The media found out about made by the foreign Minister of Mexico, changes in speech trump

Louis Videgaray Mexican foreign Minister Luis Videgaray (Luis Videgaray) edited the speech of the US President Donald trump, in which he announced the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico. It is reported by CBS. After reviewing the White house with the original text of the speech of the American leader, the head of the Mexican Ministry of foreign Affairs feared that such a speech could worsen relations between Mexico city and Washington. Adviser and son-in-law trump Jared Kushner suggested Videgaray together to make changes. They introduced a new version of the text. In it, in particular on the possible improvement of relations between Mexico and the United States. Initially, the American leader refused even to look at the updated version of the statement, but later agreed with the changes. 9 February it became known that the wall along the border with Mexico, which intends to build the

Trump has agreed to follow the policy of “one China”

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has agreed to continue to follow the policy of “one China.” He assured the President of China XI Jinping during a telephone conversation, reports Reuters, citing the White house. As noted, the two leaders held a long telephone conversation on Thursday evening, February 9. “The representatives of the United States and China will participate in discussions and negotiations on various issues of mutual interest”, — said in a statement. Also the leaders of the countries proposed to hold a personal meeting, and invited each other to itself. The call was described in the White house as “cordial conversation” during which the heads of state expressed their best wishes to the peoples. The day before, 8 February, trump sent XI Jinping a letter in which he said he hoped for cooperation with his Chinese counterpart to “develop constructive relationships” that benefit both countries. Relations

The white house began searching for the leak of information about telephone negotiations trump

The white house is investigating the leak of information about telephone negotiations of the President of the United States Donald trump with foreign leaders. As reported by The Hill, said press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “We are studying the situation, and it worries us. Some of them [leak] apparently violate many of the rules and laws,” he said. Trump, acknowledged by the press Secretary of the White house, concerned that details of his talks with foreign colleagues became public. “The fact that you can’t negotiate without leaks, raises concerns,” added Spicer. Earlier media have repeatedly leaked details of telephone calls trump with the leaders of other countries. So, on 9 February, Reuters reported that during the conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the White house criticized the Treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (start-3), calling it a bad deal for the United States. On 2

WP revealed the contents of conversations trump adviser with the Russian Ambassador on sanctions

Michael Flynn Michael Flynn, national security Advisor Donald trump, in December, privately discussed the anti-Russian sanctions, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak, despite denials from the new White house administration. About it writes The Washington Post (WP), citing its sources. Consultations between Flynn and Kislyak, according to the publication, have been for a month before joining trump in the position of President of the United States. Advisor trump tried to persuade Russia “not to overreact” in retaliation for sanctions imposed by the outgoing President Barack Obama. However, he made it clear that after the inauguration of the trump Moscow and Washington will be able to discuss the revision of restrictions. “From Kislyak left with the impression [from the meetings] that the sanctions will be revised later,” said one of the sources of the newspaper. In the White house, according to WP, found the Flynn talks Kislyak inappropriate and potentially

Poland expressed its willingness to restore relations with Russia

Witold Waszczykowski Poland intends to take steps to restore relations with Russia. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski, speaking in Parliament. The online text commentary is available on the website of Gazeta Wyborcza. “Policies towards Russia, unfortunately, due to the aggressive actions of Russia in Eastern Europe. We recognize the need for dialogue with Russia. We will work to restore bilateral economic relations,” he said. According to Waszczykowski, Poland’s attitude towards Russia seriously as an important neighbor. “But it takes two to tango”, — concluded the diplomat. Waszczykowski also expressed hope that the Russian side will return to Poland the wreckage of the presidential Tu-154 crashed near Smolensk in April 2010. The accident killed all 96 people aboard, including President Lech Kaczynski and his wife. The interstate aviation Committee called the cause of the incident was pilot error. The Polish side did its own investigation and

In Brussels there was a massive power outage

The massive power outage happened on Thursday evening, February 9, in the Belgian capital Brussels. According to network company Sibelga, remained without electricity for three of the commune, inhabited by about 200 thousand people. Power failure happened around 22:40 local time (00:40 GMT Friday) and touched the commune of Schaerbeek, Evere and Saint-Josse-ten-Node. The cause of PE was technical failure at the substation in Charleroi, located in the North-East of Brussels. No meals were 5 of 48 substations serving the Belgian capital. The quarter in which the institutions of the European Union, remained without electricity, however, the buildings of the EU institutions is light, reports RTL. The assurance of Sibelga, the electricity is also supplied to hospitals and other social infrastructure. In the de-energized parts not working street lighting and traffic lights, however, the situation is calm, people on the streets there, according to TASS. Problems with energy supply, as

Media reported the projected cost of the wall on the border of USA and Mexico

The wall along the border with Mexico, which intends to build the administration of U.S. President Donald trump, will cost $ 21.6 billion, its construction is more than three years. About it reports Reuters with reference to the materials of the Ministry of internal security. According to the plan, along the border by 2020 will be in three stages lined fences and walls with a length of about 2 thousand kilometers. During 1046 kilometers of the border has strengthened. It is expected that the report will be submitted to the head of the Ministry of John Kelly in the coming days. As noted, stated in the report of the office price is much higher than the figure of $ 12 billion, which the tramp had mentioned during his election campaign. In this way the implementation of the project can get legal problems, financial constraints, the need to dispose of private

The court of appeal upheld the ban in a decree trump on immigrants

The court of appeals in the US upheld the decision on suspension of the decree of the President of Donald trump to toughen immigration policy. About it reports on Thursday, February 9, Reuters. The judges of the court of appeals for the ninth circuit in San Francisco, California, unanimously found that the public interest may conflict with national security goals. They also took into account the testimonies of representatives of the States of Washington and Minnesota, who argued that even temporary performance of the decree trump may harm the interests of the United States, RIA Novosti reported. The trump has promised to challenge the decision. “I’ll see you in court, at stake is the security of our people!” — wrote the President on Twitter. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 09 February 2017, 23:35 5 February the court of appeal dismissed the appeal of the Ministry of justice the ruling of

The source said about the reaction of Turkey to the Russian position on the impact of videoconferencing

Ankara welcomed the constructive position of the Russian authorities in connection with the unintended impact of Air and space forces of the Russian Federation on a Turkish military in Syria. About it reports on Friday, February 10, RIA Novosti reported citing a military source in Turkey. “The actions and constructive position of the Russian officials immediately after the incident has been received by us positively,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He noted that the leadership of the Turkish armed forces also “behaved very calmly” and immediately after the airstrike held talks with their Russian counterparts. The Russian side, according to the source, proposed to create the Commission on investigation of the incident, its activities “to a greater extent be aimed at preventing similar incidents in the future and strengthening coordination between military departments of two countries”. As the source noted, cooperation between Russia and Turkey need to restore peace in

Venezuelan Parliament opposed the sale of Rosneft’s share in Petromonagas

Controlled opposition the National Assembly of Venezuela on Thursday, February 9, endorsed the statement calling the illegal sale of shares of the company Petromonagas Russian “Rosneft”. It is reported by El Universal. As stated by the Deputy Elias Mata, such a transaction is a violation of the Constitution of the country — a number of articles require to negotiate the sale of such assets with the Parliament. The national Assembly has the selling of state property the government of “treason” and demanded to refer to respect for the Constitution. In 2016 Rosneft has closed a deal with Venezuela’s PDVSA to increase the share of Russian companies in the joint venture Petromonagas to 40 percent. At PDVSA purchased an additional 23.33 percent, the amount of the transaction amounted to 500 million dollars. Agreement under which the Russian company will invest $ 500 million to develop oil fields in the oil-rich Orinoco