In Tokyo began negotiations of the foreign Ministers of Russia and Japan

Sergei Lavrov and Fumio Kishida In Tokyo began negotiations of the foreign Ministers of Russia and Japan, Sergei Lavrov and Fumio Kishida. On Monday, March 20, RIA Novosti reported. The latter, in particular, noted that he intends to discuss with his Russian counterpart the whole complex of relations between the two countries. “We will discuss a wide range of issues, including, in the preparation of the visit of the Prime Minister (of Japan Shinzo) Abe to Russia in a short time this year”, — quotes its Agency. Kishida also stressed that his plans are to cover in your conversation with Lavrov the joint economic activities of Japan and Russia on the South Kuril Islands. “I would like to discuss with the Minister issues of joint economic activities, a visit to former residents of the Islands based on consultations at the Deputy Minister level in order to conclude a peace Treaty,

Pozner has commented on the performance of the disabled at “Minute of fame”

Evgeny Smirnov and Vladimir Pozner Journalist Vladimir Posner said that the scandal on the show of the First channel “Minute of glory” from the comments of jury members about the performance of the disabled person without one of his legs was swollen. Such opinion as transfers RIA Novosti, he expressed in the ether of the Latvian radio Baltkom. “I believed, and believe! And opinions I did not change. This is not something my arrogance or a bad attitude to these people,” he said, Recalling that it endorsed the activity of people with disabilities. “But, hell, as soon as it starts it’s attention is already unfair fight. People with disabilities need to understand that they overcame not like all the others, and that’s wrong, I think,” — said the journalist. Posner recalled that he had apologized to the disabled, but noted his coldness and further unwillingness to participate in the show.

Trump has criticized Kim Jong UN for ‘bad behavior’

Donald Trump Washington’s negative attitude to the actions of the DPRK through its nuclear and missile programs. As reported in the Sunday, March 19, RIA Novosti, this was confirmed by the President of the United States Donald trump. He answered the questions of journalists before returning to Washington after a weekend spent in the estate of Mar-a-Lago in palm beach (Florida), where he held several meetings on North Korea. “He (the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong — UN is “”) behaves very, very badly,” said trump, other comments on this question from him was not followed. March 17, Pyongyang has also been criticized by trump. “North Korea very bad behavior. Over the years, they are deceiving US,” wrote the American leader in his Twitter. On the same day U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has not ruled out military action from Washington to Pyongyang in case of a threat

In Kyiv told about the negotiations about the sale of the banks with Russian capital

The building of the NBU All the banks with Russian state capital in Ukraine are in talks about a possible sale of the business. As reported by RIA Novosti, said the Deputy head of the national Bank of Ukraine Kateryna Rozhkova, the TV channel “inter”. “We as the regulator of the banking market we believe that this is probably the best way to leave the Ukrainian market, because in today’s environment, unfortunately, some development of these banks on the territory of Ukraine can not speak”, she said. Thursday, March 16, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has approved sanctions against Ukrainian banks with Russian capital. These organizations are prohibited to withdraw money in favor of the parent structures. The restrictions will be in effect for one year. Sanctions applied to the Ukrainian savings Bank, Vesta Bank, Joint-stock commercial industrial-investment Bank, VTB, Bank BM.

Martin Schulz has headed the Social democratic party of Germany

Martin Schulz The social democratic party of Germany (SPD) at the extraordinary Congress approved the former head of the European Parliament Martin Schulz as its President and candidate for Chancellor of Germany. On Sunday, March 19, according to RIA Novosti. For this decision voted 605 of 608 admitted to the procedure of delegates, and three ballots invalidated. In the post of party leader Martin Schulz changed the foreign Minister of Germany Sigmar Gabriel. In late January, Gabrielle invited to nominate Schulz as a candidate for Chancellor in the parliamentary elections, he refused to run. He also announced that Schultz will be headed by SPD. Elections to the German Parliament is scheduled for September 24, the main rival of Schultz will be the current German Chancellor Angela Merkel intends to run for a fourth term from the conservative Christian democratic Union. Martin Schulz was born on 20 December 1955. From school

In the U.S. Congress, found no evidence of “collusion” team trump with Moscow

Devin Nunes Evidence of “collusion” of the campaign headquarters of U.S. President Donald trump with Moscow is not. The Chairman of the intelligence Committee of the us Congress Devin Nunes said on Sunday, March 19, in an interview with Fox News channel. “I’ll give you a very simple answer: no. According to my data this morning, there is no evidence of conspiracy,” he replied to the question of whether the evidence linking team trump with Russia during the presidential campaign of 2016. Núñez added that his Committee will investigate, “tried or not [the Russians] to help Tramp and was involved with his associates.” On March 20 the first public hearing in connection with the investigation núñez reported on March 7. We invite “people with information” that is useful for trial. In early January, was published declassified version prepared by the CIA, FBI and NSA report, which stated that Russian President

An Afghan commando fired the us military at a NATO base

Afghan soldiers fired at the military personnel of the U.S. armed forces at a NATO base, located in the southern province of Helmand. On Sunday, March 19, according to Twitter of the Alliance’s mission, Resolute support. — Resolute Support (@ResoluteSupport) March 19, 2017, 13:10 The command also explained that three soldiers were injured, they received medical treatment. Reuters, citing a representative of the Afghan forces reported that the incident occurred around 15:00 local time in the camp Shorab air force base (Shorab). The shooter — a soldier of the special forces — were eliminated by return fire. There are no other details, information on the causes of action an Afghan soldier while also not. In mid-November 2012 a suicide bomber has committed a suicide bombing on the NATO air base at Bagram in Afghanistan, as a result, four people were killed and 14 were injured. Responsibility for attack was assumed

Beyond “nationalist frenzy” of Ukrainian politicians, arrived in the Crimea

The delegation, which includes Ukrainian politicians and deputies of the European Parliament arrived in Crimea on a three-day visit, said the Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on nationalities Ruslan Balbec. His words leads RIA Novosti. The MP did not specify the names of Ukrainians, but said that it is the sane people who “are not under the influence of nationalist fervor”. “This is the first visit of representatives of Ukrainian politicians,” said Balbec. According to him, parliamentarians have come to see what life is like Crimea on the third anniversary of reunification with Russia. “Their arrival once again proves that the Western strategists overdid it with the demonization of Russia. Today the parliamentarians of many countries, including the European, going to the Crimea, and then to tell your people about the real state of Affairs on the Peninsula,” he added. Only a delegation of about 20 people. According to

The Syrian authorities refused to accept de Mistura in Damascus

Will Staffan De Mistura The Syrian authorities refused to accept a special UN envoy Staffan de Mistura, who was about to visit Damascus before the new round of talks in Geneva. About it RIA Novosti reported, citing an informed source. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, de Mistura appealed to Republic’s leadership asking about the possibility of a visit to Syria on the eve of the Geneva meetings, which have been scheduled for the upcoming week. At the request of the official Damascus refused without explanation, stated the source. He added that de Mistura “has become persona non grata in Damascus — both today and for the future.” The previous round of inter-Syrian talks was held in Geneva in late February — early March. While the opposition has no unified delegation that could act as a partner in dialogue with representatives of Damascus. The meeting concerned only the format

An American diplomat with a broken nose sent from New Zealand

New Zealand expelled a U.S. diplomat because of suspicions that he was involved in the crime. On Sunday, March 19, The Guardian reports. According to police, the diplomat had left the scene before arrival of guards. Details on the incident are not given. It is noted that for this crime the offender faces imprisonment for a term of one year. Also specifies that no one arrested. The employee of the Embassy has diplomatic immunity, in this connection on March 13, the police appealed to the Ministry of foreign Affairs for permission to investigate. According to The Guardian, the office considered the crime serious enough and contacted the U.S. Embassy with a request for deprivation of immunity of a diplomat. The US government nevertheless refused to withdraw from its national integrity, and on March 17 the new Zealand Ministry of foreign Affairs demanded that the American left the country. According to