Psaki took part in a master class for the future of the press Secretary White house

Jen Psaki White house spokesman Josh earnest and communications Director of the administration of Barack Obama, Jen Psaki met with Sean Spicer, who is the elected President of the United States Donald trump was nominated for the post of press Secretary in his administration. About it reports TASS. “Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet with Sean Spicer — a gentleman whom the President-elect has chosen to be my successor,” — said at a daily briefing Ernest. According to the White house, along with Psaki he said Spicer, “what’s it like working in the White house”, and shared their experiences. Trump chose the representative of the National Committee of the Republican party, Sean Spicer to his press Secretary of the President in December 2016 Jen Psaki until April 2015 held a post of the official representative of US state Department, gaining popularity because of its controversial statements on the situation

When shooting at a restaurant in Istanbul injured two people

Two people were injured in a shooting at a restaurant in Istanbul. About it reports on Wednesday, January 4, Turkish TV channel CNN Turk. The incident took place in Istanbul around 17:30 local time (17:30 GMT). According to preliminary data, unknown persons opened fire at the parked at the restaurant car. Injured two people sitting in the car, including the restaurant owner Osman yılmaz, as well as an employee at a private University nearby. His state is estimated as heavy. The incident, according to the newspaper Hurriyet, most likely, were of a criminal nature. According to TV channel Haberturk, the attack was attended by two people. Both victims were hospitalized, at the scene police work. On the night of 1 January in club Reina in Istanbul, an unidentified terrorist opened fire. The victims of the attack were 39 people, including a Russian citizen Nurana Hasanova. Responsibility for attack was assumed

More than 100 people were injured in the derailment in the United States

More than 100 people were injured in the accident on the railroad of long island (new York, USA). The train, which was about 600 passengers, derailed at the station, Atlantic Terminal, according to CNBC Wednesday, January 4. The accident occurred on January 4 at rush hour, around 8:30 a.m. local time (16:30 Moscow time). As stated in his Twitter Governor of the state of new York Andrew Cuomo, the cause was a collision of train with rail buffer: “Train on the railroad of long island had to stay in front of the buffer, but did not”. The Governor said that as a result of incident nobody was lost, and “the most serious injury was a broken leg.” Twitter of the fire Department of new York States that only the crash injured 103 people. 10 Dec 2016 Bulgarian in the village of Hitrino (Shumen region) derailed a train carrying 23 of

A Palestinian man struck an Israeli soldier was convicted of murder

Elor Azariah An Israeli military court found the Sergeant of the Israel defense forces (IDF) Elora Azariah guilty of the manslaughter of Palestinians. It is reported Bloomberg. It happened in March of 2016: the Palestinian, Abdul al-Fatah al-Sharif attacked an Israeli soldier in Hebron city and was wounded. When he was on the bridge, bleeding profusely, Azariah raised his gun and shot him in the head. He explained to his commander that the criminal wounded his comrades, therefore, must be killed. According to the panel of three judges, a Sergeant shot and killed al-Sharif not out of fear, as claimed by the defense but out of a desire to finish. The case of Azariah has split Israeli society: the country’s defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman called on the society to respect the “difficult” decision, but education Minister Naftali Bennett called for an immediate pardon of the convicted person. Near the courthouse

In China, a man with a knife attacked a kindergarten

In China unknown got on the territory of kindergarten in the city of Pingxiang (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region in China) and attacked with a knife on the children. This is with reference to the Central television of the country on Wednesday, January 4, according to CNN. In the attack 11 children were injured and were hospitalized. According to the police, their lives are not threatened. The unknown who entered the garden through the fence, caught. About the motives of the 41-year-old men is not known. In November 2016 in the city of Hanzhong (Northwest China), a man with a knife attacked elementary school students. Nine children were injured.

Date set for start of negotiations for the Syrian government and the opposition in Astana

Negotiations between the Syrian government and the armed opposition will start in Astana on January 23. This was announced by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu Anadolu news Agency. The Minister explained that they will be possible only if the ceasefire will not be violated. Previously, he was accused of violation of the ceasefire, representatives of the Shiite group Hezbollah, which fights on the side of Damascus. Cavusoglu also said that representatives of the Russian authorities will arrive in Ankara on January 9-10, to discuss the General provisions of the Syrian ceasefire. On 29 December President of Russia Vladimir Putin announced that they had reached agreement on a cease-fire in Syria and that the government of the Republic and the armed opposition agreed to start talks. The ceasefire in all the Syrian areas in force at 00:00 on December 30. The guarantors of the truce made by

Serial killer Charles Manson was hospitalized from prison

Charles Manson Serial killer Charles Manson, who is serving a life sentence in solitary confinement in a California prison, was taken to a hospital outside the penitentiary institution. On Tuesday, January 3, the newspaper the Los Angeles Times, citing two people familiar with the situation source. One of the sources says that the prisoner is seriously ill, however, can not explain what. In the Management of correctional and rehabilitation institutions declined to comment, citing the laws under which the information about the prisoners health are highly personal and not subject to disclosure. “We do not disclose movements of prisoners for reasons of protection and security,” — said the representative office Terry Thornton (Terry Thornton), adding that Manson is still alive. In 1969, the American Charles Manson in Los Angeles, along with members of his commune “Family” killed the wife of film Director Roman Polanski actress Sharon Tate and four of

Trump was puzzled by the transfer of a security briefing on cyber attacks on USA

Donald Trump Special briefing representatives of the US intelligence community to the President-elect of Donald trump moved to January 6. This Republican wrote in his microblog on Twitter. “The intelligence briefing about the so-called Russian hacking postponed until Friday. Perhaps more time was needed to substantiate the case. Very strange!”, — this opinion was expressed by it. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 04, 2017, 01:14 January 2, proposed for the post of press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer announced that a special briefing is to be held this week, but only after finishing work in office, Barack Obama will receive the final report of the intelligence services on this issue. A day earlier, in an interview with Fox News channel, Spicer reported that us intelligence still was not able to provide Trump convincing evidence that Russia has no relation to the hacker attacks on electronic systems of

The white house has called the reason for the refusal of the imposition of sanctions against Putin

If the Washington house have introduced sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin in connection with cyber attacks on the electoral system in the United States, it would have been a disaster. As reported on Tuesday, January 3, RIA Novosti, this was stated to journalists by the representative of the White house Josh Ernest at a regular briefing. “According to the policy of imposing sanctions, the leaders of foreign countries entered to the black list only in certain circumstances. And it would be extraordinary if Putin personally appeared in this list,” — said Ernest. December 29, Washington imposed sanctions against Russia in connection with the alleged attacks on the electoral system of the United States. In particular, under the restrictions were FSB and the Main intelligence Directorate of the General staff of the Armed forces. The United States has repeatedly accused Russia of meddling in the election campaign to help the

The Moroccan was detained for attempting to smuggle into Spain of back Gabonese in the suitcase

A citizen of Morocco, was detained while attempting to cross the Spanish border of Ceuta with a young African in a suitcase. About it reports on Tuesday, January 3, The Local. The incident occurred on December 30. The staff of the National guard noticed in the queue for the border control behaving suspiciously and nervous 22-year-old woman and asked them to open before her a large suitcase. Inside they found an unconscious black man. As noted, he almost suffocated from lack of oxygen. As it turned out, Africans 19 years old, he’s from Gabon. He was not in possession of any documents. In the national guard believe that the woman — a member of a group of smugglers, for the cost of transporting young people in Spain. The suspect faces up to seven years in prison. Ceuta is located on the Northern coast of Morocco. Through her and the other