In Saudi Arabia, the police have clubbed the two Pakistani transgender

The guards in Saudi Arabia was tortured to death two Pakistani transgender people. This was reported by Pakistani human rights activists, reports on Friday, March 3, The Independent. 35-year-old Amna and 26-year-old Minot police put in bags and beaten with sticks. During the RAID, police arrested 35 alleged transgender. As the newspaper notes, AMSU and Mino killed because they were in a homosexual relationship and was dressed up in women. According to human rights activists, transgender, living in Saudi Arabia, very scared. Activists demand from the authorities of the Kingdom of explanations and information on the status of the 22 people who remain behind bars for 11 people was released after he paid a fine of 150 thousand riyals (about 40 thousand dollars). Homosexuality in Saudi Arabia is punished severely, usually in same-sex relationships can lose their heads.

A former defendant in the case, Kim Jong-Nam accused the Malaysian police of threats to his family

A citizen of Korea Lee Chung-Chul, which in Malaysia was suspected of involvement in the death of half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN — Kim Jong-Nam, said that Malaysian police tried to intimidate him by the loss of his wife and children if he did not plead guilty. About it as transfers TASS, he told reporters at the DPRK Embassy in Beijing, where he arrived after the deportation. Li Chong-Chul said that on the evening of 17 February to his home burst 17 policemen during a family dinner. Without presenting a warrant, they cuffed him and started searching. Police confiscated his phone and made a call. The police claimed that the found in his house automotive fuel and brake fluid is poisonous. Later he told investigators that during a search allegedly found paper folding with a poisonous substance. However, Li Chong-Chul was present only in the first seven hours

In the US, spoke about the rise of domestic terrorism after the victory trump

Donald Trump The victory of US President Donald trump in the past the November 2016 elections contributed to the rise of a new wave of domestic terrorism. This is stated in the report of the Ministry of internal security of the country, excerpts from which publishes the Intercept. The report was circulated on 21 February, but data contained in it became known later. The document describes the situation in North Carolina. “Before the elections and immediately after them throughout the state there have been a number of incidents, including attacks on the offices, candidates and public institutions,” write the authors. According to them, these buildings are a tempting target for homegrown terrorists and for those who want to achieve political demands and to influence the state’s policy. Materials on теме00:27 21 Jan 2017President split naziev what conditions in Washington took place the inauguration of Donald trump As noted by the

The white house has acknowledged the meeting close to the Trump people with the Russian Ambassador

Donald trump and Jared Kushner Two close to the President of the United States Donald Trump in contact with the Russian Ambassador to the USA Sergey Kislyak. This was announced at the White House, the content of the statement reports The Independent. Among who spoke with the Russian diplomatic representative was former national security Advisor, Michael Flynn and son-in-law trump Jared Kushner. “They were just talking about relationships, and it was quite logical to establish a line of communication. Jared met with representatives of more than two dozen countries, with diplomats and heads of state,” said hope Hicks, responsible for strategic communications White House employee. According to him, the meeting Flynn and Kouchner Kislyak was held in December at the tower “trump tower” in new York city and lasted 20 minutes. Flynn resigned on February 14, he lost the confidence of the President after he misled Vice-President Mike Pence regarding

Trump called for the investigation against the leader of the Democrats in Congress

Donald Trump US President, Donald trump has demanded investigation against the leader of the democratic minority of the house of representatives Nancy Pelosi. This statement he made immediately after put forward the same demands that her colleagues from the Senate Chuck Schumer. “I hereby demand a second investigation, after the Sumerians, about Pelosi for her close ties with Russia, and lies about it”, — with irony, he wrote on Twitter. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 03 March 2017, 21:02 To his post, the President attached the material of the publication Politico with a photograph, which in 2010, Pelosi was captured at the same table with the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. As the newspaper notes, when Pelosi asked if she ever Kislyak, she replied: “No, the Russian Ambassador, no.” In refutation of these words and was given this picture seven years

Trump called a hypocrite requires to investigate its relationship with Russia Senator

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump called a hypocrite leader of the democratic minority in the Senate Chuck Schumer, posting a photo where he is depicted together with Russian President Vladimir Putin. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 03 Mar 2017, 17:54 “We need to start an immediate investigation in respect of Sumer and its ties with Russia and Putin. A complete hypocrite.” — trump wrote in his Twitter. The photo shows a smiling Schumer and Putin holding the paper cups and donuts. “Willingly answer: my contact with Mr Putin and his associates took place in 2003, in full view of the press and the public, ready to swear it. How about you and your team?” commented Sumer tweet trump. Schumer and his party colleagues have advocated investigation of “relationships trump of Russia” and “Russia’s attempts to influence U.S. elections”. He also became one of the initiators of the bill,

French MP has proposed to prohibit marriages between migrants

Member of National Assembly of France, Jacques Miyar sent to the Ministry of justice a proposal to ban marriages among illegal migrants. On Friday, March 3, reports RT with reference to the document. “Marriage is the basic human rights that is recognised by many international conventions… But it is unacceptable to allow to marry in France without the ability to establish the authenticity of identity documents”, — it is told in Deputy inquiry. According to him, the conclusion of the marriage unions between refugees can lead to uncontrolled migration. “In addition, it is impossible to check whether this man in another marriage. And it will strain relations with other countries,” says Miyar. As noted, against marriage between undocumented migrants are also some deputies of France in the European Parliament. Earlier, on 3 March, Le Monde reported that the mayor of the French town of Calais, previously occupied by a spontaneous

Died the former President of Haiti, rené préval

René Préval Former Haitian President rené préval has died on 75-m to year of life, reports Reuters. Préval became the first leader in the 202-year history of the country, which won democratic elections, worked on his post for a full term and peacefully transferred power to a successor. Education préval was an agronomist. He first won the presidency in 1996, after the presidency of his colleague Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and he handed over power in 2001. Three years later, Aristide was overthrown. From 2006 to 2011, préval was again held a post of the President of the country. In this period the tragedy occurred, killing more than 200 thousand people, the earthquake of 12 January 2010. During his reign, the préval paid attention to infrastructure development, engaged in land reform. Unlike many of his predecessors, he was not accused of mass human rights violations, despotism or corruption.

In the United States was arrested for threatening the Jews of the Internet bully

The U.S. Supreme court has arrested a man from the city of St. Louis, Missouri, a suspect in the Internet-hooliganism and anti-Semitism. About it reports Reuters. According to investigators, 31-year-old Joan Thompson was sent to Jewish community centres in different States of at least eight messages about bombs. A large part of the warnings he sent by mail, but a few gave over the phone. Just since the New year there were more than 100 such calls, but it is unclear how many of them did Thompson. It is well established that as a result of his actions was evacuated to several community centers. How did you manage to set the police, informed Juan Thompson worked as a reporter in the online publication The Intercept, devoted to the problems of national security. He was fired in February 2016 that he put in my notes, made-up quotes and sources. In the

The U.S. Congress was sent to the Israel delegation on the question of moving the Embassy

The us Congress sent to the Israel delegation, which will to study the possibility of moving the U.S. Embassy from tel Aviv to Jerusalem. About it reports The Independent. Yet, according to sources of the newspaper, decided that the new us Ambassador to Israel David Friedman will live and work in Jerusalem, while the official building of the Embassy will remain in tel Aviv. Earlier, the President of the United States Donald trump stated that he supports the transfer of the Embassy. At a press conference following the visit of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington, the us leader said: “We are very seriously and carefully consider this question and see what happens.” On 30 July 1980, Israel declared Jerusalem its indivisible capital. Three weeks later, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution according to which Organization does not recognize Israel’s right to East Jerusalem and considers it occupied. In