Representative Blair commented on the rumors about his job in the team trump

Tony Blair The representative of the former British Prime Minister Tony Blair commented on the rumors that the politician intends to enter a team for the new US President Donald trump. About it reports The Guardian. All the information that Blair was led on this occasion any negotiations with the Trustees of trump, she called inventions. “Mr Blair did not show any desire to become the President’s special envoy on the Middle East, she explained. — In addition, he did not conduct any negotiations on this subject and never discussed the possibility of work for the current American President. He is engaged in the middle East peace process for 10 years and don’t intend to stop this work.” About what Donald trump can attract Tony Blair in the ranks of his administration, first reported by the Daily Mail in the night from Saturday to Sunday, March 5. The newspaper suggested

Penelope Fillon spoke about the work her husband

Penelope Fillon and her husband The spouse of the candidate in presidents of France from Republicans françois Fillon spoke about the work of her husband. Interview with a politician’s wife publishes the Journal du Dimanche. According to Penelope Fillon, she decided to talk to journalists, to suppress a variety of “crazy rumors”. As explained by Madame Fillon, it was always out of politics, and her work on her husband were of a technical nature. “I helped his Secretary. I cooked for my husband notes and memos about what is happening in his constituency Sarthe. I did something like press reviews” she said. In addition, Penelope Fillon claims that he participated in the preparation of public speaking spouse, editing his speech. March 1, Fillon announced that he will continue participation in the presidential race, despite the investigation at the Procurator fiscal of the country in respect of fictitious employment of his

In the USA unknown demanded from the Sikh to get out of the country and shot him in the hand

Members of the Sikh community at the annual parade in new York In the USA an unidentified man asked the Sikh to leave the country, then shot him in the arm. It is reported by The Seattle Times. The incident occurred in Seattle, Washington. According to the victim (his name is not reported, we only know that he was 39 years old), he examined my car on the track leading to the house, when he was approached by an unknown white male of medium height and stocky build. He was wearing a mask covering the lower part of the face. He shouted to the Sikh: “Go home to your country”, then pulled out a gun and shot him in the arm. The victim was discharged from the hospital. “He and his family are shaken to the core, — said the head of the local Sikh community dzhasmit Singh. Members of

In the United States opened 50 centers of legal assistance to Mexicans-illegals

The us-Mexican border The Mexican government has opened at the consular offices in 50 U.S. cities, the centers of legal aid fellow. About it reports “Russian service bi-Bi-si”. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Mexico Luis Videgaray said that in this way the government hopes to prevent violations of the rights of Mexicans living in the United States. The need for the establishment of the Advisory departments is dictated by the tightening of us legislation against illegal immigrants. Legal aid centers will provide free support to the Mexicans, which the US authorities can deport home. As pointed out by “Russian service bi-Bi-si”, such support may need to millions of people. Now in the U.S. there are about 11 million illegal immigrants, six of whom are immigrants from Mexico. On 13 February, Videgaray stated that the number of applicants for clarification at the diplomatic mission of Mexico to the United States

Russian sailors released from Nigerian captivity

Nigerian pirates Seven Russians and one citizen of Ukraine — crew members of the ship BBC Caribbean — released from Nigerian captivity. This was reported by RIA Novosti, the Commissioner for human rights of the city of Sevastopol Pavel Buzy. “The sailors of the residents of Sevastopol are already at the Frankfurt airport and from day to day will fly home, I feel fine,” said the defender. On 7 February the Russian Embassy in Nigeria has reported the seizure by pirates of the ship BBC Caribbean. Crew members were taken hostage and taken to the pirate camp on the beach. Pirates operating near the Nigerian coast, attacking foreign ships to seize cargo and kidnapping sailors for ransom. As a rule, negotiations after they are released, while the details and the amounts paid for prisoners, were not disclosed. The latest incident of this kind with the Russian sailors occurred at the

Iraqi troops attacked the center of Mosul

Battle in Mosul Units of the Iraqi army launched a new attack on the center of Mosul, held by the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters. As stated by the press-Secretary of the joint command of the operation, Brigadier General Yahya Rasoul, the offensive was taken on the southern and South-Western areas, troops are fighting for the historic center of the city. On 1 March it was reported that units of the Iraqi army took control of the last major road on which the Islamists would withdraw troops and equipment from Mosul. In the t same day the leader of the IG Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi addressed his supporters with a speech in which he admitted defeat in the recent fighting. On 18 January it became known about the release of the Eastern part of Mosul, the second largest city of

Tony Bellew knocked out David Haye

The British boxer, the current world champion in the first heavyweight Tony Bellew knocked out compatriot David Haye. About it the correspondent “”. Battle under the heavy weight took place in the night on Sunday in London and ended with the victory Bellew by TKO in the 11th round. In the middle of a three-minute Belew sent Haye on the floor, and he resisted the urge to out of the ring, partially spilled over the ropes. Hey managed to get up, but his team threw in the towel, signaling the end of the match. In the sixth round, Haye has been knocked down. 34-year-old Underwear won 29 wins (19 knockouts) in his career, with one draw and two defeats. 36-year-old Haye, who owned world titles in the first heavy and heavy weight classes, suffered a third defeat in his career with 28 victories (26 knockouts).

In MOR spoke about the lack of influence of the Ukrainian radical in the movement of trains

The actions of the Ukrainian radicals who are blocking the railway track in Konotop near the border with Russia, had no effect on the movement of trains. TASS said on Sunday, March 5, the press service of the Moscow railway (MZHD) in the Bryansk region. “According to the duty officer at the Bryansk branch of the Moscow railway, breach of trains on the Ukrainian direction in the Bryansk region is not observed”, — said the representative of the press service Inna Chikacheva. According to her, from the beginning of a new day from the territory of Russia in the direction Konotop loss only freight trains, passenger trains will arrive to the border of the two countries on Sunday evening. As told Chikacheva, from Moscow through Bryansk and then to walk daily Konotop Ukrainian and Moldovan passenger train, Russian trains in this direction does not operate. The freight traffic in this

In the United States after clashes between supporters and opponents of trump dozens of people were detained

More than 20 people detained by police following clashes during marches supporters and opponents of U.S. President Donald trump. It is reported Associated Press with reference to local police. In Berkeley, California, the detainees seized various dangerous objects — baseball bats, boards, iron pipes. In skirmishes during marches in the state seven people were injured, but no one was hospitalized. In St. Paul, Minnesota, was arrested six people, podzhegshih fireworks directly into the crowd. Two were taken into custody in Nashville, Tennessee, four in Olympia, Washington. Marches in support of trump is held in dozens of cities across the country. Supporters of the current administration took to the streets under the slogan March 4 Trump (“March for trump”), the title also plays with the date of the action. These performances of supporters of the President responded to a number of demonstrations against him, the regular passing in the United States

Austria has offered to open reception centres for refugees outside of the European Union

Centers for reception it is necessary to open outside the territory of the European Union. As writes in the Sunday, March 5, the weekly Bild am Sonntag, stated the Minister of foreign Affairs of Austria Sebastian Kurz. He added that the leadership of the centres must be implemented in conjunction with the Office of the UN high Commissioner for refugees. “Where exactly they will be, not so important. It is important that they will provide protection, and that people who illegally try to enter Europe will be returned there. These companies may be located in countries such as Egypt, Georgia or in one of the countries of the Western Balkans”, — said Kurz. He also stressed that the deportation of migrants-illegal immigrants from the EU will not solve the problem. From his point of view, EU authorities must stop seeking in Europe before crossing the border and return back. In