Unknown rider threw acid in the face of the resident of Berlin

Unknown poured acid over the 27-year-old resident of Berlin, passing by on a Bicycle. It is reported by Die Welt. The woman was attacked in Friedrichshain district on Monday night, 27 February, however, the circumstances of the incident became known later. The victim was walking along Unstressed when passing a cyclist splashed her in the face with toxic liquid and disappeared. The woman did not look at him. The fire brigade arrived at the scene, has not yet established what kind of acid was used. Traces of hazardous substances were discovered on parked cars. According to the police, is not the only case of an attack involving acid. Over the past three months, such attacks were five women. In January, a cyclist attacked a resident of the Berlin district of Prenzlauer Berg. In December, there were three such incidents, including in the areas of Berlin and Weissensee. All the victims

CNN has learned the name of the candidate for the post of U.S. Ambassador to Russia

U.S. Ambassador to Russia may become the former Governor of Utah John huntsman. On Wednesday, March 1, CNN reported, with reference to own sources in the administration. According to one of the interlocutors of the channel, last week the huntsman was talking about this with US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, the negotiations continue. Another source added that a likely candidate was contacted on the matter with key advisers to the President of the United States and by Donald trump. Official statements from the White house has not yet followed. Currently, the U.S. Ambassador in Moscow is John Tefft, he has held this post since 2014. At the end of December 2016, it was reported that it can change Congressman Dana Rohrabacher or diplomat Thomas Graham — Advisor to former Secretary of state Henry Kissinger John huntsman, Republican, 56. Governor of Utah, he was from 2005 to 2009, from 2009

In the United States reported on the negotiations with Turkey on its participation in the liberation of Raqqa

Raqqa residents (archive photo) Washington is negotiating with Ankara about its possible participation in the liberation of the Syrian city of raqqa. This was stated by the commander of the international operation against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG) in Iraq and Syria American Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, reports RIA Novosti. Details of the negotiations are not reported. The day before Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara after his release al-Baba can take part in the operation to liberate Raqqa from the militants of the “Islamic state” (banned in Russia) in case reach agreement with Moscow and Washington-led international coalition. The President also noted that the next target of the Turkish army will be the liberation of the Syrian city of Manbij. February 23 the Turkish General staff said that Turkish troops and detachments of the Syrian opposition took control of the Syrian town of al-Bab. Turkey since

In the United States reported an erroneous shot Russia and Syria at the Arab coalition

Steven Townsend Russian and Syrian aircraft mistakenly struck a blow for the forces of the Arab coalition. On Wednesday, March 1, said us Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, commander of the international operation against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) in Iraq and Syria, reports Reuters. The attack was carried out near the Syrian city of al-Bab on February 28. Townsend noted that in the attacks of the losses were incurred. “Yesterday Russian planes and aircraft of the regime [Syrian government] was bombed a number of villages, which, I believe, in their opinion, were in the hands of ISIS,” he explained. Townsend added that it made a few quick calls channels created to avoid conflicts, RIA Novosti reported. “The Russians admitted and have ceased to conduct bombing,” he said. According to the Agency, Russia has repeatedly stated that he accepts the decision to order airstrikes in Syria only

The UN has accused the Syrian air force in the attack on a humanitarian convoy near Aleppo

An independent UN Commission to investigate human rights violations in Syria accused the Syrian air force in the attack on a humanitarian convoy near Aleppo on 19 September 2016. About it reports Reuters. Investigators believe that Syrian military “carefully planned and ruthlessly carried out an air RAID on a convoy of UN and Syrian red Crescent in Orum al-Kubra, in the countryside West of Aleppo, which killed 14 employees of humanitarian mission”. Survivors of the RAID said that the attack took place in three stages. According to them, first, helicopters dropped barrel bombs on a warehouse and residential building nearby, followed by another blow, struck the aircraft. After that aircraft was shot was on the ground with machine guns, they claim. The report of the UN Commission of these actions named as a war crime. The document also States that the previous investigation of this tragedy are unable to identify

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of China asked for help in the fight against insurgents and terrorists

Geng Shuang China required the assistance of the international community in the fight against Uighur Islamists. This is related to the Chinese foreign Ministry on Wednesday, March 1, the Agency reports Reuters. “We have repeatedly said that armed groups in Eastern Turkistan is a threat to China’s security, and we wish to cooperate with the international community to counter terrorism and Turkestan separatists”, — said the representative of the Guardian Geng Shuang. The Chinese government has announced new counter-terrorism measures after the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited on the territory of Russia) released a video of military training of Uighur terrorists. The Iraqi IG unit has released a half-hour video, which shows military exercises of the Uighurs, as well as cutting staff from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region (XUAR). Beijing is concerned that the Uighurs are mostly Muslims from the Eastern region of Xinjiang are leaving to Syria and Iraq

The Taliban staged a double bombing in Kabul

Militants movement “Taliban” staged a double bombing in the Afghan capital. On Wednesday, March 1, according to Reuters. First, extremists attacked the headquarters of the Afghan intelligence in the Eastern outskirts of Kabul in the building managed to penetrate two people. One of them blew himself up, the second shot by the guards. Then was attacked the district police office in the Western part of the city: there also was an explosion, followed by gunfire between the militants and the guards. As indicated earlier, nearby military school, so it is unclear what the object was trying to attack the Taliban. While it is known one of the victims in the terrorist attack at the building intelligence and 35 wounded in the battle at the police Department. Responsibility for attack was assumed banned in Russia, the Taliban. February 7 suicide bomber outside the Supreme court in Kabul, killing 20 people. Then

Fillon announced the continuation of the presidential campaign

Francois Fillon The candidate in presidents of France from the party the Republicans Francois Fillon has decided to continue the struggle for the presidency, despite the investigation into the fraudulent employment of his wife. It is reported BFMTV. Fillon called the expanded campaign against him an attempt to “political assassination”, not only him as a candidate, but the presidential election in General. “My desire to benefit [the country] is much stronger than the charges against me”, — quotes the policy statement to Le Figaro. At the same time, Fillon confirmed that he had received the agenda on March 15 at the court, where he can be charged. The case against the politician and his wife Penelope had started financial news on February 24. The investigation concerns embezzlement of public funds, misuse of public property, complicity and concealment of these crimes, trading in influence and concealment this information from the authorities.

Turkey is thinking about banning flights of American planes from the base in Incirlik

Incirlik Air Base Turkish authorities are considering the possibility of a ban on the use of us planes in Incirlik airbase. It is reported Yeni Safak. This step of Ankara might go in the case that the United States will continue to support Kurdish forces in battle for Syrian city of raqqa fighters from the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). At the same time, Ankara has nothing against the participation in this operation, the free Syrian army (FSA) supported by Turkey, says the publication. February 28, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara can take part in the operation to liberate the Syrian city of raqqa in the case that agreement has been reached with Russia and the US-led international coalition. “We will no longer indifferent observers, which remained for a long time,” — said Erdogan, noting the desire of Ankara to liberate Raqqa from

A citizen of Vietnam and Indonesia were charged with the murder of Kim Jong-Nam

A Citizen Of Indonesia Siti Aisha The Prosecutor’s office of Malaysia was charged with the murder of Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, a citizen of Vietnam and Indonesia. On Wednesday, March 1, reports TASS with reference to the news Agency Kyodo. The police came to the conclusion that women have caused a toxic substance on the face of Kim Jong-Nam with his bare hands. The defendants could face the death penalty by hanging, reports RIA Novosti. 28 Feb Seoul urged to suspend the membership of Pyongyang in the United Nations. The occasion was the alleged involvement of North Korean high-ranking officials in the elimination of Kim Jong-Nam with the help of a highly toxic chemical known as nerve agent VX. “In North Korea, according to our information, stored programs, and thousands of tons of chemical weapons depots scattered throughout the country. This murder is a Wake-up