Putin answered the question about the introduction of Russian troops into Ukraine

Putin: Ukraine will not experience any threats if relations with Russia improve years, but this has not yet happened. Thus, Russian President Vladimir Putin answered the question about the existence of a threat to Kiev from Moscow during his speech at the VTB Capital investment forum Russia Calling! Kiev and Moscow will not experience any threats if relations improve. “The point is not to send troops – not to enter, to fight – not to fight, but the point is to improve relations,” Putin stressed.

Putin denied the desire of Russia to live “outside the fortress walls”

Putin: The Russian Federation does not seek to live “behind the fortress walls”, the country raises the level of sovereignty Russia does not seek to live “behind the fortress walls”. It increases the level of sovereignty, in particular, economic. This was stated by the head of state Vladimir Putin during a speech at the investment forum VTB Capital “Russia is calling!” … According to him, there were two declines in demographic development. The first occurred during the Great Patriotic War, and the second after the collapse of the USSR. In the 99th year, the president added, had the lowest birth rate – 1,200,000.

The Federation Council supported the bill on QR codes

The Federation Council Committee on Education and Science approved the concept of the draft law on QR codes The Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture supported the project concept federal law on the introduction of QR codes in public places. This is reported by TASS. According to the senators, in connection with the situation in the country, the bill must be adopted urgently. Federation Council member Pyotr Tultaev also said that the implementation of the project is aimed at preserving the health of Russians. The head of the committee, Lilia Gumerova, in turn, noted that this topic is complex and sensitive, but time requires quick decisions from legislators. According to her, people will need to explain the provisions of the law, since “there are indignations.” , since the necessary norms have already been enshrined in the legislation. Draft amendments on the use of digital passes in public places,

Putin questioned the pace of global economic recovery due to omicron strain

President Putin: the pace of global economic recovery is questionable due to the omicron strain the wave of morbidity caused by the omicron strain of coronavirus, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Russia Calling! investment forum. He is quoted by RIA Novosti. The head of state said that the COVID-19 pandemic has a great impact on investment, business, cooperation ties and the entire global economy. “I would like to note that it – the economy – is gradually recovering, but the pace of this recovery was, of course, again in question. And the reason is well known to everyone – this is another wave of the disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus, “he added. Earlier in November, Putin did not rule out new measures to support citizens, based on available opportunities. The President also recalled the previously adopted measures of social support for citizens with low incomes,

First transgender minister appointed in Sweden

Transgender woman Lina Axelsson Kilblom has been appointed Minister of Education in Sweden This is the first transperson to hold a post in the government of the country. This is reported by the Swedish portal Expressen. 51-year-old Kilblom was previously a member of the school commission and has extensive experience in the educational field. In 2015, she admitted to having made a trans-geder transition. She also published an autobiography, “Will You Like Me Now?” Identity Story “. In it, she reveals the theme of fear of rejection, ridicule and rejection. The first woman prime minister in Sweden's history, a member of the Social Democratic Party Magdalena Andersson, was appointed to the post of Kilblom. Earlier it became known that in the Altai Territory the branch of the regional party “Civil Initiative” was headed by a transgender woman Yulia Aleshina. This decision was made by the politician after she learned about

Cities of Russia with the cheapest new buildings named

The weighted average price of new buildings in Russia has increased by 31 percent since November 2020 The weighted average price of new buildings in Russia has increased by 31 percentage and amounted to 119.6 thousand rubles per square meter. Cities with the cheapest and most expensive offers are named in the analytical review of the United Resource for Developers (ERZ), RIA Novosti reports. New buildings in Ingushetia turned out to be the most affordable – on average, their cost was 28.5 thousand rubles per square meter … In Dagestan a square meter costs 30.9 thousand rubles, in Kabardino-Balkaria – 32.7 thousand rubles, in the Pskov region – 38.8 thousand rubles, and in Mari El – 39 thousand rubles. The most expensive , according to the survey, it turned out housing in Moscow – a square meter in the capital will cost an average of 258.3 thousand rubles. A square

The world's first biorobots have learned to reproduce

American scientists have discovered the ability of biorobots to reproduce This is reported by the NewScientist edition. The world's first xenobots, created from frog cells, in laboratory conditions learned to form small structures, self-organize and move small “loads”. Experts have noticed that when biorobots gather in groups, they can form spheres of about three thousand cells within five days. New xenobots were reproduced from the resulting cells. Researchers have found that groups of 12 biorobots can work together, forming one or two new generations. “One xenobot parent can start the process of reproduction, and then by accident a second parent can put more cells in that pile of cells and so on,” noted lead author Josh Bongard. With each next the round of replication creates offspring less capable of self-reproduction. So, in the end, xenobots in the last generation consist of less than 50 cells – they lose the ability

Putin answered the question “what keeps you awake at night”

Putin: the demographic problem is the main one for Russia for the next ten years The demographic problem is the main one for Russia for the next ten years. This was stated by President Vladimir Putin during a speech at the investment forum VTB Capital “Russia Calling!” at night. (…) We have internal problems, and this is primarily due to the problems of demography, ”the head of state replied.

Industry Minister of the Russian region detained in the Arashukovs case

In Stavropol detained and. O. Minister of Industry of Karachay-Cherkessia Boranukov Acting Minister of Industry of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Koran) Khizir was detained in Stavropol. This will be reported by TASS on Tuesday, November 30. According to the agency, the reason for the detention was the violation and. O. Minister of Industry of the Russian region measures of restraint – he had no right to leave Cherkessk without the permission of the investigator. According to REN TV, the Minister of Industry is under investigation in the case of former Senator Rauf Arashukov and his father. On November 29, it was reported that former Senator Rauf Arashukov and his father Raul, during the first meeting in the Moscow City Court, did not pleaded guilty to none of the charges, including murder. 20 defendants are involved in the former senator's case, including his father Raul Arashukov, who, according to the investigation, created