In Israel, a passenger bus fell into a gorge with 70-metre height

As a result of falling passenger bus with a steep cliff in the gorge on the West Bank of the Jordan river in Israel, two people were killed. Seven more got wounds of different severity. On Friday, January 27, reports the newspaper The Jerusalem Post. Three victims are in serious condition. According to the publication, due to the strong wind the bus from Jerusalem to Ariel, skidded and he fell off the 70-meter height. The victims — 23-year-old passenger and 37-year-old driver. According to rescuers access to the scene of the accident was hampered. 22 November 2016 in Thailand the bus with 40 passengers fell into the abyss. Then five people were killed and another 25 injured. August 26, in Nepal a passenger bus fell into a river with a hundred-meter height. As a result, 21 people were killed. A few weeks before in the Nepalese district Kavrepalanchok a bus

Trump called Madonna disgusting after her words about wanting to blow up the White house

The President of the United States Donald trump sharply responded about the singer Madonna, afford to make some controversial statements in the course of protest rallies. About it reports The Telegraph. co link to an interview with an American leader Fox News channel. “Frankly, it is disgusting. I think she did worse than just yourself (…) Her remarks are a disgrace to our country,” said trump. Thus he commented on the statement by Madonna that she was thinking about the need to blow up the White house. Later, the singer explained that her words were taken out of context and was a metaphor. The campaign against trump, entered the office of the President January 20, were held in USA, Canada, UK, and other countries. The President himself reacted to the events on Twitter, wonder why the protesters didn’t vote in the elections.

Obama’s daughter joined the rally against trump’s plans to build an oil pipeline

Malia Obama The eldest daughter of former U.S. President Barack Obama Malia took part in a rally against the resumption of construction of the Dakota Access pipeline. Reported by the Daily Mail. According to the publication, earlier in the week, 18-year-old Malia visited the Sundance film festival in Utah. She was one of about 100 people that came to the rally against plans by the current head of state Donald trump to resume construction of the pipeline. January 25 protest March against similar decisions passed by the Trump Tower skyscraper in new York. Earlier it became known that trump intends to sign a decree on the resumption of the construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline and Dakota Access, frozen Obama. The construction of Keystone, which should be linked pipeline system of the country with the canadian province of Alberta has been suspended from the wording that this project “will

There is evidence of the preparation of the trump order for cancellation of sanctions against Russia

Donald Tramploline: the White house confirmed the study by the trump of the topic of lifting sanctions against Russia The administration of U.S. President Donald trump has prepared a document on the removal imposed against Russia restrictive measures. More about this later in the evening on Thursday, January 26, at Twitter wrote a fellow at the Atlantic Council Fabrice pottier (Fabrice Pothier). “Sources in Washington said that the administration is ready to trump an Executive order lifting the sanctions against Russia. The U.S. President will speak with [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel, and then with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin on Saturday,” said Potier. According to him, if this information is confirmed, it will be “the biggest disappointment over the years during which the West has sought to stop a revanchist Russia’s steps”. As stressed by pottier, it is important to followed by the reaction from Congress and from Europe. 27 Jan

In Germany appointed the new Minister of foreign Affairs

Sigmar Gabriel In Germany was replaced by the head of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. The corresponding decree posted on the website of President Joachim gauck. It notes the huge contribution of the former Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. “All of us will be hard to get used to the change, — stated in the text. — The name of Frank Steinmeier forever linked to German foreign policy. It without rest negotiated, acted as a mediator, convinced and persuaded. His energy he demonstrated in the talks on the Iranian nuclear deal and while contacts between the warring parties in Ukraine.” New foreign Minister appointed the former head of the Ministry of economy, Sigmar Gabriel. “You take the foreign Ministry in difficult times — warned him gauck. — The stakes are high as ever. We are faced with serious challenges: we need to protect the EU and the Transatlantic partnership and work towards

Turkey has threatened to break the deal for migrants in the case of non-extradition of runaway soldiers

Ankara has demanded from Athens to issue eight fugitive soldiers, promising in case of failure to cut a deal with Greece on migrants. On Friday, January 27, according to Reuters. “We demand that the Greek authorities tried again to seek their extradition, — said the foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu. Is a political decision that Greece protects and shelters the conspirators. Let’s see what we can do. We signed the agreement on refugees and one of its parts was an agreement with Greece on mutual extradition of illegal migrants. We are considering the option to cancel this transaction”. Cause of contention were the eight Turkish soldiers who fled to Greece after the failure of the coup on 15 July 2016. The Greek guards, they explained that fear for his life. The Supreme court of Greece, examined them, rejected the Turkish extradition of the conspirators. 7 March 2016 in Brussels

In Morocco arrested associated with ISIS fighters

In Morocco arrested seven militants suspected of having links with the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters. The guards managed to discover their hideout in the coastal town of El Jadida. According to the interior Ministry, seized large quantities of weapons, including a rifle, seven pistols, a belt of explosives and materials for making bombs. The police found that the detainees were linked to the commanders of the Islamists from Syria, Iraq and Libya. In total, over the last 15 years in Morocco were defeated more than 150 cells of militants associated with terrorist groups fighting in the middle East. The last major attack in Morocco took place in April 2011. Terrorists from “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia) detonated bombs in the cafe “chocolate” is popular among foreign tourists. Killed 17 people, including 11 foreigners, and more than 20 were injured. Among the victims were the

The Governor of the Indian state of Meghalaya, resigned because of a sex scandal

The Governor of the Indian state of Meghalaya VI Shanmuganathan lost his post after the staff of his official residence, has written a petition to President Pranab Mukherjee. On Friday, January 27, reports The Indian Awaaz. A five-page document demanding the resignation of 67-year-old officer, also addressed to Prime Minister Narendra modi, signed by 80 people. The staff, in particular, said that Shanmuganathan abused them. According to them, he was “rude, arrogant, impulsive, and deceitful”, were subjected to various humiliation, stress and even torture. In addition, the Governor, as the document says, “has turned his official residence into a club for young ladies.” “Women come and go on the direct orders of the Governor. Many of them have direct access to his bedroom,” said the staff residence. As marks “Bi-bi-si”, the media repeatedly reported the harassment VI of Shanmuganathan to women who take jobs in the administration of the state

In Florida arrested two wanted to make a massacre in school adolescents

In the U.S. state of Florida police arrested two teenagers who allegedly intended to set fire in the school they attend. About it reports TV channel News 13. It is noted that the pupils 13 and 14 years old was detained on Thursday, January 26. During a search of their homes were found and confiscated weapons. The police management of the institution decided to apply after he heard rumors that on Friday, January 27, can be attacked. Teenagers charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Currently they are in custody. The local authorities decided to strengthen the protection of the institution. During interrogation, the two disciples mentioned the shooting in a school in Columbine, Colorado, where in April 1999 two teenagers killed 12 of their peers and teachers and then killed himself.

The white house has called the time of telephone conversation of Putin and trump

Donald Trump Telephone talks with US President Donald trump with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin is scheduled for 12:00 on East coast time (20:00 GMT) on Saturday, January 28. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to information issued by the White house. The talks will be joined by Vice-President of the United States, Mike Pence. Before talking with Putin trump talk on the phone with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. After talking with the Russian leader will hold talks with French President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull. Earlier in the Kremlin have confirmed the plans of the presidents of Russia and USA to speak on January 28. Previous conversation Putin and trump was held on 14 November 2016. They discussed relations between the two countries and spoke about the need to unite efforts in the fight against international terrorism and