NATO Secretary General attended to the intention of Kosovo to create own army

Jens Stoltenberg NATO is concerned about the intention to transform Kosovo security force the country into a full-fledged army. This was stated by Secretary General of the Alliance, a press release published on the organization’s website. Stoltenberg held talks with President of the unrecognized Republic of Hashim Thaci and Prime Minister ISA Mustafa to convey to them the serious concerns of the allies about the recent proposals of the authorities to transform the safety Force of Kosovo in the armed forces without proper constitutional changes. “I gave them to understand that such unilateral steps are useless, and advised the authorities to remain in close contact with Belgrade”. The Secretary General stressed that the functions of the security forces are determined by the Constitution of Kosovo, however, in the event of changes NATO will reserve the right to reconsider the level of support for Pristina. The Kosovo security force is mainly

Made in militants tunnels Mosul found two statues of winged bulls

Photo: Alaa Al-Marjani / Reuters In the tunnels of the Iraqi city of Mosul, the archaeologists found two ancient Assyrian statues of winged bulls. On Wednesday, March 8, reports The Guardian. It is noted that the tunnels were laid by the militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). In one of the tunnels was also found bas and a plaque carved with cuneiform signs. Experts believe that it is about the discovery of a previously unknown temple, as it depicts priests and sacred rites. The findings are believed to date back to V-VI century BC. Earlier on March 8, Reuters reported that the Mosul Museum there is not any one exhibit. This was stated by major General Ali of the Iraqi police Kadem al-Lami. According to his assumption, they could be sold on the black market. On 7 March it became known that the troops of Iraq

Berlin asked Ankara not to compare modern Germany with the Third Reich

Turkey should not compare modern Germany with the Nazi state. This was stated by the head of the German foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel after a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu, his words are reports Reuters. The two Ministers also stressed the need to return to the warm relations between States. “We might be any differences and contradictions, but there is no alternative to negotiations, if we want a step by step return to the normal friendly relations,” said Gabriel, highlighting the mutual desire of the parties to normalize relations. He also said it was unacceptable to compare modern Germany with the Third Reich. German authorities have banned a presentation on the country of the two Turkish politicians who had to campaign for amendments to the Turkish Constitution, strengthening the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Turkish leader compared these restrictions with Nazi policies. German Chancellor Angela Merkel,

The American was accused of the attempted murder of the dummy

Las Vegas man accused of trying to kill the dummy, which was used as bait to catch the man, who scored two sleeping homeless. A doll placed near the area in the centre of the city, where as a result of head injuries killed the homeless, the Associated Press reports. The charges that were the reason for legal disputes were filed against 30-year-old Shane Allen Schindler (Schindler Shane Allen) on Tuesday, March 7. At the hearing the judge ruled that the suspect should be tested for viability. Public defender Phil Kohn (Kohn Phil) ridiculed these accusations, noting that you can’t kill an inanimate object. According to law Professor Fordescape University in new York Deborah Denno (Deborah Denno), in most States, the laws take into account what a person thinks at the time of the crime. “You can’t kill the dummy,” agreed the expert. However, the added Day, if the conditions

“Female” the traffic lights were in Australia

In Australia there were “female” lights. On Tuesday, March 7, reports the Herald Sun. The publication explains that male silhouettes turned into a female after adding skirts. Such an experiment in the campaign for gender equality decided to carry out the authorities of the state of Victoria, on the proposal of the public organization “Focus group of the future.” The experiment will last a year, the venue was Melbourne, and only there found ten such lights. The innovation caused a heated discussion. As shown by the newspaper Express poll, 94 percent of the participants stated that the figures in skirts don’t cause them to have positive emotions, and money spent on installation of traffic lights, it would be possible to spend more rationally. Most of the respondents expressed the view that to introduce into the minds of the idea of gender equality should be more serious and to waste your

The white house denied reports about the meeting with trump Kislyak

Donald Trump Media reports that Donald trump was meeting with the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergei Kislyak in April 2016 that is not true. On Tuesday, 7 March, journalists of the newspaper the Huffington Post said the first Deputy press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders. We are talking about a reception held in Washington at the Mayflower research Center for the national interest. It was attended by four ambassadors from several countries, one of them was Kislyak. According to Sanders, trump stayed at the reception for about five minutes, and then took the podium to speak. “We have absolutely not remember to whom he could shake hands at a reception, and we are not responsible for who was invited and how checked of guests, — said the representative of the White house. — Those who claim that the meeting took place, is disingenuous and very misleading”. According to

The media learned about the fury of Obama over allegations trump the wire

Barack Obama Former US President Barack Obama became furious after learning about the accusations by his successor, Donald trump in the organization of the wiretap of telephone negotiations. On Tuesday, March 7, writes The Wall Street Journal, citing informed sources. According to interlocutors of the edition, Obama took the words of a Republican as highly offensive, however, is not going to publicly answer every attack the new head of state. On March 5, demanding that the Ministry of justice to refute or to explain the words of trump asked FBI Director James Comey. On the same day the Chairman of the special Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress, Devin Nunes announced the investigation on the possible surveillance of the government for members of the presidential campaign. Previously with a call about it in Congress asked the White house. 4 Mar official Obama’s spokesman Kevin

McCain told the obvious when WikiLeaks with Russia

John McCain American Republican Senator John Maccain called the obvious connection between Russia and WikiLeaks. As writes the Washington Examiner, he responded to a question about whether Moscow relation to the publication organization of a massive archive of secret documents to the CIA. “I can’t say that Russians are responsible for this, but it is clear that WikiLeaks is associated with Russia,” the politician said, pointing to the fact that a former employee of U.S. intelligence Edward Snowden handed to journalists in 2013, the number of secret documents, now lives in Russia. Commenting on the new leak, McCain also noted the need to strengthen the cybersecurity of the United States because “if hackers can hack the CIA, they can crack anyone.” March 7, WikiLeaks posted more than 8,5 thousands of secret documents to the CIA. Publication that contains information “about the whole hacking machine” by U.S. intelligence agencies, called “Asylum

Militants attacked a military hospital in Kabul

In the Afghan capital Kabul explosion, and then the shooting started. On Wednesday, March 8, according to Reuters. The incident occurred near a military hospital in the district of Wazir Mohammad Akbar Khan, near the U.S. Embassy. As reported by Khaama, the explosion occurred at the gate of the medical institution, after which the militants got inside the building, is shooting. The exact number of attackers is unknown. No injuries were reported. March 1, the Taliban staged in Kabul double suicide bombing. First, the terrorists attacked the headquarters of the Afghan intelligence in the Eastern outskirts of Kabul. The building entered by two people. One of them blew himself up, the second shot by the guards. Then was attacked the district police office in the Western part of the capital. There also was an explosion, followed by gunfire between the militants and the guards.

The UN security Council condemned the North Korean missile tests

The UN security Council condemned the missile tests conducted by North Korea. These actions were regarded as a violation of its resolutions. The corresponding statement for the press took on Tuesday evening, March 7, members of the security Council, reports TASS. The security Council demanded that Pyongyang to refrain from such actions, including nuclear tests and to comply fully with their international obligations. In the case of repeated provocations SB threatened significant measures. The security Council expressed grave concern at the “increasingly destabilizing behavior” of North Korea. The document stresses that Pyongyang conducting missile tests, improving the means of delivery of nuclear weapons than “increases the danger of an arms race in the region.” The UN security Council reaffirmed the commitment of peaceful settlement of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, calling on all States to “redouble efforts” for entry into full force imposed on Pyongyang sanctions. North Korea launched