Zakharov told about the cut of the spire of the skyscraper of the Ministry of foreign Affairs for Souvenirs

Old spire of the building of the foreign Ministry on Smolensk square cut into Souvenirs. About it told the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in the air “Our Radio”, reports the national news service (NSN). “You probably know that we have is the replacement of the spire on the building of the foreign Ministry. So, we took the old spire, sawed into 900 small pieces, and arrange these pieces as Souvenirs. Of course, we asked in advance what will happen with this metal. It turned out, he was absolutely unusable — corrosion and so forth,” she said. According to Zakharova, was “the unique limited series of” small pieces, “each of which is authentic, has its own form”. Foreign Ministry spokesman also said that the new spire is almost ready. “Now there’s only a veneer. All will be returned in full. Only be used new, modern materials, so

The UN has accused Turkey of large-scale human rights violations

The office of the UN high Commissioner for human rights published a report about large-scale violations of the rights of the Kurdish population of Turkey. About it reports Reuters. The paper argues that in the period from July 2015 to December 2016 in the South-East of the country killed about two thousand people, and their houses were destroyed. In particular, in the town of Cizre in early 2016 189 for several weeks was actually locked up in the basements of their houses, having no access to water, food and medical care. They all died as a result of attacks by the Turkish army. The UN high Commissioner for human rights Zeid RA’ad al-Hussein said that Turkey does not conduct any investigation on these facts. “It seems that no suspect has been arrested and no one was prosecuted”, he said. On 14 July last year it was reported that the Turkish

In Ethiopia, 46 people died under a landslide of garbage

Addis Ababa At least 46 people were killed on the outskirts of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa by a landslide of garbage at the dump. About it reports on Sunday, March 12, Associated Press. According to the Agency, most of the dead were women and children. Under blockages there are dozens of people, so the number of victims can increase. At the time of the collapse at the scene was approximately 150 people, 37 were able to pull it off. Currently the rescue operation. Debris covered several temporary homes, and concrete. Reportedly, the man lived on the territory of the landfill because it was cheaper. At the same time worked there and waste collectors, earning a living his sort. What was the cause of the collapse is still unknown. Noted, to a landfill more than 50 years took the garbage from the capital. In recent years it was discontinued, however,

The bus ran over 34 people in Haiti

The City Of Gonaives In Haiti, the bus driver ran over more than 30 people. About it reports on Sunday, March 12, SkyNews. According to him, the incident occurred on the morning of 12 March in the city of gonaïves in the North of the island. The first driver knocked down two pedestrians, one of them died. Trying to escape from the accident scene, the man crashed into a group of street musicians. According to preliminary data, killed a total of 34 people, another 15 were injured. In late February, about 20 people were injured in New Orleans when the car drove into a crowd of people. The driver was in an alcohol intoxication. 19 December 2016 the Christmas market in Central Berlin, the truck rammed the crowd. 12 people were killed, another 48 injured. The authorities acknowledged the incident a terrorist attack, on suspicion of his performance was a

Thousands of Irish women staged a demonstration against the ban of abortion

In Ireland held large-scale demonstrations of women calling for the decriminalization of abortion. About it reports The Independent. The largest action took place in Dublin. The protesters blocked O’connell bridge and unfurled banners demanding the liberalization of legislation on abortion. Then the activists went to the Parliament building, the walls of which were chanting feminist slogans and distributed leaflets. The protesters urged women to fight for reproductive rights and to refuse to follow gender stereotypes. To demonstrandum asked the Deputy of the Irish Parliament Coppinger Ruth (Ruth Coppinger), pointing to the importance of the early changes of the abortion laws. The police said that no figures on the exact number of the participating shares. In the Republic of Ireland abortion is a crime punishable by 14 years imprisonment. This is due to the fact that the basic law of the state provides unborn children’s civil rights on an equal basis

The head of the German foreign Ministry called polar bears cute the only EU neighbours

Sigmar Gabriel Europe has only one side has cute neighbors are polar bears in the North. On Friday, March 10, said the foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, reports TASS. “On the other hand, Russia, Turkey, North Africa, and it is difficult neighbors”, — said the Minister of foreign Affairs. Gabriel added that, “no matter how hard a partner, it is necessary to continue the dialogue, and not slide into escalation”. “We can only speak with them, to offer them cooperation, which will benefit the people, recognizing that the situation of democracy, relations with Europe getting worse,” he concluded. On 9 March, the head of the German foreign Ministry said that fears the start of a new arms race in Europe. The foreign Minister also said that the attempt to find common ground is the only chance for the normalization of relations between Russia and the West.

In Saudi Arabia thought about the deportation of five million migrants

The worker who was deported from Yemen Saudi Arabia is considering the deportation of five million illegal immigrants, that is, 20 percent of the population. About it reports on Sunday, March 12, RIA Novosti with reference to the newspaper Al Hayat. According to the Agency, currently the program is being developed for the deportation of the Consultative Council (Majlis ash-Shura). The initiative comes from Deputy, Dr. Fadhel Cage. The authorities fear that migrants will be required to naturalize them, giving them Saudi citizenship. The developed program is not the first for Saudi Arabia. So, in 2013, illegal immigrants were given seven months Amnesty during which all wishing could legalize their status or to leave the country voluntarily. About four million people received official work permits, the country left about one million visitors. Then the deportations began. The campaign to evict the migrants was aimed at reducing unemployment among the indigenous

The Dutch Consulate in Istanbul hoisted the Turkish flag

Consulate of the Netherlands in Istanbul Demonstrators in Istanbul hoisted the Turkish flag on the Consulate of the Netherlands. Video report on the incident published in your YouTube account to Agence France Presse. The protesters advocate the elimination of the Consulate. According to one of the demonstrators, which is why they hoisted over the building of the Turkish flag. Turkish police, for security reasons, blocked all entrances and exits to buildings of the Istanbul offices of the Netherlands. On 12 March the Prime Minister of Turkey, Binali Yildirim stated that Turkey will react very harshly to the actions of the Dutch authorities, who decided to expel the Turkish Minister of family and social policies Fatma Betul saillant Kaya. On the night of March 12 the police in Rotterdam dispersed a rally in support of Charlie. The column of cars with the Minister, who came to the Netherlands from Germany was

Iranian soldiers took up positions near the Golan heights

Soldiers of the Iranian Islamic revolutionary guard Corps (IRGC) took up positions in the Golan heights. About it reports The Independent. According to the newspaper, troops came from the Syrian border. Iranian state media reported that fighters of the Iraqi Shiite group “Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba” with the support of Tehran “is ready to begin the liberation of the Golan heights from Israeli occupation.” “We don’t want Shiite Islamic terrorism led by Iran was replaced by a Sunni Islamic terrorism. Iran continues attempts to destroy the Jewish state. They talk about it openly and in black and white write about it in their Newspapers,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in November. Israel regularly carry out airstrikes in Syria, their goal — object grouping “Hezbollah”. Tel Aviv considers it a terrorist, and fighters “Hezbollah” and Tehran is assisting Damascus loyal troops. Relations between

The Turkish Prime Minister promised a tough response to the “fascist methods” of the Netherlands

Binali Yildirim Ankara harshly react to the actions of the Dutch authorities, who decided to expel the Minister of family and social policy of Turkey. This was stated by Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, his words are quoted by the Anatolian Agency. “The pressure on Turkey and the Minister with diplomatic immunity are unacceptable,” — said the head of government. Yildirim also called for calm living in the Netherlands Turks. “The best answer for this kind of fascist methods will be a referendum on 16 April,” he added. On the night of 12 March, police in Rotterdam dispersed a rally in support of Fatma Betul saillant Kaya, Turkish Minister for family Affairs and social policy. Shortly before the convoy of cars with Kaya, who came to the Netherlands from Germany was stopped, the official is detained, declared an “undesirable alien” and was escorted back to the border with Germany. Kaya