Britain was in favour of cooperation with Russia without the lifting of sanctions

The UK is in favour of cooperation with Russia, despite the difficulties in relations between the two countries. On Monday, March 6, said the Deputy Minister of defence of the United Kingdom Stephen Lovegrove in his speech in the center of the Atlantic Council in Washington, reports RIA Novosti. “I think we want to cooperate with Russia. It is important that communication lines remain open, that we understand how to develop their doctrine, and it has changed significantly,” said Lovegrove. He stressed that London does not intend to cancel anti-Russian sanctions imposed in connection with the situation around the Crimea, which “cannot be ignored”. The Deputy Minister also said that the Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson is going to meet with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “soon enough”. About the plans of Johnson to come to Moscow at the invitation of Lavrov in the foreign office

Appointed as the new Director of White house communications

The assistant to the President and Director of it administration and communications appointed Michael Dubke. This is stated in the message on the White house website. Dubke previously was a founding partner of the company Black Rock Group. It was created by media to ensure the election campaigns of a number of Republican politicians. In early February, it was reported that President Donald trump is disappointed, how did the first two weeks, his spokesman Sean Spicer. Initially he held two posts — the White house spokesman and Director of communications. In this regard, it was decided to find Spicer partner who in the new administration will handle public relations. The decision on the appointment of Spicer to the position of the official representative of the White house was taken in December. During the presidential campaign, trump he was a representative of the National Committee of the Republican party.

One of the most wanted British criminals found behind the wardrobe

Law enforcement officers in the British city of Bradford (County of West Yorkshire, England) detained one of the most wanted criminals after he discovered it during a search for a wardrobe. On Monday, March 6, according to the page police Department in Facebook. Law enforcement officers searched for the man in four locations and found at the very last house. “The suspect hid behind a wardrobe. He was arrested and taken to the detention center”, — noted in police. The detainee is suspected of committing numerous serious crimes of a sexual nature. He will be deported to their homeland in Slovakia. In November 2016, a resident of the U.S. state of Oklahoma has found in his closet a stranger, who was a fugitive from the law. 11-year-old Presley brown saw the reflection of the Flight of Coke in the mirror in the bedroom. The screams of the American women ran

In Jutt Arab city in Northern Israel have the signs removed with the name Arafat

Yasser Arafat In the Arab town of Jutt (Jatt), located in the North of Israel, removed the signs with the name of the street named in honor of the late President of the Palestinian national authority, Yasser Arafat. It is reported by The Haaretz. As notes the edition, the head of the Israeli MIA Aryeh Deri gave the authorities of the city for 48 hours. The occasion was the post of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Facebook. The head of the government stated that it “will not allow the emergence in the country of names, perpetuating the memory of the “enemies of Israel””. According to RIA Novosti, Netanyahu vowed, if necessary, to issue ban on the legislative level. Street Arafat existed in Gate since 2008, however, the authorities learned about it only now out of circulation Association of disabled Israeli army. In April 1989, Yasser Arafat was elected President of

The Indian Catholic media stood up for a pedophile priest

Catholic media of India stood up for a priest accused of raping a minor. It is reported India Today. As has established a consequence, the rector of the Church of St. Sebastian in Kannur, Kerala, made dissolute actions concerning minors. Robin’s dad, aka Matthew Vadakkanchery, repeatedly raped 15-year-old girl parishioner. After one of the sexual intercourse she became pregnant, after which she was placed in a private hospital. When she was delivered from the burden of the child behind her gave to the orphanage. The father Robin fled, but was caught. A priest stood up to the Catholic press. The publication Sunday Shalom, expressing, as it stated, the opinion of the local Catholic bishops, criticized for a rape victim. “So the girl has passed 15 years, the article says. I’ll tell you, as told to her daughter — the incident is your fault. Before God you will answer first. My

Peskov said about the dangers of “American hysteria” relations of Russia and the USA

Dmitry Peskov Hysteria, which is observed in official Washington and the media, hurting relations between Russia and the United States. Such opinion expressed press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov on Monday, March 6, in an interview with CNN, answering a question about Moscow’s intervention in the American presidential election. “We have no intention to intervene. The only thing I can tell you that all the hysteria in official Washington and the American media harms the future of bilateral relations,” — said Peskov. “It is time someone in the United States to think: if we’re weak that any country can interfere in our internal Affairs and to influence our electoral system?”, — added the official representative of the Kremlin. Earlier on March 6, Peskov urged not to associate Moscow with the domestic policy of the United States. “I do not need somehow to associate us with domestic U.S. issues,” he

Iranian ships in Hormuz Strait intercepted the ship of the U.S. Navy

The ship of the U.S. Navy in the Strait of Hormuz was captured by ships of the Islamic revolution guards Corps (IRGC) of Iran and was forced to change course. About it reports Reuters, citing a senior source in the Pentagon. According to the military, the Iranian ships approached to a distance of 550 meters from the ship measuring complex “invincible” (Invincible) and stopped. In order to avoid collision of the ship and following in marching order three ships of the British Navy were forced to change course. American sailors tried to get in contact with the Iranian colleagues on radio, but received no response. A Pentagon spokesman called the actions of the Iranians “dangerous and unprofessional.” Incidents involving ships of the U.S. Navy and Iran in the Strait of Hormuz occur regularly. The last of them dates from the beginning of January, then the American destroyer “Mahan” opened precautionary

In India, three people arrested for the sacrifice 10-year-old girl

In the Indian state of Karnataka, three people arrested for having kidnapped and sacrificed 10-year-old girl. About it reports BBC News. According to police, the cause of the incident was the illness of one of the villagers. His brother and sister went to the local sorcerer, who said that their relative is a curse that can only be removed with the help of human sacrifices. For this they are using 17-year-old boy kidnapped the girl, who lived in the same village. Soon the girl’s body was found on the edge of the village. A sorcerer with improvised Packed it in a big bag, put there the number of items used in the ritual. An angry mob laid siege to the kidnappers house and threw stones at him. The massacre was prevented by a timely arrival of the guards, who arrested three of the kidnappers and launched an investigation. According to

The party of Fillon has confirmed its status of a candidate in the presidential elections

Francois Fillon The leadership of the French party the “Republicans” at the end of an emergency meeting has confirmed its position on support of the candidate for the presidential election Francois Fillon. About it reports Reuters. The decision was taken despite unfolding around Fillon scandal about misuse of state funds allocated to pay employees. Party leader Bernard acquaye stressed that the party has been United in support of a campaign visit. Earlier on Monday, March 6, former Prime Minister of France and mayor of Bordeaux Alain Juppe refused to replace Fillon as a candidate. March 5, Fillon said he did not intend to refuse participation in elections. Before that, one of the prominent figures of the “Republicans” Christian Estrosi hinted at a possible replacement candidate. In his opinion, the right-wing campaign is doomed to failure and can no longer continue in this spirit. On the same day it became known

British police reported the 13 prevention of terrorist attacks in four years

Since mid-2013, British police prevented a 13 potential terrorist attack. This was stated by the head of the counterterrorist activities of Scotland Yard’s mark Rowley, reports on Monday, March 6, The Guardian. According to him, the extremists were going to attack including in Brussels and Paris scenarios. “Some of them were more elaborate,” said Rowley, noting that the terrorists wanted to attack on police stations and military, as well as to organize terrorist attacks in public places. “We are concerned about everything — from attacks with a knife or using vehicles to serious attacks with the use of firearms”, — quotes BBC News. Rowley added that over the past two years, the level of threat of terrorist attacks in the UK is classified as serious. “This means that an attack is highly likely”, he concluded. 22 March 2016 in Brussels airport near the ticket counter American Airlines, two explosions occurred.