Bees interrupted a cricket match in South Africa

A swarm of bees interrupted a cricket match between teams South Africa and Sri Lanka, held in Johannesburg. About it reports BBC News. Insects twice forced the athletes to stop playing and rush to the ground. After that, the match was suspended, and on the left the stadium. They tried to get rid of insects, but to no avail. UPI notes that bees did not fly away even after being doused soda solution from the bucket and sprayed gas from a fire extinguisher. To cope with Roy only managed a professional beekeeper, who collected the insects in a plastic box with honeycombs. When insects were removed from the field, the game continued. In August 2016, it was reported that a swarm of bees settled on the nozzle of the engine of one of the fifth generation fighter F-22 Raptor, the U.S. air force. Living in the vicinity of the airbase

Lavrov hoped to improve relations with the United States

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the position of the new US President Donald trump gives hope for positive developments in bilateral relations between Moscow and Washington. The head of the Russian diplomatic Agency said in an interview with the Austrian magazine Profil, published on Sunday, February 5. Lavrov said that the deterioration of relations between the countries observed in recent years, was caused by the previous us administration. “We have always been ready to develop a transparent partnership based on equality and mutual respect”, — he stressed. The Minister has noticed that to draw conclusions about how the rest of the work with the team of the new American leader, is premature. However, in his opinion, Russia and the United States could make a major contribution to addressing such common challenges as the fight against terrorism. The foreign Minister also added that

The court of appeal rejected the request on restoration of the immigration Ordinance trump

The U.S. court of appeals dismissed the appeal of the Ministry of justice the ruling of a Federal judge from Seattle, which suspended the decree of the President of Donald trump to toughen immigration policy. On Sunday, February 5, reports Reuters. Note plaintiff’s response to defendant’s objections on the claim may be submitted until Monday, February 6. The justice Department filed an appeal yesterday. After that, the head of state expressed confidence that his administration will win the dispute. The decree on ban on entry into the United States to citizens of seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Sudan), in which Islam is the dominant religion, was signed by trump on January 27. In addition, at 120 days were suspended the admission of refugees from Syria. The American leader said that these measures are not directed against Muslims, but against terrorists. According to him, the issuance of

Rogozin spoke about the disregard for European sanctions

Dmitry Rogozin Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin commented in his Twitter message to Bloomberg that the EU is planning six months to extend sanctions against citizens of Russia and Ukraine. “The question K. Bloomberg: the European Union know that we sneeze at it?” he said, noting that Moscow “should not be used blackmail and threats”. Rogozin also added that sanctions against the Russian industry “have led to the effect opposite to the expectations of European officials”. Information about the possible extension of individual limitations, which would expire on March 15, appeared on Sunday, February 5. The source Agency in Brussels, said that European politicians and diplomats intend to “exercise caution and stick to the status quo.” The last time the European Union extended sanctions against Russians and Ukrainians on 15 September 2016. In November, the black list expanded six deputies of the state Duma of the seventh convocation from

Trump has discussed with Poroshenko the issues of strengthening of strategic partnership

Donald Tramploline: trump has said it is ready to work to restore peace in Ukraine The US President Donald trump on Sunday night, February 5, held a telephone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko. This was reported by press Secretary of the Ukrainian leader Svyatoslav Tsigalko on his page in Facebook. Conversation politicians lasted more than an hour. The heads of state discussed the issues of strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries and the situation in the Donbass. “The parties expressed deep concern over the escalation of tension and worsening humanitarian situation, especially in the area Avdeevki”, — wrote Tsigalko. According to him, politicians agreed on the need to establish in the region of the cease-fire. In addition, the heads of States touched upon the upcoming visit of Poroshenko to Washington. As noted, training will take the Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin. January 18,

In Missouri, the students attacked classmate for the Pro-presidential views

In Missouri a group of middle school students attacked a 12-year-old classmate because of disagreements over the policies of the new US President Donald trump. It is reported by TV station KMOV. The incident occurred on the school bus in the vicinity of St. Louis. Teens argued about trump’s plans to build a wall on the border with Mexico. Opponents supporter of the President, not only verbal arguments, pushed him and struck several blows. The scuffle was captured on cell phone video fragments included in the report. The footage shows that the victim has a red cap with the motto trump “let’s Make America great again”. “I have a feeling that my son taught a lesson as a warning to others”, — told reporters the boy’s mother Christine Cortina. Local school authorities said that an investigation was carried out and its participants are subject to disciplinary action. She added that

Trump confirmed his participation in the G7 summit in Italy

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump will participate in the summit “the Big seven” (G7), which will be held in may in Taormina in Sicily. About this American leader said in a telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Italy Paolo Gentiloni, according to the website of the Italian government. As noted, the parties noted the key role of NATO and the cooperation between Europe and the US in security issues. “Gentiloni and trump reiterated their commitment to combat terrorism and radicalism, as well as the settlement of the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine, to establish peace in the middle East, in Syria and in particular in North Africa”, the statement reads. A conversation with trump Gentiloni took place in the night of Sunday, February 5. Prior to that, the us leader spoke by telephone with his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko. The sides discussed the issues of strengthening strategic

Bloomberg found out about the EU plans to extend sanctions against citizens of Russia and Ukraine

The European Union (EU) plans in mid-March to extend sanctions against 100 citizens of Russia and Ukraine for another six months. On Sunday, February 5, reports Bloomberg, citing sources in Brussels. The EU sanctions that include a ban on entry into the territory of the interstate Association and the freezing of assets, ends March 15 of the current year. “European politicians and diplomats will have to exercise caution and to adhere to the status quo,” said one of the sources. A number of European politicians in favour of the complete abolition or mitigation of anti-Russian sanctions. So, the foreign Minister of Hungary péter Szijjártó believes that the restrictive measures are “ineffective and harmful” for the European economy and for the Russian Federation. His Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz has called for a gradual lifting of sanctions. The Prime Minister of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, an ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ruling

The US President expressed confidence in winning the case for the immigration decree

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump expressed confidence that his administration will win the dispute about the legality of his decree to tighten immigration. As reported by Reuters, he told reporters at his estate in Florida. “For the safety of our country we will win”, — said the head of state on the question whether he is sure that the administration will manage to win. Earlier, the U.S. justice Department has filed an appeal against the decision of the court of Seattle, which repealed the decree of the President of Donald trump to toughen immigration. President on 27 January signed a decree banning entry to the country for the citizens of the seven States in which Islam is the dominant religion of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. Also at 120 days were suspended the admission of refugees from Syria. The President’s decision

The U.S. justice Department challenged the decision of the court of Seattle about the cancellation of the decrees trump

The U.S. Department of justice has filed an appeal against the decision of the court of Seattle, which repealed the decree of the President of Donald trump to toughen immigration. About it reports Reuters with reference to the document Department. Trump January 27 signed a decree banning entry to the country for the citizens of the seven States in which Islam is the dominant religion of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. Also at 120 days were suspended the admission of refugees from Syria. Trump’s decision has caused mixed reactions not only in the US but around the world. In some cities there were mass protests. 3 Feb Federal judge James Robart lifted restrictions on travel to the United States citizens of seven countries who fell under the presidential decree. The trump said in his Twitter: “the Solution to this so-called judge, who overturned the rule of