The white house has revealed details about the condition of his daughter and son trump

Donald trump and Jared Kushner (right) As the daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner, who occupy positions of his advisers, is 740 million dollars. Published by the White house the financial condition of the members of the administration drew the attention of the newspaper The New York Times. According to the official, the couple after the appointment of the advisers of the head of state left office in several companies. It is noted that they still benefit financially from the activities of some of them. In particular, Ivanka has retained a stake in the Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington. Data about the daughter of trump and her husband, as well as information about more than 180 employees of presidential administration should consider the ethics Committee in the House of representatives of the United States. Earlier, Bloomberg reported that the

Second in the “Islamic state” after al-Baghdadi killed in Iraq

In Iraq, an airstrike killed Ayad al-Jumaili (Ayad al-Jumaili), the closest associate of the leader of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. About it reports Reuters. He was eliminated in the town of al-Qaim near the border with Syria in Western Anbar province, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the Iraqi TV channel IMN. It is clarified that the terrorist was in charge of the security around the IG. During the reign of Saddam Hussein al-Jumaili worked in the intelligence structures in Fallujah. After the invasion of Iraq, American troops he joined the rebels. On 29 March it was reported about the disarmament of Iraqi Minister of health IG sa’d Abu Shu’ayb. He was shot in the Old city of Mosul.

All those arrested on charges of terrorist attack in London was released

All 12 people arrested earlier in the case of the terrorist attack in London have been released. This was reported by city police. According to her, on Saturday, April 1, was released last of the suspects. As noted, the 30-year-old man was arrested in Birmingham on March 26. It, as 11 others were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the attack, law enforcement officials was released without “any further action”. Police are still investigating the attack. 22 Mar 52-year-old Khalid Masud on the car hit people on Westminster bridge and drove to the Parliament building. There car was stopped by police. The terrorist stabbed him with a knife and was killed by another guard. The victims were four people, several dozen injured. Responsibility for the incident was assumed by the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia). While the British police found no evidence linking the perpetrators of terrorist acts

Mosul promised to liberate from ISIS to late spring

The Iraqi city of Mosul would be liberated from the militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) until the end of spring this year. On Saturday, April 1, one of the commanders of the Federal police of Iraq, Brigadier General shaker al-Khawaja has told RIA Novosti. “The liberation of Mosul will take another week. This spring you will hear the news”, he said. According to the commander, the remaining terrorists in our country now are from one to one and a half thousand fighters. “The IG controls to date, 25 to 30 percent of the territory West of Mosul. We continue to release new areas,” said shaker al-Khawaja. On 28 March the head of the Main operations Directorate of the General staff of Russia, Colonel-General Sergey rudskoy said that around 800 militants freely out of the surrounded city. Operation in the Western part of Mosul

US intelligence agencies learned about invisible to the scanners with explosives in laptops

American intelligence agencies believe that the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia) and other extremist groups have developed a new way to install explosive devices in different gadgets, which they can’t detect scanners at airports. About it reports CNN TV channel with reference to own sources. According to him, intelligence officials believe that the terrorists were able to get the equipment that is used at airports. With it, they check how effectively can hide bombs in laptops and other electronic devices. In particular, the officials told CNN that could be developed by way of placing the explosives at the place of the laptop battery. According to new intelligence that ISIS and other groups managed to ensure the charge device is sufficient for passing the test in on state. As noted, these data influenced the decision to ban passengers entering the U.S. from a number of countries in North

On Mars “found” which opens a portal in space-time supercollider

Scientists of the National Directorate of the USA on Aeronautics and space research (NASA) and the European organization for nuclear research (CERN) in search of signs of life on Mars suddenly opened the ancient particle accelerator. They ruled from Earth by the same creatures that built the pyramids of Ancient Egypt. On 1 April, April fool’s Day reported on the website of CERN. As noted in the organization, an ancient accelerator is hidden under the mount Olympus is the highest volcanic formation in the Solar system. Scientists believe that the last time he functioned two million years ago. The images captured by the satellite MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), traces of a device resembling the superconducting accelerating cavities of the Large hadron Collider (LHC). Image: Daniel Dominguez / CERN The length of the accelerator rings on Mars is 75 times the length of the large accelerator ring of the LHC and

Sands answered a question about Bulk materials Medvedev

Dmitry Peskov Official Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called untrue the charges of opposition leader Alexei Navalny against the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He stated this in the program “Good morning America” on ABC. According to the press Secretary of the President, every year the Russian civil servants “serve the Declaration on the income and expenditure in our special bodies that double-check” them. In this regard, “our income is very, very transparent to those organs, (…) which are responsible for fighting corruption,” said Sands. “That’s why, say, the populist accusations that we sometimes see in the press and statements by various activists, is not true, because these activists, of course, simply cannot know the information that is available to the special services,” — said the representative of the Kremlin. He also added that the fight against corruption is a big problem in Russia is on the agenda. Peskov pointed out that

The explosion in Northwest Pakistan killed five people

The explosion in the Pakistani city Parachinar located in the North-West of the country, killing five people. About it reports Reuters. About 40 people were injured. 21 February it was reported that in the Pakistani district of Charsadda three suicide bombers attacked the courthouse. According to the head of the local police Department of Ajasa Khan, all the attackers were armed with grenades and automatic weapons. One of the terrorists blew himself up at the entrance to the building, the other two were shot dead by police before they could get inside. A month earlier in the city market Parachinar the explosion occurred, the victims of the attack were 20 local residents. None of the terrorist groups operating in the region, has claimed responsibility for the attack. Parachinar administrative center agencies (region) to hens, bordering Afghanistan. Located in the so-called tribal areas, which is largely controlled by militants movement “Taliban”

Spain neutralized the group of manufacturers of child porn

Spanish police reported the completion of the operation on suppression of activity of a network of producers of child pornography. It is reported EFE. As a result of operative activities detained 102 participants of the underground network, and seized more than 450 thousand files of child pornography, including scenes of violence against minors. According to Le Figaro, are among the detained students, retirees, fathers and high-ranking officials. Judging from falling into the hands of investigators materials that the youngest victim was a few months, and the oldest not more than 14 years. As explained by the guards, pictures and videos made in Spain, in Latin America and South-East Asia. The authorities of these countries sent the relevant notification. On 7 March it was reported that Indian authorities defused a gang of pedophiles, hunting for orphaned girls. According to law enforcement, a few months raped seven orphan girls aged 12 to

Militants “Boko Haram” kidnapped 22 girls in northeast Nigeria

Civilians in the camp who fled from areas where the Boko Haram Islamists from the group Boko Haram kidnapped the 22 girls in the North-East of Nigeria, the Guardian writes. Militants carried out two raids. During the first attack on Thursday, March 30, jihadists raided the village of Pulka near the border with Cameroon, where it abducted 18 girls. They rushed to the village early in the morning for pickups, grabbed 14 girls later took four from among those who hid from the terrorists in the bushes. During the RAID nobody was injured or killed. Local residents have suggested that the rebels take abducted girls to be married. During the second incursion in the village of Dumba lake Chad, the jihadists slaughtered the shepherd who tried to escape, refusing to pay tribute. The terrorists caught up with the victim on motorcycles and killed, and then took four women from the