The Russian foreign Ministry Lavrov confirmed that a meeting with Tillerson

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson will be held February 16 at the meeting of foreign Ministers of the G20 in Bonn. This was announced by the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. According to her, Lavrov is also scheduled to hold talks with German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel, the possibility of meetings with the foreign Ministers of China, Brazil and South Africa. Earlier, on February 12, Lavrov expressed hope for closer contacts with the new US administration. “I am convinced that our dialogue with the administration of Donald trump, which has already begun, will continue, will be more intense, once all parts of the administration who are engaged in foreign Affairs,” the diplomat said. In Bonn on 16-17 February, will host a meeting of foreign Ministers of G20. In the Bavarian capital Munich from 17 to 19 February,

Mogherini made loss USA as a world leader

Federica Mogherini The head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini admit the possibility of the loss of the United States as a world leader. She stated this in an interview with European Alliance of leading periodicals (LENA), excerpts of which publishes Welt. According to her, today more than ever, American society is polarized and has a serious potential for conflict. “If the world’s largest democracy is internal tension, it can become a destabilizing factor for the rest of the world,” said Mogherini at the conclusion of his visit to Washington. Earlier, on 15 December last year, Mogherini admitted the possibility of uniting the efforts of the EU and Russia in opposition to the plans of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump to cancel a nuclear deal with Iran. At the same time, she expressed doubt that Washington will agree to big deal with Russia on the Syrian and

Media reported about the assassination of Kim Jong-Nam 5 years ago

Kim Jong-Nam attempt was already made, and it was done at the direction of the North Korean leadership, however, the elder brother of current leader Kim Jong-UN was still alive. On Wednesday, February 15, reports TASS with reference to the news Agency Kyodo. “Previous assassination attempt was made about five years ago,” he told Kyodo source in the South Korean intelligence. This is the Agency leads received in Japanese diplomatic circles information according to which women agents of the North Korean intelligence suspected the last, successful attempt to deprive Kim Jong-Nam’s life may already be dead. This information is now checked. On 14 February at the airport of capital of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, the man died. Before that, he, complaining of severe dizziness, appealed for help from the ground personnel and told that the unknown splashed him in the face with liquid and disappeared. Soon, the Malaysian authorities confirmed that

The NYT found out about the alleged ongoing contacts headquarters trump with Russian intelligence

Members of the presidential campaign, Donald trump was in contact with senior officials of Russian intelligence, as evidenced by the phone records and intercepted calls. This writes The New York Times, citing sources. According to one of them, American law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted calls around the same time when they were looking for evidence that Russia tried to interfere in the election process by penetrating into the computer resources of the Democrats. Intelligence agencies were trying to figure out whether the team trump in collusion with the Russians in the break-in process. However, officials interviewed in recent weeks said that so far not seen evidence of such cooperation. According to sources, the intercepted conversations were not only officials of the headquarters of the trump, but other associates of Republican. From the Russian side contacts supported by representatives of countries not belonging to the security services, they added. Speaking

In the media there is a picture of one of the probable killers of the brother, Kim Jong-UN

In the network appeared photo, which allegedly captured one of the killers, Kim Jong-Nam, brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. The published by Malaysian newspaper The Star on Wednesday, February 15. In a photograph taken by a surveillance camera captured a middle-aged woman of Asian appearance in a white shirt LOL. The publication notes that her right hand covers her small handbag. On 14 February at the airport of capital of Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, the man died. Before that, he, complaining of severe dizziness, appealed for help from the ground personnel and told that the unknown splashed him in the face with liquid and disappeared. Soon, the Malaysian authorities confirmed that he died, Kim Jong Us. Later, Reuters, citing a source in the US government reported that, according to Washington, for the murder of half-brother of North Korean leader are special services of the DPRK. According to the South

The media learned about the role of supporters of Obama to discredit Flynn

Michael Flynn Resignation of adviser to the President for national security Michael Flynn was the result of a months-long campaign, employees of the administration of the previous head of state Barack Obama. About it writes the edition Wasington Free Beacon, citing sources in the White house and beyond. The essence of the campaign was limited, in particular, to placement in media materials, defamatory Flynn. According to sources, a few months before the inauguration of the trump supporters of Obama had begun planning the process of creating difficulties in the way of team Republican in charge of national security issues. The efforts of the employees of the former administration were designed to obstruct the implementation of the current President Donald trump of new principles in foreign policy. In particular, they were interested in saving the nuclear deal with Iran, while Flynn considered her enemy. As one of the sources, the Obama

In Xinjiang attacked a crowd of criminals with knives killed 5 people

In the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous region (XUAR) in Northwest China, was attacked with knives by three unknown, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the broadcast of China Central television. The incident occurred on Tuesday evening, February 14, in the County of Pisani. Three criminals attacked the crowd. It has affected 10 people .Five died from wounds, the rest is emergency medical care. Police officers shot and killed all the attackers. Law enforcement agencies began to investigate the incident. On the territory of Xinjiang are Islamic radicals, advocating for the establishment of an independent state of East Turkestan. As a result of their confrontation with Beijing over the period since 1990 has killed several hundred people. Many Uighurs complain of harassment by the Central government, in particular, they are not allowed to serve in the army and the police. Uighurs make up more than 72 percent of the population of Xinjiang,

The source reported the shift in the U.S. approach to the conflict resolution Israel and Palestine

Washington will not insist on the principle of two States in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. As reported on Wednesday, February 15, “Interfax”, the journalists said the representative of the White house on condition of anonymity. He stressed that, according to the United States, this issue requires an approach that is acceptable to both parties. “A bilateral settlement that will bring peace, is not a decision to which one aspires. The goal is peace, regardless of whether it will be achieved through the establishment of two States, if you want both sides, or on some other, if both parties”, — quotes Agency the words of the source. The announcement came ahead of a meeting in Washington, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Donald trump. The Agency with reference to the observer notes that this statement contradicts the position of the United States previously has consistently advocated the establishment of two

Flynn revealed the contents of the talks with the Russian Ambassador

Michael Flynn The former assistant to the President for national security Michael Flynn said that during talks with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak they did not discuss the sanctions, but the fact of deportation from the United States 35 Russian diplomats. He said this just hours before his resignation in an interview with the network edition of the Daily Caller, published on Tuesday, February 14. “It was not about the sanctions. It was about the 35 people who were deported, he said. And here it all turned out. Basically, it was: “Look, I know it happened. We all learn”. I never said anything like: “We’re going to review the sanctions,” or something like that.” Flynn also said that much more concerned about the leaks to the media of classified information, particularly on negotiations of politicians. Such actions, he called a criminal offence. “In some cases we are talking about things that

In the United States-a child murderer condemned 40 years after crime

Pedro Hernandez In the U.S. the killer six year old boy was convicted nearly 40 years after the crime. On Tuesday, February 14, writes The New York Times. The jury in the Supreme court of the state of new York found 56-year-old Pedro Hernandez is guilty of kidnapping and murder. According to the investigation, Ethan Putz disappeared may 25, 1979 in the city of new York, on the way from school bus stop to home. His body was never found. The jury agreed with the prosecution that Hernandez, who was then working in the warehouse at the store, lured the boy into the basement of the commercial establishments and strangled. The prosecution had only the confession of the accused, direct evidence proving his guilt, he was not. However, there is recorded on video the story of Hernandez about how he met the boy near the shop and asked him if