In Sweden due to threats of neo-Nazis closed Jewish center

In the Swedish city of Umea because of the constant attacks and threats from neo-Nazis closed the Jewish community center. About it reports BBC News. The anti-Semites painted on the walls of the institution of the swastika and put up signs of threats. Once they smashed a car parked outside the building. According to the community representative Karin Sjöberg (Carinne Sjoberg), because of the constant problems many visitors have stopped to visit. She noted that the campaign is likely a neo-Nazi organization Nordfront. The Jews umeå not intend to abandon the community meetings: they are already looking for new premises closer to the centre of the city, whose security is easier to ensure. The Secretary-General of the Jewish organizations of Sweden Isak Reichel (Isak Reichel) told the TV station that neo-Nazis most of the problems in Gothenburg and umeå, and in the southern city of malmö, the main threats come

In Sweden football fans came to the match in burqa

A group of fans of the Swedish football club AIK (AIK) in protest against the ban on wearing masks at the stadiums came into the match in a burqa. About it reports The Local. As notes the edition, incident happened on Sunday, 2 April, when AIK played against football club “Hacken” (Häcken). The prohibition to wear masks came into force on 1 April. Exceptions are made only for police officers who are on duty, as well as those who cover their face for religious reasons. According to the Minister of internal Affairs of Sweden, Anders Ygeman (Anders Ygeman), it is not expected that the veil will be so fashionable among football fans. He also noted that the authorities are ready to make notes: who you can cover the face. Be allowed to wear masks into the stadium, it was decided after a series of serious incidents. In August last year,

Poland has accused managers of provoking the crash near Smolensk

Continued: the Kremlin has responded to accusations of Poland in the crash near Smolensk The Prosecutor’s office of Poland has put forward accusations of Russian managers and “third person”, who was in the tower, mission control, in the deliberate provoking of a plane crash near Smolensk. It is reported by Polska Agencja Prasowa with reference to the Deputy Prosecutor-General Marek Pashenka. According to him, Warsaw in the near future will turn to Moscow with the request on legal assistance for questioning of Russian air traffic controllers. The Tu-154 aircraft of the Polish air force fell near Smolensk on 10 April 2010. The accident killed all 96 people aboard, including President Lech Kaczynski and his wife. The interstate aviation Committee called the cause of the incident was pilot error, in particular, the crew’s decision not to leave on spare airdrome. The Polish side did its own investigation and laid part of

In France, the trial began against trying to undermine the Swinger club of the owner of a brothel

In Montpellier in the South of France, the trial began in the case of the attempted bombing of a local Swinger club Kalyptus. Of a crime accuse the owner of the sauna, also to provide sex services. On Monday, April 3, according to BFMTV. New year’s eve 2011 at the club had discovered an explosive device weighing about 750 grams. It neutralized, victims managed to be avoided. The suspect is 59-year-old Jean-Jacques Amuro (Jean-Jacques Amouroux), the owner of the sauna was arrested and sent into custody in November 2012. The investigation claims that the bomb was discovered particles of his DNA, however, the man denies his guilt and claims that the accusation is fabricated. Midi Libre says that Amuro in the 80-ies was convicted of organizing a criminal community and prostitution. The crime was preceded by a conflict between institutions because of the domain name. The suspect was created in

In St. Petersburg metro explosion

At the station “Sennaya Ploschad” metro of Saint-Petersburg there was an explosion. This is with reference to a source in law enforcement bodies, reports TASS. There are victims, said the Agency interlocutor. REN TV published a photo, which shows wounded at least seven. In the MOE reported that “Sennaya square” there was a smoke, according to RIA Novosti.

Seoul has agreed to allow North Korean athletes to the Olympics

South Korean authorities have announced that they will not obstruct athletes from North Korea who want to participate in the winter Olympics in 2018. About it reports Reuters. “As for North Korea’s participation in sports events held in the territory of South Korea if they agree to follow the necessary rules and procedures that we approve of their arrival,” — reads the statement of the Ministry of unification of Republic of Korea. It clarifies the Agency, Seoul has expressed its position after Choi moon soon, Governor of Gangwon province, in whose territory the Olympiad, said that the sports officials from Pyongyang wanted to send a delegation to participate in the games. XXIII winter Olympic games will be held on 9-25 February 2018 in South Korea’s Pyeongchang. The program includes six new courses, deleted two. Thus, the total number of disciplines at the Games-2018 will amount to 102. The situation on

In Russia revealed the 33 thousands of motorists with contraindications to driving

The General Prosecutor’s office last year sent to the courts, over 33 thousand of statements about taking action against motorists with different contraindications to driving. On Monday, April 3, “the” has informed the official representative of Department Alexander Kurennoy. “Persons with contraindications to driving, prosecutors demanded to deny driver’s licenses and to terminate their right to management of vehicles. In addition, the Agency has achieved cancellation of decisions of the medical Board for recognition of such drivers are fit to drive,” said Kurennoy. According to him, currently, 30 of the 33 thousand applications already considered and satisfied by the courts. “Only in the Saratov region last year, a driver’s license has been deprived of more than 200 of 269 identified motorists with contraindications to driving. This is largely managed through a single regional database of drug-dependent persons, created on the initiative of the Prosecutor General”, — said the official

Abe’s declared intention to move resolutely towards a peace Treaty with Russia

Shinzo Abe The Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe confirmed his intention to visit Russia and meet with President Vladimir Putin in late April. On Monday, April 3, reports TASS with reference to the Agency Kyodo. He stressed that to solve the territorial issue with Moscow will be difficult. “However, I intend to firmly and consistently move towards the conclusion of a peace Treaty with Russia, not forgetting the aspirations of the former inhabitants of the Northern Islands,” — said the head of government. March 30, the Russian foreign Ministry confirmed that Abe’s visit to Russia scheduled for late this month. According to preliminary data, the Japanese Prime Minister coming in for a meeting with Putin on April 27-28. 20 March in Tokyo talks of the foreign Ministers of Japan and Russia — Sergey Lavrov and Fumio Kishida. The parties exchanged proposals for joint activities in the Southern Kurils. As

The opposition party has refused to concede defeat in the presidential election

Lenin Moreno In the second round of the presidential elections in Ecuador, the lead candidate of the ruling left bloc “Alliance Country” former Vice President Lenin Moreno. It is reported TASS with reference to the national electoral Council (CNE) of the country. The opposition refused to recognize the election results. After treatment, 92 percent of the ballots, Moreno got 51,05% of the votes. His opponent, the representative of the center-right Movement CREO, a former banker Guillermo Lasso, obtained the support of 48,95% of voters. Lasso said that he was going to seek a recount. In his words, “citizens of Ecuador do not recognize the announced results, so they are already out on the street.” The current President Rafael Correa, who has held the office for a third term, said the election results. “Great news for great country: the revolution won again in Ecuador. Right defeated, despite their millions and control

The media called the probable date of the direct line with Putin

Vladimir Putin Direct line with President of Russia Vladimir Putin this year, likely to take place in early summer. Communication of the President with citizens can be dedicated to one of the celebrations of Russia Day on June 12 or the Day of protection of children on 1 June. On Monday, April 3, writes “Kommersant” with reference to sources close to the presidential administration. According to the newspaper, the use of “symbolism holidays” was discussed at the media forum of the Russian popular front (onf) “Truth and justice” in Saint-Petersburg. “Special attention of the popular front with the filing office for public projects of the Kremlin devoted to the ideology of the holidays, which may contribute to the Association of citizens”, — the newspaper notes. 30 March, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that this time the direct line with Vladimir Putin will be held in the