Japanese media reported on the Chinese protection of Kim Jong-Nam

Kim Jong-Nam, was killed in Malaysia, to avoid conflict between the DPRK and China. It is reported by the Japanese newspaper “Yomiuri Shimbun”, citing its own sources. According to the edition, the elder half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN lived in the special administrative region of China — Amine, or Macau. Chinese authorities put him and his family protection, fearing for their lives. Himself Kim Jong Nam I was asking her to clean since she was messing with him. Kim Jong-UN, according to a source, banned the operation to destroy Kim Jong-Nam in Macau in order not to spoil relations with China. Kim Jong-Nam, was killed at the airport of Kuala Lumpur, where going to fly to Macau to his family. According to the Minister of health of Malaysia, the death was due to paralysis caused by the highly toxic chemical, known as nerve agent VX. In pockets killed

The leader of the IG admitted defeat groups during the recent fighting

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi The leader of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi addressed his supporters with a speech in which he admitted defeat in the recent fighting. It is reported by Al Sumaria, citing its own sources. In a statement addressed to close the preachers, the leader of ISIS called on them to continue the fight by moving the bases and strongholds in mountainous and remote areas of Iraq and Syria. The source also said that senior operatives have already fled from the besieged Iraqi army Mosul towards the Iraqi-Syrian border. Earlier on March 1, the commander of the Federal police of Iraq RAID Shair Gaudet reported that terrorists are increasingly surrounded by government troops, and their commanders are leaving the areas of Mosul that are still under their control. At the same time it became known that the units of the Iraqi

The media learned about the exclusion of Iraq from the list of “forbidden countries” in the new decree trump

Donald Trump In the new decree of the President of the United States Donald trump on immigration, it would eliminate the ban on entry for citizens of Iraq. It is reported Associated Press with reference to a number of officials. According to the Agency, the decision was taken under pressure from the Pentagon and the state Department, which urged the White house to review the initial position of the administration to trump in connection with the key role of Iraq in the fight against Islamic terrorism. At the same time citizens of the other six countries — Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — are still not able to enter the territory of the United States. Appropriate restrictive measures will be in effect for 90 days. Also, the new decree will include a provision that provides an advantage in obtaining asylum to citizens belonging to persecuted in their homeland

Trump called Obamacare replace system with other principles

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump in a speech to Congress stated that initiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama health reform Obamacare must be replaced by a new one and listed its core principles. Trump stressed the importance that access to insurance had all the Americans who have history of the disease. The President suggested that when buying insurance act tax credits, and the amount of medical bills increased. Also, the reform should protect patients and physicians from unnecessary costs that increase the price of insurance. In addition, according to trump, we need to give Americans the ability to buy insurance regardless of the state. Earlier, trump was sent to the office of the government Directive on the decision to take action to curtail imposed by the Obama health care system. After the inauguration, taking place in the oval office, he signed a decree easing the

CNN learned about the trump concerns over DPRK

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump believes that the main threat to the United States is North Korea and its nuclear program. It is reported by CNN, citing a senior source in the White house. According to the interlocutor of TV channel on Monday, February 27, trump met with a representative of China and urged Beijing to influence Pyongyang, which China has serious leverage. Who spoke American leader, is not specified. However, apparently, we are talking about a member of the state Council of China Yang Jiechi, the most senior Chinese official that trump has met since assuming the office of President. On February 25 The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. state Department revoked the visa of the head of the American Department of the foreign Ministry of the DPRK Choi sung-Hwi. His meeting with former administration officials was scheduled on 1 and 2

Trump has promised to find new friends in the world

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump announced the country’s intention to find new friends and again to lead other States. About this American leader said Tuesday, February 28, in his speech before Congress. Stream his speech was carried on the White house channel on YouTube. “America is ready to make new friends and create new alliances where interests coincide… what we are witnessing today is the revival of the American spirit. Our allies will understand that America is once again ready to lead others,” said trump. The American leader said his job is to represent US, and he respects the right of other States to choose their own path. In his words, “an independent country is the best way to Express people’s opinions”, reports RIA Novosti. In addition, speaking to Congress, trump said that the time has come for a new program of national reconstruction. According

Iraqi commanders told about fleeing from Mosul, the leaders of the IG

Militants “Islamic state” tend to leave the Western part of Mosul, reports CNN with reference to the commander of the Federal police of Iraq RAID Shair of Caudata. According to him, terrorists are increasingly in a situation where they are cut off from each other, and their leaders run out of pockets that are still controlled by ISIS. “The terrorist organization ISIS is in a state of shock, confusion and destruction, and its militants fighting in the isolated groups”, — said Gaudet. “Our intelligence units on the ground report that the terrorist organization is falling apart, and its leaders fleeing from Mosul,” he added. Iraqi forces regained control over the Eastern part of Mosul, displacing IG a month ago. Under fire from government troops now there are pockets of terrorists in the Western part of the city. February 24, government forces took full control of Mosul airport and a nearby

Trump stated the need for infrastructure programs to a trillion dollars

Donald Tramploline: trump has promised to find new friends in the world The President of the United States Donald trump in his speech before Congress said that the country needs a new infrastructure development programme with a volume of a trillion dollars. According to him, the time has come for a new program of national reconstruction. While the US has spent about 6 trillion dollars in the middle East, their own crumbling infrastructure, said trump. The President explained that a trillion dollars can be invested through public and private capital. With this proposal he will speak to the Congress. Implementation of the program, he said, will create several million new jobs. Trump said that the basis of this program will have two principle “buy American” and “hire Americans.” The President urged to restart the engine of the American economy to make companies easier to do business in the USA and

The European Parliament has voted for deprivation of Le Pen immunity

Marine Le Pen The Committee on legal Affairs of the European Parliament (EP) “overwhelmingly” voted for deprivation of parliamentary immunity of a candidate for President of France and leader of the National front, marine Le Pen. On Tuesday, February 28, according to Reuters. Was 18 deputies, against — three. Now the decision of the Committee must be approved by the European Parliament. The vote on the issue in the EP, according to the Agency, could be held this week. The question of removal with Le Pen’s immunity was set because of pictures of acts of violence committed by militants of the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” ( IG, is prohibited in Russia), which she had placed in his microblog on Twitter in 2015. The number of published frames — the execution of American journalist James Foley. Against members of the party of Le Pen is currently being investigated about the

The candidate for the presidency of the N. I. USA has ranked Russia the main threats

Dan Coates The candidate for the post of head of national intelligence Dan Coates has described Russia, China and North Korea major threats to the country. He stated this on Tuesday, February 28, during his speech at the congressional hearings on his candidacy, Reuters reports. “Russia’s desire to assert itself in world politics is something that I look with great concern. This is something we should approach with eyes wide open and be treated with a healthy degree of skepticism,” said Coates. He also called for a thorough investigation of any attempt by Russia to influence the past presidential election. Against China Coates said that the state “continues its activity in the region.” We are talking about territorial claims in the East and South China seas, reports TASS. In his speech, he also pointed to provocations from North Korea, Iran, conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan and “other hot spots”. The US