An American diplomat with a broken nose sent from New Zealand

New Zealand expelled a U.S. diplomat because of suspicions that he was involved in the crime. On Sunday, March 19, The Guardian reports.

According to police, the diplomat had left the scene before arrival of guards. Details on the incident are not given. It is noted that for this crime the offender faces imprisonment for a term of one year. Also specifies that no one arrested.

The employee of the Embassy has diplomatic immunity, in this connection on March 13, the police appealed to the Ministry of foreign Affairs for permission to investigate. According to The Guardian, the office considered the crime serious enough and contacted the U.S. Embassy with a request for deprivation of immunity of a diplomat.

The US government nevertheless refused to withdraw from its national integrity, and on March 17 the new Zealand Ministry of foreign Affairs demanded that the American left the country. According to the newspaper, to date, diplomat has already fulfilled the requirement. The investigation of the incident to which he, presumably, has to do with the proceeds.

According to TVNZ, we are talking about Colin white technical attaché of the American Embassy in Wellington (capital of New Zealand). The material of the broadcaster also States that the incident resulted from a diplomat’s broken nose, also he had a black eye.

