Saudi Arabia’s king has mastered the selfie during Asian tour

Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Ibn Abdul Rahman al Saud In the network appeared a photo and video from the trip of Saudi king Salman in Asia. On 3 March, reports The South China Morning Post. The monarch has a picture of himself and starred in the short rollers together with senior officials of Indonesia and Malaysia in the first days of his trip. Photos and videos, which is usually reserved 81-year-old king behaves quite informal, gained millions of reposts. The President of Indonesia Joko Widodo shared on social networks a video where he is having dinner with Salman at the Palace in Bogor near Jakarta. Video probably filmed on the front camera of the phone of the President. In the video Salman is eating the soup, and then commented on his visit, the first visit of a Saudi monarch in Indonesia for almost 50 years. The king also took a selfie

One of the commanders of NATO called the Russian actions against U.S. an act of aggression

Adrian Bradshaw The actions that Russia has taken against the US during the presidential elections in 2016, can be regarded as an act of aggression. This was stated by Adrian Bradshaw, the Deputy Supreme commander of the United armed forces of NATO in Europe, reports The Independent. “This is a political decision, but I do not exclude that naked aggression, albeit without the use of conventional weapons, may result in the application of the fifth article,” — said General on the situation in the Treaty establishing NATO, which interprets an attack on one member as an attack on all its members. He also said that Russia represents a hybrid threat to member countries of the Alliance. The publication notes that Lieutenant-General James Everard in March, will replace Bradshaw in his post. January 6 was published declassified version of the report prepared by the Central intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of investigation

American Muslims offered to protect Jewish religious sites

After a series of attacks on Jewish religious sites (cemeteries and synagogues) in the U.S. American Muslims have offered to protect them in a sign of solidarity between the followers of Islam and Judaism. About it reports The Independent. The publication cites the example of user messages social networks: for example, former U.S. marine from Arizona was Rashib the Tayyib (Tayyib Rashib) expressed dissatisfaction with the growth of anti-Semitism in society and said that he is willing to go to protect Jewish religious sites. “If your synagogue or Jewish cemetery needs to be protected, sign me up. This is required by Islam,” he wrote on Twitter. Rachiba statement quickly spread on social networks and spawned hundreds of similar proposals. On February 22 it became known that the American Muslims gathered 55 thousand dollars to rebuild destroyed by the vandals of Jewish cemeteries. “At least these crazy acts and filled our

The Russian foreign Ministry told about the meeting with Tefft

John Tefft Contacts between Russia and the US continue on an ongoing basis. This was stated by the Russian foreign Ministry, RIA Novosti reported. On Friday, March 3, took place the meeting of Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov and US Ambassador to Russia John Tefft. “Ambassador Tefft is in contact with its partners every day on all issues. The U.S. and Russia cooperate on an ongoing basis, both between governments and between citizens of our countries,” — said the official representative of the Embassy Maria Olson. The news comes amid a scandal with the U.S. attorney General: Democrats urged him to resign because of conversations with the Russian Ambassador. Earlier it was reported that the ad hoc Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives will investigate the alleged ongoing contacts between members of staff trump with Russia. Trump has repeatedly denied these accusations.

The Director has forbidden Muslims to pray at German school

The management of the school named after Johannes Rau in the German city of Wuppertal (Federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia) has banned pupils-Muslims to pray and perform other religious rituals in school. Representatives of educational institutions noted that public prayers provoke other students and give rise to disputes about freedom and religion. It was reported by Der Westen. The scientific Council of the school sent a letter to the city administration, which States that the manifestation of religious belief is prohibited in school. After placing this document on Facebook, the situation caused a lot of discussion in social networks and local media. The municipal authorities stressed that the wording of the statement was unsuccessful. The school is going to discuss with students the incident and consider possible solutions to the problem. However, the school has every right to ban to pray “in a provocative manner,” said the city authorities. According

The Turkish foreign Minister called on Germany to “learn to behave”

Mevlut Cavusoglu The Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu accused Germany of double standards and urged it to think about their behavior. With this statement he made after officials in the German town Gaggenau has canceled a speech by the Turkish Minister of justice Bekir Bozdag. On Friday, March 3, reports The Daily Sabah. “If Germany wants to maintain relations with Turkey, she must learn to behave yourself,” said the Turkish foreign Minister. He also called on Germany to bilateral cooperation, noting that Berlin should consider Ankara as an equal partner. 2 Mar power Gaggenau (Federal state of Baden-Wurtemberg) has canceled a speech by Turkish Minister of justice, who was going to appeal to supporters of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Bozdag called it unacceptable and has canceled a meeting with his German colleague Heiko Maas. A number of Turkish Ministers earlier announced his intention to visit Germany, where

The mayor of Calais the French were forbidden to give food to migrants

The mayor of the French city of Calais, previously occupied by a spontaneous refugee camp “the Jungle”, in fact banned from distributing food to the migrants. Such a conclusion newspaper Le Monde made on the basis of the decision of the mayor Natalie Bouchard, which States about the ban on gatherings in the city. Such a decision Bouchard took after Calais was visited by the Minister of internal Affairs of France Bruno Le Roux. After the demolition of the camp in November 2016, several hundred migrants continue to stay in this French city and its surrounding areas, getting food aid from local humanitarian organizations. One of the founders of such organizations “56 Utopia” (Utopia 56), which provides daily meals to refugee children, told the newspaper that he was “shocked at the cruelty of this decision.” Thus, according to Le Monde, Bouchard wants to prevent the emergence of new spontaneous camps

Germany is concerned about the deployment of Russian missiles near Kaliningrad

Germany was concerned to respond to the deployment of missile complexes “Iskander-M” in the Kaliningrad region. This was stated by Commissioner for disarmament and arms control in the German foreign Ministry Patricia Flor, reports “Interfax”. “Of course, the deployment of missiles “Iskander-M” in Kaliningrad does not contribute to building trust, because the missiles that are placed there, you can fly to Berlin,” explained Flor. According to her, Germany has no plans retaliatory measures unilaterally because it is a member of the NATO military Alliance, which will be agreed upon next steps. Authorized the German Minister added that Germany is committed to maintain a dialogue with Russia. In her opinion, at the moment in Europe there are no effective mechanisms of control over conventional arms, so Berlin is resuming consideration of this issue. The decision on the transfer of missile complexes “Iskander-M” in the Kaliningrad region was made in October 2016.

In Vienna the Iraqi refugees were sent to prison for gang rape

The district court in the Austrian capital of Vienna recognized eight refugees from Iraq guilty of gang rape. About it reports on Thursday, March 2, the news Agency APA. They are sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 9 to 13 years. Judge Peter Pasulka bear’s verdict, explained that in the case of too few mitigating circumstances. In particular, only two of the defendants cooperated with the investigation, and the confession only wrote one of the criminals. According to the Agency, the convicts were shocked by the verdict, as under Austrian law the maximum sentence for aggravated rape is 15 years. They have all expressed their intention to appeal the court’s decision. 5 December 2016 in Germany arrested a migrant from Afghanistan, a suspect in the rape and murder of 19-year-old daughter of a senior official of the European Commission. The victim studied at the University of Freiburg at the

In the collision of a cement truck with a bus in China has killed ten people

In Yunnan province located in southwest China, a cement truck collided with a bus. In the result, ten people were killed and another 38 were injured of varying severity. On Friday, March 3, according to China Daily in his Twitter. — People’s Daily,China (@PDChina) 03 Mar 2017, 01:17 It is noted that all victims are delivered in hospitals. The accident occurred on Thursday evening on the highway near the city of Lincang, according to the Agency “Xinhua”. A cement truck crashed into a bus in which there were 47 people, including two drivers, swerved off the road. The reasons and circumstances of incident being investigated. In December last year in China’s Hubei province passenger bus swerved off a highway and fell into the pond. As a result, 18 people were killed.