialist compared Russian and Ukrainian armies

Alexey Leonkov compared the Russian and Ukrainian armies and called the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine vile people The quality of weapons and military equipment in Russia is much higher than in Ukraine, says a military expert, weapons specialist Alexei Leonkov. In a conversation with “Lenta.ru”, he added that the personal qualities of servicemen are also of great importance: not a single Armed Forces officer, according to him, is distinguished by courage. According to Leonkov, these are vile people. Reserve Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Pyotr Nedzelsky previously predicted the Russian army “flight” at the first sign of a collision. According to him, if the Russian military receives a response from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they will “run away.” He also noted that Russia is allegedly waging a “war of conquest,” and Ukraine “defends its home.” “Vile people” “If we compare the quality of

A pelican that fell from the sky left a Russian village without light

In the Novosibirsk region, a seriously wounded pelican fell from the sky into the yard of one of the residents from the inhabitants from the sky fell a pelican. He touched the power line and left the settlement without light. Sibkrai.ru informs about it. Materials on the topic00: 02 – April 4, 2018 Found a switchmanPeople shoot and butcher animals in front of their eyes in children. They can get away with everything 20:37 – 13 February 2014 The tragedy of an extra animal that in mid-November a seriously wounded pelican literally fell from the sky into the courtyard of one of the village houses. Concerned about the state of the bird, people brought the Red Book pelican to the veterinary department of the Ubinsky district. Doctors provided the animal with the necessary assistance, but the injuries turned out to be incompatible with life, and the pelican soon died. According

MSU professor compared the danger of the omicron strain and the delta variant

Professor of Moscow State University Agranovsky: the omicron-strain of coronavirus may be milder than the delta-variant Omicron-strain of the Worldwide Organization Health (WHO), is classified as “of concern”, but there is currently no evidence that it can supplant the delta option. This was stated by Alexei Agranovsky, professor of the Department of Virology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, on the air of KP radio. Comparing the danger of coronavirus variants, the specialist said that at the moment the delta strain dominates the world the omicron strain is more deadly, no. “Of the dozens of clinical cases that have so far been described, not a single death has been registered,” said Agranovsky. Perhaps the omicron strain will be a milder version of the coronavirus, but this needs to be confirmed by research, the professor concluded. Earlier, the head of the laboratory of mechanisms of population variability of pathogenic microorganisms of

Relatives poisoned a Moscow policeman with his wife with thallium

REN TV: relatives suspected of poisoning an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his wife in Moscow The Ministry of Internal Affairs and his wife suspected relatives. This is reported by REN TV. After the hospitalization of a 30-year-old Muscovite, doctors have found traces of a deadly poison in her body. Her husband, who works in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was also examined. Thallium was also found on him. The victim's sister may be involved in their poisoning. Women and their husbands live in the same communal apartment. A long-standing housing dispute is brewing between the two families. Experts are examining the victim's apartment and car for the presence of poison.

14-year-old Russian schoolgirl was hospitalized after being raped

A Russian suspect in the rape of a 14-year-old schoolgirl was detained in Moscow A 44-year-old Russian was detained in Moscow. On Monday, November 29, REN TV reports. According to the newspaper, the pedophile communicated with the girl in one of the social networks and once offered to meet. After a walk, he lured the schoolgirl home and raped her there, and then released his victim. Once on the street, she turned to passers-by for help, who called an ambulance for her. After examining the schoolgirl, the doctors hospitalized her and reported the incident to the police. Investigators conduct investigative actions with the suspect, find out all the circumstances of the incident, check his involvement in other similar crimes. November 26 in A man who attacked a schoolgirl in an elevator at a house on Kantemirovskaya Street was detained in Moscow; he turned out to be a pedophile-recidivist, recently released

Blogger Khovansky answered the leader of the “Male State” and remembered Jesus

Khovansky responded to the letter of the leader of the “Male State” Pozdnyakov with words about Christ blogger Yuri Khovansky responded to a letter from the leader of the “Male State” ( recognized as extremist and prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation ) Vladislav Pozdnyakov, recalling Jesus Christ. The fact of communication with Znak.com was confirmed by the girl of the blogger who is in jail, Maria Nelyubova. “I understand that you have suffered a lot in your life, and you did not have friends. I myself was bullied at school. I understand you, but there is one guy who is ready to be friends even with you – his name is Jesus, ”the blogger wrote in a response letter. Khovansky added that sooner or later the leader of the banned movement “will get tired of living with hatred alone,” and then Christ will be happy to accept

Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a sequel

CD Projekt RED will release the sequel to The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 CD Projekt RED intends to release the sequel to the universes of The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077. This is reported by the Polish edition Rzeczpospolita. In a conversation with media representatives, the head of the studio, Adam Kiciński, said that the company intends to develop its two most important franchises. When asked by journalists about whether CD Projekt RED will work on the release of new projects next year, Kicinski answered evasively. “We are currently focused on two of our franchises,” said the head of the Polish studio, referring to The Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077. According to Adam Kicinski, the studio plans to start work on new AAA projects in 2022 year. Thus, it is expected that “The Witcher” and Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a sequel. Whether these will be full-fledged games and additions, Kichinski did not

In Spain announced a large-scale sale of housing

Solvia will sell 1.4 thousand real estate properties in Spain with discounts – Solvia sells about 1.4 thousand apartments, garages and other premises with significant discounts, according to the Russian-language portal about life in Spain Noticia.ru. The average total cost of objects for sale is 87 thousand euros, the average area is 110 square meters. Housing within the announced campaign is sold at an average price of 791 euros per square meter. Most of the objects are offered in Valencia and Catalonia. Apartments in Andalusia, Madrid, Murcia, Galicia, the Canary Islands and other regions are also available to those who wish. In addition, Solvia sells garages, office and warehouse space, and land. So, an 18-meter garage with a discount can be purchased for 7.4 thousand euros, a land plot – for 132.5 thousand euros. Previously, the minimum cost of housing in the Russian city of Spain – Torrevieja was announced.

Saakashvili refused to recognize Georgian justice

Former President of Georgia Saakashvili: I do not recognize Georgian justice Former President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili refused to recognize justice in a Georgian court. According to Saakashvili, everything that happens during the trial is planned in advance. The defendant's words are reported by TASS. “I do not admit the accusation of the prosecutor’s office and the Georgian justice. I am not here to be a part of a comedy already written in advance, “Saakashvili addressed the panel of judges of the Tbilisi City Court. Saakashvili was taken to court on the morning of November 29. A panel of judges is hearing the case of the brutal crackdown on the November 7, 2007 rally. The former president is accused of involvement in the violent actions of the police and special services, as a result of which hundreds of demonstrators were hospitalized with moderate and severe injuries. Saakashvili's supporters gathered outside

Panarin spoke about the requirements of the new coaching staff of the Russian national team

Panarin about the requirements of the national team's coaching staff: it was reported that you need to play for your homeland New York Rangers forward Artemy Panarin told meeting with the new coaching staff of the Russian national hockey team. This is reported by RIA Novosti. According to the striker, in October he talked with the team's head coach Alexei Zhamnov, his assistant Sergei Gonchar and the manager for relations with the players of the National Hockey League (NHL) Ilya Kovalchuk. Panarin noted that the experts revealed the requirements for the players of the national team. “It was reported that you need to play not for yourself, but for your homeland. So that everyone, regardless of their position in the team, does their job one hundred percent, ”said the player. Panarin added that the coaches called an unacceptable situation in which hockey players would think about individual statistics. Zhamnov was