Activists accused in the coup in Ukraine Obama and Soros

Former U.S. assistant Secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia Victoria Nuland in Kiev In several American cities rally the international Schiller Institute, dedicated to the anniversary of the Maidan in Ukraine. The participants handed out leaflets, which said that the change of power in the country was carried out with the direct support of the 44th President Barack Obama and billionaire George Soros. On Friday, February 24, reports TASS. As the correspondent of the Agency, the protesters in new York gathered near the headquarters of the United Nations. They had posters of “Obama in jail” and “Your enemy George Soros”. Similar actions, according to the official representative of the Schiller Institute Diane Sir, were held in two cities in the US — Boston and Houston, as well as in Berlin (Germany). Sir said that US residents must know the truth about the events in Ukraine, as the same people

South Korea urged the U.S. Senate to make the DPRK in the list of terrorist States

Washington needs to include the DPRK in the list of terrorist States. As reported on Friday, February 24, the Agency “Yonhap”, the request comes from a South Korean parliamentarians. The Chairman of the defense Committee natssobraniya of the Republic of Korea Kim Yong Woo stated that he had sent a letter to the head of the armed services Committee of the U.S. Senate John McCain. “The recent assassination of Kim Jong-Nam shows the brutality of the North Korean regime,” — said the MP. He accused the DPRK in the organization of this crime. “It is known that the incident involved a North Korean diplomat”, he argued, stressing that it is about “terrorism under the leadership of the authorities” of the DPRK. Pyongyang denies the charges. The treatment of South Korean parliamentarians McCain will be delivered to the diplomatic mail next week. Previously on 24 February, the Malaysian police reported that,

Malaysian police called caused the death of Kim Jong-Nam poison

Half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, Kim Jong Nam, according to preliminary data, was killed with a highly toxic chemical, known as nerve agent VX. About it reports Reuters, citing a police report in Malaysia. As explained in the police, in the course of the research chemists-experts took swabs from the face and eyes of the victim. The nerve agent VX chemical weapons, according to the UN classification is a weapon of mass destruction. Kim Jong-Nam, was killed on 13 February at the airport of Kuala Lumpur where he was going to fly to Macau to his family. On suspicion of involvement in the crime arrested a citizen of Indonesia a citizen of Myanmar (according to other sources — Vietnam), citizen of Malaysia, as well as a native of the DPRK Ri Jong Chol. Malaysian authorities also announced in the search for four North Korean citizens. According to preliminary

In the Philippines arrested criticized the Senator Duterte

In the Philippines arrested opposition Senator Leila de Lima, famous for criticizing the country’s President Rodrigo Duterte. On Friday, February 24, according to Reuters. In addition to the MP, the local court had arrested her former driver and bodyguard. “The truth will come out, I want justice. I’m innocent,” she said to media representatives before the police escorted her out of the office, where the detention was made. Last week, the Philippine Department of justice filed against de Lima’s accusations of bribes from drug traffickers. On 21 February, the Senator urged the Philippine government to declare Duterte impeachment. And in 2016, she appealed to the international criminal court with the requirement to hold against him the investigation. Used methods of dealing with addicts it is called “crimes against humanity”. Rodrigo Duterte won the presidential election in may 2016. The basis of his program was the promise to eradicate drug abuse

Google accused Uber theft used in driverless car technology

The company Waymo — structure of Google, which develops the means of control an unmanned vehicle, has filed a lawsuit against Uber and its startup Otto, accusing them of using stolen technology. This writes the Business Insider. The suit was sent on Thursday, February 23, in U.S. district court in San Francisco. The paper argues that a team of engineers working at Google, stole development of a lidar laser sensor that provides the vehicle’s orientation relative to surrounding objects. “Otto and Uber took intellectual property Waymo in such a way that allowed them to avoid the risks of loss of time and money on independent development of its own technology,” reads the lawsuit. In terms of money the plaintiff estimates the damage from the theft of more than half a billion dollars. As a defendant in the case mentioned one of the first members of the team working on the

Parliamentarians of Russia and Ukraine met in Vienna and discussed the conflict in the Donbass

Peter Tolstoy Russian and Ukrainian parliamentarians met in Vienna in the framework of the OSCE parliamentary Assembly, where he discussed the settlement of the conflict in the Donbass. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the Russian delegation, Vice-speaker of the state Duma Peter Tolstoy. According to him, the talks were also attended by the Secretary General of the OSCE PA Roberto Montella and the President of the Assembly Christine Muttonen. Tolstoy expressed “urgent desire to return to Kiev in the direction of the Minsk agreements and to respect them point by point in order to achieve the goal,” to stop the bloodshed and sit down at the negotiating table with the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics. Muttonen invited the heads of delegations of the two countries to hold separate talks on the issue and more detailed and balanced approach to the solution of existing

Charge d’affaires of Russia to the UN appointed by Pyotr Ilyich

First Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN, Peter Ilichev appointed chargé d’affaires in connection with the death of Ambassador Vitaly Churkin. About it RIA Novosti said the Russian permanent mission. “By Pyotr Ilyich appointed acting permanent representative to the UN,” — said the Embassy. To guide the work of the Embassy he will be to appoint a new Ambassador to the world organization. Ilyichev was born 11 March 1966. 5 Dec 2013 he received the diplomatic rank of extraordinary and Plenipotentiary envoy of the second class, reports “Interfax”. Vitaly Churkin died in new York on Monday, February 20, the day before your 65th birthday. As reported by the newspaper The New York Post, the diplomat and her condition worsened due to “heart problems”, he was taken in serious condition to a hospital, but doctors failed to save his life. Churkin held the post of Russia’s envoy at the

The US imposed sanctions against two leaders of “al-Nusra Dzhebhat”

The U.S. Treasury contributed to the sanctions list, two leaders of the group “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra”. This was reported on the website of the Department. Sanctions subjected to Bassam Hamad al-Husri, having, according to one Syrian, the other Palestinian citizenship, and a citizen of Jordan Iyad Nazmi Salih Khalil. All their property and assets if found to be subject to U.S. jurisdiction will be blocked, citizens and organizations of the United States forbidden to enter into transactions with them. In the American Ministry recalled that a day earlier, the UN has added these individuals to the sanctions list of terrorists. Al-Husri and Khalil, according to Washington, are natives of Syria, and are on its territory. Khalil at the beginning of 2016, was third in the hierarchy of the official “dzhebhat an-Nusra” and appointed “Emir” of the coastal area of Syria. He headed the office of intelligence and security of the terrorist

Trump has promised to expand the U.S. nuclear Arsenal

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has promised to expand the nuclear Arsenal of the country. He stated this in an interview with Reuters. According to the American leader, the United States has lagged behind in this matter, and he intends to ensure that the United States was “on top”. As transfers RIA Novosti news Agency, a White house spokesman Sean Spicer on regular media briefing on 23 February said that “the US does not intend to concede their superiority in the nuclear field to anyone”. February 10, the official Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the possibility of extending the Treaty on measures for the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms, said that Moscow and Washington need to share relevant information regarding the positions of the parties in the field of strategic security. “We had a certain break in the dialogue on strategic security issues, so

The Turkish General staff announced the liberation of the Syrian city of al-Bab from IG

Turkish troops and detachments of the Syrian opposition has established control over the town of al-Bab in Syria. It is reported by Anadolu news Agency with reference to the General staff of the Turkish armed forces. The soldiers of the Syrian free army, which, with the support of the Turkish military completely cleared the city of militants, began demining operations. As reported by one of the field commanders of the FSA, Ahmad al-Sahabi, opposition forces completely control al-Bab. The promotion of opposition groups is hampered by mines set by terrorists. The operation to clear the town from ISIS began after the Turkish armed forces and opposition forces liberated the areas between Azaz and Jerablus. Near the town of al-Bab over the past several months of fierce fighting. The original exemption of the settlement was announced on 16 February, however, fighting continued after that. Turkey spends more than six months in