The media learned about plans of a meeting of senators with the author of the dirt on trump

The author of the report about the alleged ties of U.S. President Donald trump with Russia, former British intelligence officer Christopher Touch suggested to appear as a witness before the select Committee on intelligence of the U.S. Senate. It is reported by The Independent citing environment of Steele. As the newspaper notes, it is unlikely that the British will accept the offer. However, alternatively, the number of congressmen from the Republican and Democratic parties are considering the possibility of a meeting with Steele in the UK or on neutral territory. While the former spy has not responded to the offer of the American senators made two weeks ago. However, the environment Steele said that he was prepared to cooperate subject to certain conditions to ensure its safety. 2 March it became known that the special Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives will conduct its own investigation allegedly carried

Al-Qaida confirmed the death of the second person in the group

Abu al-khayr al-Masri The second person in “al Kaide” Abu al-khayr al-Masri (Abu al-Khayr al-Masri) was killed in Syria. Information about his death on Thursday, March 2, confirmed in the group, reports Reuters. Al-Masri was eliminated in the town of Idlib during the air strikes of the international coalition operating under the auspices of the United States. Informed about his death said the representative of American intelligence. The bombing, he said, was conducted on Sunday, February 26. 59-year-old al-Masri (real name Abdullah Muhammad Rajab Abdul Rahman) was the right hand of the leader of “al-Qaeda” Ayman al-Zawahiri. It is known that he was married to one of the daughters of founder of “al-Qaeda” Osama bin Laden. It is also reported that he was looking for in Iran, a refuge after the terrorist attacks in the United States committed on 11 September 2001. Pentagon sources believe that he was in Syria

Trump called criticism of the attorney General on a witch-hunt

Donald trump and Jeff sessions The US President Donald trump called a “witch hunt” criticism of attorney General Jeff and Roman sessions because of his meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. About the statement of the head of the White house, which leads Reuters. “The Democrats will overplay their hand. This is total witch hunt!” said trump. The President called Sesna “honest man” and said that he did not make false statements, speaking during the consideration of his nomination to the Senate. “He could make your answer more accurate, but it obviously wasn’t done intentionally,” — said the head of the White house. Earlier on March 2, trump said that “fully” trusts Jeff Seshns. At the same time, he noted that he was not aware of the contacts of the attorney General with the Russian Ambassador. Sam sessions, commenting on a March 2 meeting with Kislyak, assured that he discussed

Malaysia has freed a suspect in the murder of Kim Jong-Nam North Korean

Malaysian authorities have released the citizen of North Korea Ri Jong Chol, who was detained for the murder of Kim Jong-Nam — the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. About it reports Reuters. Ri Jong Chol. expected to be delivered to the immigration office, after which he is deported to North Korea. The General Prosecutor’s office of Malaysia said that the decision was made due to the lack of sufficient evidence against Ri Jong Chol. A citizen of the DPRK was detained immediately after the assassination of Kim Jong-Nam in mid-February. On suspicion of involvement in the crime was also arrested a Malaysian national, a citizen of Vietnam and a citizen of Indonesia. The last — 25-year-old Siti Aisha got poisoning Kim Jong-Nam $ 90. Also declared wanted are four citizens of North Korea. Kim Jong-Nam, was killed at the airport in Kuala Lumpur with toxic substances nervously-paralytic action.

The media learned about the searches in the house of Fillon

Francois Fillon The searches took place on the morning of Thursday, March 2, in the house of the candidate in presidents of France, former Prime Minister françois Fillon and his wife, located in the seventh arrondissement of Paris. It is reported by Le Parisien, citing its sources. Investigations, according to the publication, led staff Central office for the fight against corruption, financial and tax crimes. Surrounded by the Fillon confirmed the fact of searches, noting that they had run out and refused to comment further. March 1, Fillon declared intention to continue the struggle for the presidency, despite the investigation into the fraudulent employment of his wife. At the same time he confirmed that he had received the agenda on March 15 at the court, where he can be charged. The case against the politician and his wife Penelope were opened financial news on February 24. The investigation concerns embezzlement

The new head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the USA came to work dressed as a cowboy riding on a horse

The new Minister of internal Affairs of the United States Ryan Zinke arrived on the first day to work in a cowboy outfit riding a horse. Related pictures he posted on Twitter. “I am honored to stand with the brave officers of the national Park Service. These professionals are ready to give us your life… be Grateful to the warm reception at the interior Ministry this morning,” the Minister commented pictures. — Secretary Ryan Zinke (@SecretaryZinke) 02 March 2017, 14:46 The picture of Zinke wearing a cowboy hat and jeans on horseback was also posted on the page, Bureau of environment Twitter. As noted by The Hill, his act Zinke tried to demonstrate commitment to the protection of nature, in particular national parks. The new head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the United States is known as a lover of hunting, fishing and tourism. During the hearings on

The newspaper reported the use of Mike Pence’s personal email for official purposes

Mike Pence Vice-President Mike Pence, occupying the post of Governor of the state of Indiana used for business purposes personal e-mail, which in the summer yla hacked. This was reported by the Indianapolis Star newspaper. According to the publication, the Pens discussed with his advisers with the help of personal mail a wide range of topics, including security issues. In a letter to chief adviser Pence for security gave him the information the FBI regarding the arrest of several terrorism suspects. In the summer of 2016 Inbox Pence has been hijacked, Radoslava on his behalf a false message that he was robbed during tours to the Philippines and took the money, credit cards and cell phone. The Pens were later forced to apologize to the recipients of the mailing and got himself another account. The publication notes that Indiana laws do not prohibit the officials to use for official purposes

Brussels police intercepted a suspicious truck with gas cylinders

Police in the Belgian capital of Brussels, intercepted a suspicious truck carrying gas cylinders. It is reported by Thursday, March 2. According to law enforcement officers, the driver roughly violated traffic regulations, at great speed he ran a red light. Police managed to stop the car and detain the driver. The requirement patrol to open the body, a detainee refused. Police broke into the door compartment and found it with gas cylinders and petrol cans. The place was called the bomb squad and explosives, the block cordoned off by police. In connection with the incident closed the nearest subway station. According to RTBF, the detained driver came into the view of law enforcement due to his connections with radical Islamists. On 25 January in Brussels have detained a few suspected militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). The suspects, according to intelligence, could return

U.S. attorney General commented on the meeting with the Russian Ambassador

Jeff Sessions U.S. attorney General Jeff sessions said that he had not discussed with the Russian party campaign Donald trump, and has also recused himself in the investigation related to this issue. As reported by Reuters, sessions said Thursday, March 2, during a special press conference. “I want to state very clearly that I never had meetings with the Russians or brokers regarding the [election] campaign of trump,” he said, noting that he didn’t give the Russian side any data. According to and Roman sessions, at the meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, who passed on the initiative of the latter, the issues of terrorism and the conflict in Ukraine. However, he added he did not remember, did Kislyak on political topics. The attorney General also said that voluntarily refuses to participate in the investigation of the alleged Russian interference in presidential elections in the United States. “I take rejection

Trump expressed confidence suspected of having ties to Russian Prosecutor General

Donald Tramploline: U.S. attorney General commented on the meeting with the Russian Ambassador The US President Donald trump said that “fully” trusts attorney General Jeff Seshns that the American media was accused of contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. About it reports on Thursday, March 2, Reuters. Trump, speaking in Newport news, Virginia, expressed confidence that the sessions should not recuse myself in the investigation into the alleged relations of the command of the White house with Russia. At the same time, he noted that he was not aware of the contacts of the attorney General with the Russian Ambassador. On March 1, the Washington Post posted the material in which it was alleged that the sessions held two meetings with the Russian Ambassador several months before the US presidential elections, which took place in November 2016. In January, at the hearings in the Senate about his approval to the