In Norway calculated the approximate cost of protection of Breivik in jail

Anders Breivik The Norwegian Prosecutor’s office calculated a rough estimate of how much the state pay for the maintenance in prison of the terrorist Anders Breivik. About it reports TASS. As announced by the prosecuting attorney Fredric Seyersted, speaking at a hearing on the appeal of the Ministry of justice and the Breivik on the decision of the district court of Oslo, “prison spending five million euros (about 550 thousand euros) just to maintain extremely high safety, which contains the terrorist.” Moreover, as explained Seyersted, this figure does not include indirect expenses, including the costs of endless litigation. To assess the mode of detention of Breivik set up a special group. A Norwegian court is now considering two appeals against the decision of 20 April 2016. Then Breivik managed to achieve recognition of the conditions of his detention in inhuman prison: terrorist complained that he offered a cold coffee, and

Imams in Italy will introduce the principles of the Constitution

Italian authorities plan to hold a series of training courses for imams and other non-Catholic clerics to familiarize with the basics of the Constitution. About it reports The Local. The program is designed for religious workers who come to Italy from countries outside the European Union. “The goal is to create an atmosphere of tolerance through the teaching of rights and responsibilities that are inherent in our democratic societies,” said Professor of the University of Bologna by Frederick Botti. The organization of such classes is part of the plan of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country to improve the integration of Muslims in Italy. The government hopes to establish a dialogue between religions and cultures and to avoid the radicalization of believers. The publication notes that in 2015 from the country on suspicion of extremist propaganda were deported 134 people, including 12 imams. The first classes will start

The head of the CIA told about the conversation with the Director of the FSB about cyber attacks

John Brennan CIA Director John Brennan spoke about a telephone conversation with the head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov, which took place in August last year. It is reported by CNN. According to Brennan, he called Bortnikov at the time when was recorded the biggest hacking activity, and warned that the Russian side is “playing with fire”. According to the chief of the CIA, Bortnikov promised to convey the contents of this conversation the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. January 9, the official Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressed his disappointment with the quality of the information contained in the published report of US intelligence about alleged Russian involvement in cyber attacks. According to Peskov, the report sound “allegations on a fairly Amateur level, an emotional level, which is hardly applicable to highly professional work of really superior intelligence”. “We continue any involvement and charges that any hacker attacks could be

The media learned about the plans Tillerson to accuse Russia of ignoring the interests of the United States

Rex Tillerson The former head of Exxon Mobil Rex Tillerson, nominated by the elected President of the United States Donald trump for Secretary of state, intends to include Russia in the list of priority threats, and accuse Moscow of ignoring the interests of the United States. It is reported by The Washington Post, citing the text of the speech Tillerson, with which he will perform on Wednesday, January 11, in the Senate. “While Russia is seeking to gain respect and influence on the world stage, her actions of ignoring American interests. Russia should know that we stick to our commitments and obligations to our allies and that Russia must be held accountable for its actions”, — quotes the edition an excerpt from the speech. Washington, according to Tillerson, must be aware that Moscow is aimed at destabilizing the situation in neighbouring countries and the Middle East. “Russia today is dangerous,

CNN has learned the contents of the secret report on the influence of Russia on elections in the United States

Continued: media published information about the five-year trump ties with Russia In a secret part of the report about the alleged Moscow’s intervention in U.S. elections submitted by special services President-elect, Donald Trump, has said that Russian intelligence has collected dirt on him. About it reports CNN with reference to informed sources. The accusations against Russia, according to the channel, were set out in a two-page summary attached to the report about Russian interference in the elections. They are based, in particular, lay the reports of the former British spy, who trusts the FBI. The Bureau, according to CNN, currently verifies the accuracy of the information which was allegedly received by the British from Russian sources. In summary, it was stated that Russia allegedly gathered information that could potentially hurt both the Republicans and the Democrats, however, were released information that compromised Democratic party and its presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Nuclear reactor in Belgium is stopped because of an accident

In Belgium at the nuclear power plant “Blew” (Doel) in the accident was stopped on a fourth reactor. On Tuesday, January 10, reports “Interfax” with reference to the official representative of the company-operator NPP Electrabel. The day January 10 in the engine room non-nuclear part of the reactor “as a result of a failure between the NPP and the network of high voltage” leakage of steam. Work automation, and the reactor was automatically stopped. The incident affected employee plant. “She was gravely injured, but her life is out of danger,” — said the source. He also added that the reactor can be restarted on January 11. 20 April 2016, it was reported that the Minister for the environment of Germany, Barbara Hendricks urged the Belgian government to temporarily stop the operation of the third reactor NPP “Dul”, and the second unit of NPP “Tihange” until then, until evidence of their

In the U.S. Senate introduced a bill on sanctions against Russia’s energy sector

John McCain and Lindsey Graham The bill on sanctions against Russia over alleged interference in the presidential campaign introduced in the U.S. Senate by Republicans John McCain, Lindsay Graham and Robert Portman, as well as Democrats Ben Cardin and Bob Menendez. About it reports on Tuesday, January 10, TASS. The developers of the bill are in favour of introducing sanctions against individuals and organizations cooperating with the Russian power structures, including FSB and the Directorate (former GRU) of the General staff of the Russian Armed forces. In addition, the authors of the document proposed to consolidate at the legislative level, the provisions of the decree of U.S. President Barack Obama to impose sanctions against persons involved in “malicious activity in cyberspace”, which threatens national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. The senators also advocated the seizure of assets of persons involved in undermining the cybersecurity of the

Boris Johnson urged to abandon the demonization of Russia

Boris Johnson The Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson urged to abandon the demonization of Russia. It is reported by Sputnik. According to Johnson, London and Washington’s relations with Moscow must stick to the strategy of “engagement and vigilance”. “We drew the attention of the new administration and Congress that (…) it would be madness to demonize Russia or drive it into a corner”, — said the head of the British foreign Ministry after a meeting with councillors elected President of the USA of Donald trump. Earlier, Johnson made against Russia is very sharp remarks. On October 2 last year, he said that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad is doing in Syria war crimes “with the support of the Russians.” He was also accused Moscow of involvement in the attack on a humanitarian convoy near the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Turkish police shot and killed the alleged bomber

Turkish police arrested a suspected suicide bomber. About it reports Reuters with reference to the representative of local law enforcement. The attacker was killed in the town of Gaziantep, South-East of the country, at a time when he tried to enter the building of the main police Department. On the scene sent the ambulance. No other details were given. 5 January in the city of Izmir near the courthouse car bomb exploded. The two terrorists opened fire from automatic weapons. Killing a police officer and a court officer. Response fire fighters were destroyed. Turkish authorities said that attack is the Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK), which Ankara considers a terrorist. On the night of 1 January in club Reina in Istanbul, an unidentified terrorist opened fire. The victims of the attack were 39 people, including a Russian woman Nurana Hasanova. Responsibility for attack was assumed banned in the Russian terrorist

The foreign Ministry called the anti-Russian US sanctions manifestation of unworthy revenge

Sergei Ryabkov The white house shows unworthy vindictiveness, trying to strike at Russia. This was stated by RIA Novosti Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov, commenting on the introduction of the United States new anti-sanctions. “Such behavior is simply disgraceful” — leads the Agency the words of the diplomat. Ryabkov added that Washington is trying to blame someone for the defeat of the Democratic candidate in the election “where anyone, but not yourself.” “The inadequacy of the Washington figures who have fallen into the “sanctions delusion”, is obvious to all,” the diplomat said, noting that the extension of the sanctions list was “the fourth in less than three weeks hostile attack of the outgoing US administration”. Deputy foreign Minister added that for the remaining 10 days of its existence, the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama “can be mangled a lot of firewood, as much as possible