Popular educational tours to Britain among Russians has doubled

The number of Russians booked educational tours to the UK in January increased by 100 percent in comparison with the first month of 2016. About it the correspondent “Tapes.ru” have told the BSI Group. As stated by the representative of the tour operator, Irina Naumova, the head of the Department of education abroad, one of the reasons for the increased demand for such services may be the stabilization of the ruble. Interest in training in other countries remains stable at level of last year, she added. Among the other popular clients of the BSI Group of directions of educational tours includes Malta, Czech Republic, Ireland, Cyprus, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, USA and Canada. The average bill for a trip of students from Russia abroad to study in January amounted to 130 thousand rubles. Students in the first month of 2016 spent on education abroad, an average of 75 thousand rubles. Earlier

On the moon they found “traces of life”

Japanese scientists have discovered on the moon “traces of life” — oxygen of the Earth’s atmosphere. A study published in the journal Nature Astronomy. Experts analyzed data obtained from the Japanese satellite SELENE (Selenological and Engineering Explorer), which is found in the lunar regolith at a depth of several microns oxygen. He began to get there from the Earth’s atmosphere approximately, as shown by scientists, to 2.5 billion years ago, at a time when the planet’s atmosphere for the first time, a considerable oxygen content. The study authors note that the way the satellite was able to keep the old matter of the Earth. Companion SELENE launched on 14 September 2007 and ceased to exist on 10 June 2009. The device became the second artificial satellite of the moon, launched by Japan. The objectives of the mission included the study of the origin of the satellite and the structure of

Trump dismissed the acting Prosecutor General for his criticism of the decree

Sally Yates The temporary head of the justice Department and U.S. attorney General Sally Yates, who was appointed to the leadership office under the previous administration of Barack Obama, dismissed the decision of the new President of Donald trump. About it reports Reuters. To lead the Ministry appointed district attorney for the Eastern district of Virginia Dana Boente. As stated by the White house, Yates “gave the Ministry of justice by refusing to enforce a legal order aimed at protecting the citizens of the United States.” “Mrs. Yates is an appointee of the Obama administration, which occupies a weak position on the question of borders and a very weak stance on the issue of illegal immigration,” the statement reads. Yates had to perform their duties until the appointment of a new head, but on Monday, January 30, stated that he refused to support the decree of the trump on the

Rogozin ridiculed the refusal of Lithuania from claims on Kaliningrad oblast

Dmitry Rogozin Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin responded with irony on the statement of the authorities of Lithuania to disavow previously expressed by the Deputy of the diet claims to Russia over the ownership of the Kaliningrad region. “Thank God, we’re scared”, — Rogozin wrote in his Facebook, commenting on the news. Sunday, January 29, the member of the Seimas of Lithuania, the former press Secretary of the President, the Vice-Balsis proposed to take Russia’s Kaliningrad oblast. According to him, the region was not given to all. In response, first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir Jabbarov proposed to Lithuania to return to Russia the district of Vilnius (formerly Vilna), which was included in the Lithuanian SSR after the Second world war. The next day the press Secretary of the foreign Minister of Lithuania Rasa Akilian stated that Vilnius has no claim to the

Saudi Arabia supported the creation of security zones in Syria and Yemen

Saudi king Salman after a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald trump has supported the establishment of safe havens for refugees in Syria and Yemen. About it reports Reuters, citing an official statement of the White house. In the text it is also reported that the sides agreed to strengthen joint efforts to counter the spread of militants of the “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in the middle East. Washington and Riyadh agreed on the need to confront “destabilizing actions of Iran” in the region. Saudi media, in turn, noted that the leaders of the United States and Saudi Arabia discussed the strategic relations between the two countries and Riyadh agreed on the creation of a security zone in Syria, without mentioning Yemen. The conversation lasted more than an hour. In addition, trump talked with the crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan. As the words

Obama supported the protests against the decrees trump

Barack Obama Former US President Barack Obama supported the protests against his successor Donald trump. This writes the newspaper Politico. According to Obama, the citizens coming out to protest, exercise their constitutional right of Assembly. Obama stressed that the decision of the trump of limiting migration, in particular, about the suspension of the admission of refugees represents a threat to American values. Trump January 27 signed a decree according to which the U.S. prohibits the entry of holders of green cards to citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. In addition, for a period of 120 days suspended accepting Syrian refugees. The document notes that the entry of Syrian migrants are detrimental to the interests of the United States. The US President, commenting on his decision, explained that the measure was not directed against Muslims, but against terrorists. According to him, the issuance of visas to

Us drones struck in Yemen

Us drones struck in Yemen in the framework of the operation against the offices of “al-Qaeda” operating in the country. About it reports Reuters. Drones destroyed a car in which, as expected, were two of the militant Islamists. According to American data, they both died. Also became known the details of a ground operation involving commandos from detachment of SEAL Team 6, conducted a few hours earlier. Clarifies that the camp of the militants killed in the RAID, was in the province of El Beida in the centre of the country, near ACLE. It confirmed the death of one of the Navy seals. Called for the evacuation of three wounded convertiplane MV-22 Osprey crashed during landing. There were no casualties, but according to various sources, one or two pilots were injured. For several years, Yemen is in a state of civil war. One of the warring parties are the military

A petition against the state visit trump in Britain gained almost a million signatures

Protests against the inauguration of Donald trump in London A petition to cancel the state visit of the President of the United States Donald trump in the UK scored 930 thousand signatures, their number continues to grow. About it reports Reuters. “Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the United Kingdom as head of the U.S. government, but it should not extend an invitation to visit the country on an official visit, as this may cause irritation in her Royal Majesty”, — stated in the text. According to British law, in that case, if the petition gathers 100 thousand signatures, it must be tabled in Parliament. State visit of Donald trump to Britain scheduled for June 2017. The petition was created on Friday, January 27. Initially, the collection of signatures was quite sluggish, but after trump’s decision to close the borders to refugees from a number of Muslim countries, according

The police force of the Philippines has shifted from hunting drug dealers on internal cleansing

The police force of the Philippines temporarily suspended operations against drug traffickers, namely the cleaning of own ranks. About it reports Reuters. The corresponding statement was made by the chief of police of the Philippines Ronald dela Rosa. “Beware, police-werewolves! — he declared. — From this day on we are no longer a drug war, we are at war with the bastards. We clean our ranks!” According to the case of Dew, the operation will take about a month, after which the guards will resume the hunt for drug traffickers. Sunday, January 29, President Rodrigo Duterte announced that 40 percent of police officers are corrupt and “as vile as the gang leaders of narkotorgovtsev”. Internal cleansing was the result of the scandal raging around the South Korean businessman Chi IK Chu. In October 2016 the armed people presented by fighters of special group on fight against drugs, took him from

Media reported about the attack by Russian hackers on the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Poland

The Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita reported the attempted hacking of computer networks of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Poland. The cyber attack was carried out in December last year. Allegedly, some employees of the Polish Ministry of foreign Affairs email you received emails containing malware that allows to steal data from computers. The company engaged in cyber security of state institutions said that the attackers tried to use a newly discovered vulnerability in the software. In the Polish foreign Ministry said that the attempt of hacking was carried out from servers of the diplomatic corps of one of the countries in Latin America. While the Polish representatives argue that the attempt of cyber attacks are hackers from the group APT28 or APT29 associated with the Main intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the Ministry of defense of Russia and the FSB. Despite the fact that this hack attempt was averted, the sources