Yagudin described Zagitova's tests in the role of the leading phrase “I realized that it would be hard”

Alexey Yagudin about Alina Zagitova's tests in the “Ice Age”: I realized that it would be hard Zagitova as a TV presenter in the Ice Age project. An interview with the former athlete is available on the Super YouTube channel. “We tried to read, just work hard. I realized that it would be very difficult. But I took it calmly, because I remembered myself, ”Yagudin described the situation. He added that at first Zagitova was helped, but now it became easier for her. According to the former skater, the athlete never came to the shooting without preparation. On November 1, Zagitova amazed fans with a video with a change of outfits. Users appreciated the installation and the image of the athlete. In nine hours from the moment of publication, the video has gained more than 57 thousand likes. The figure skater first acted as a TV presenter last season of

Turkey calls on the parties to the conflict in Ukraine to implement the Minsk agreements

Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu: the crisis in Ukraine must be resolved diplomatically agreements. His words were voiced at a meeting of the heads of the foreign affairs agencies of the OSCE member states in Stockholm. This is reported by TASS. Related materials 00:01 – 27 July Diplomatic acrobatics. Turkey does not recognize Crimea and sells weapons to Ukraine. How does she manage to be friends with Russia? 00: 02 – 13 August They are crossing the border. Turkey is gently capturing the countries of the former USSR. Why can't Russia stop her? He noted that the crisis in the south-east of Ukraine must be resolved through diplomacy. At the same time, the Turkish minister expressed concern about the situation of the Crimean Tatars. According to Ankara, the rights of this ethnic group are being violated in Russia. Cavusoglu also added that Turkey does not recognize the inclusion of Crimea in

Meeting between Lavrov and Blinken ended in Stockholm

The meeting between the heads of the foreign affairs agencies of Russia and the United States, Lavrov and Blinken, lasted 40 minutes Stockholm ended, it lasted 40 minutes. RIA Novosti writes about this. The talks between the heads of the foreign ministries took place on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The meeting between Lavrov and Blinken was held in a format closed to the press. In his opening remarks, the Russian minister noted that Russia and the United States can quickly solve the problem with the functioning of the embassies of both countries. In addition, the Russian side is ready to restore dialogue with the United States on the crisis in eastern Ukraine: all the more, American colleagues themselves have more than once offered assistance in this matter. This is the second meeting in a year between Lavrov and

Lavrov jokingly responded to reporters shouting at him and Blinken

Foreign Minister Lavrov asked journalists not to shout at him and US Secretary of State Blinken Blinken jokingly addressed the journalists present at the event. This was reported by RIA Novosti. Related materials0: 01 – July 8 “America is looking for external enemies” Why in 150 years after the Civil War, the United States again found itself on the verge of a split? sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? In particular, one of them concerned Washington's readiness to provide Moscow with legal security guarantees. “Don't shout at us!” – the Russian minister said with a laugh. The second face-to-face meeting of Lavrov and Blinken in a year took place on the sidelines of the OSCE ministerial meeting in Stockholm. Prior to that, the heads of the foreign affairs agencies met in May in Reykjavik during the ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council. The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry

Putin gave instructions after an emergency at the Listvyazhnaya mine

President Putin on the incident at the Listvyazhnaya mine: all causes of the incident must be clarified All circumstances and causes of the incident at Listvyazhnaya “Must be clarified. Such instructions were given by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting on the situation in the coal industry of Kuzbass, which is broadcasted by the Russia 24 YouTube channel. “The Prosecutor General's Office has also given corresponding instructions. I would like to hear today how they are being implemented, “the head of state said. An explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region took place on the morning of November 25. As a result of the incident, 51 people died, among whom were mine rescuers who went in search. According to the latest data, 99 Russians were injured: 16 people were hospitalized.

Putin named the cause of the accident at the Listvyazhnaya mine

Putin: the Listvyazhnaya mine accident occurred due to a safety violation due to a number of safety violations. This reason was named by Russian President Vladimir Putin, RIA Novosti reports on Thursday, December 2. “As it was reported, according to preliminary data, the accident occurred due to a number of violations of safety rules,” the head of state said . He added that by now the regional authorities have already instructed the responsible authorities to check all the mines in Kuzbass. In particular, they will have to assess the fire condition of the facilities, as well as check the presence and serviceability of sensors that show the level of methane in the air. An explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region took place on the morning of November 25. As a result, 51 people died, including five mine rescuers who went in search of miners. According to the

US predicted record inflation since World War II

Saxo Bank Chief Economist Steen Jacobsen predicted 15 percent inflation for the United States by 2023 a series of “shocking forecasts” (available to “Lenta.ru”), where the United States predicted the acceleration of inflation to a record 15 percent by 2023 due to the state of the labor market. Such indicators have not been observed in the country since the Second World War. At the same time, at the moment, the American authorities are guided by 2 percent per annum. Jacobsen's predictions are not the bank's official economic forecast, but rather draw investors' attention to unlikely events that carry high risks. According to the expert, inflation in the US will be accelerated by the behavior of Americans in the labor market “warmed up” by the pandemic. Due to coronavirus restrictions in 2020, many residents of the country lost their jobs, and when the economy began to actively recover in 2021, analysts

Putin spoke out about abuse of courage by the miners of Listvyazhnaya

President Putin: the courage of the Listvyazhnaya miners must not be abused The courage of the miners who descended into the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo Region must not be abused, their lives and health must be protected. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting on the situation in the coal industry of Kuzbass, which is broadcast on YouTube.

Ukraine extended the law on the special status of Donbass

The Verkhovna Rada has extended the law on a special procedure for self-government in Donbass The Verkhovna Rada has extended the law on the special status of Donbass. This is reported by “Interfax-Ukraine”. It is noted that the parliament of Ukraine extended until December 31, 2022 the law on a special procedure for local self-government in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. 317 deputies voted for the relevant bill. According to the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy Andriy Kostin, this decision was made by parliamentarians to continue the negotiation process within the Trilateral Contact Group and the Normandy format. He stressed that the law on special status is the basis for achieving peace in Donbass and restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Some Russians will receive new payments

President Putin ordered to allocate 50 thousand rubles to participants in the defense of Sevastopol Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to allocate 58 million rubles for one-time payments in the amount of 50 thousand rubles to participants in the defense of Sevastopol. The corresponding order is published on the official Internet portal of legal information. “To allocate 58 million 350 thousand rubles from the reserve fund of the President of the Russian Federation to the Ministry of Finance of Russia in 2021 to provide these funds to the budget of Sevastopol in order to make a lump sum payment in the amount of 50 thousand rubles to persons awarded the medal “For the Defense of Sevastopol” or the badge “Resident of the besieged Sevastopol” “, – the document says.