Trump and Merkel agreed to cooperate on Ukraine and Afghanistan

Angela Merkel and Donald trump The President of the United States Donald trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday, April 5, held telephone talks. Leaders, according to Reuters, discussed the conflict in Eastern Ukraine and the situation in Afghanistan. “The leaders agreed to closely cooperate and coordinate on these and other issues,” — said the press service of the White house. Trump and Merkel discussed the Ukrainian crisis during the visit of Chancellor in Washington, which took place on March 17. The us leader said that the United States together with Germany and France committed to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine. Merkel, in turn, noted that the implementation of the Minsk agreements provide an opportunity to improve relations with Russia. The Minsk agreements were adopted at the summit in the Belarusian capital in February 2015 leaders of Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia in the format “Norman

Singapore announced the expulsion of an Imam for insulting Christians and Jews

Nullah Mohamed Abdul Jamil Abdul Malik The Singapore government announced the expulsion of an Imam because it made offensive remarks about Christians and Jews, made in the course of prayer. This reports the South China Morning Post. The decision on deportation was made by the district court of the city-state. The Islamic religious leader also needs to pay a fine in the amount of four thousand Singapore dollars (approximately 2860$). According to the interior Ministry Singapore, 6 January, the Imam / Mohamed Abdul Jamil Abdul Malik during Friday prayers, appealing to Allah, uttered the phrase: “Give us aid against the Jews and Christians.” This information became known to authorities after one of its members posted a video of the sermon on his page in social networks. Nullah later made a public apology for his statements in the presence of 30 priests of different religions. As stated during sentencing the judge,

Trump has promised to destroy the “Islamic state” to protect civilization

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has promised that the United States together with its allies, will destroy the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), and thereby protect the civilization. He stated this on Wednesday, April 5, at a joint press conference with Jordan’s king Abdullah II at the White house, reports Reuters. “We will destroy ISIS, and we will defend civilization. We have no other choice,” — said the President. While trump said that the king of Jordan is also one of the leaders, who advocates the destruction of the terrorist group “once and for all”. In addition, trump said that “very hard work” to bring peace to the middle East, reports TASS. On 4 April, the representative of IG abi al-Hasan al-Muhajir issued an appeal to the citizens of the United States. In his message he called the President of Donald trump’s “the

Trump said the change in attitude towards Assad because of himataki in Idlib

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib changed his attitude to the head of the Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad. He said this on Wednesday, April 5, at a joint press conference with Jordan’s king Abdullah II at the White house, reports CBS News. The incident he described as “a terrible affront to humanity”. “Yesterday’s attack on children has had a big influence on me. What happened, is unacceptable for me. My attitude toward Syria and Assad is very much changed,” said trump. He added that the chemical attacks brought the conflict in Syria “to a whole new level.” A day earlier trump blamed for the recent chemical attack in Syria on President Bashar al-Assad. According to the American leader, “monstrous actions” of the head Arab Republic — the result of weak policy of the administration of his predecessor Barack

The border from the US told about the scaring illegals “trump effect”

Because of the policies of U.S. President Donald trump, the border between Mexico and the United States began to cross a record low number of illegal immigrants. Reported by the Associated Press. In March border guards caught nearly 12.5 thousand people — the lowest figure in the last 17 years. Usually every month the border illegally transferred tens of thousands of people. The Minister of internal security John Kelly in his address to the Senate of the United States Congress refused to recognize this accident and thanked him for this trend of trump. “Many mothers have heard that trump can change the law so that mothers deported and children left in the United States. Many stopped”, — told the Agency the 29-year-old resident of El Salvador, yet chooses to move to the United States. As the Associated Press, the final scale of the “trump effect” can be assessed after a

Son of trump spoke about the benefits of nepotism

Eric Trump The average US President’s son Eric trump called nepotism vital factor and admitted that family ties helped him to achieve what he has now. He stated this in an interview with Forbes, which was taken back in February, but only published now, said on Wednesday, April 5, The Independent. “Believe me, if we had not done the job, was not competent, we would not occupy all these positions”, — quotes the edition of his words. Eric added that eight years ago his father would hardly have trusted him and his brother Donald Trump, Jr. the Trump Organisation management. According to the publication, Donald trump criticized because he hired his daughter Ivanka trump, who along with her husband Jared Kushner will become Advisor to the President, without salary. Husband Ivanka is currently the senior Advisor of the President.

Duterte spoke in defense of adultery

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte was supported by his close friend and political ally of the speaker of the house of Pantaleon Alvarez, who admitted that he had an extramarital affair. This reports the South China Morning Post. “It is a world of hypocrites. Do any of you here didn’t have a mistress?” — said the head of state. The publication also notes that the first marriage Duterte was terminated. Currently, he is a long-term relationship with a woman named Honeylet of Avancena (Honeylet Avancena). While 72-year-old President has openly stated that he had a mistress. Last week, Alvarez admitted that two of his eight children from his wife, and the rest from two other women. Duterte called the statement sexist and added: “there are so many women and so little time. Importantly, in this situation, you could help your children”. The President also added that,

Israeli party postponed the election because of the concert of Britney Spears

Britney Spears Israel’s center-left party “Avoda” has postponed internal party elections not to hold them in a single day with a concert by American singer Britney Spears. About it RIA Novosti said a source in the leadership of the labor party. Primaries were scheduled for July 3. Now agreed that they will take place a day later. The winning candidate for the post of party Chairman will be one of the main contenders for the post of Prime Minister, indicates the Agency. “The argument is this: it is difficult to provide protection. A lot of guards need to the polls and very much on Britney. Hire them for one day, and when the same two big events, then difficulties arise”, — said the interlocutor of RIA Novosti. Writes Israelinfo, the party also fear that in the center of tel Aviv there is a huge tube and many members of the

Lisova lawyer questioned the legality of his detention in Spain

Oleg Gubarev The arrest in Spain of a citizen of Russia Stanislav Lisova, the suspect in the United States in the development of malicious software could be made illegal. In an interview with TASS said the lawyer of the Russian citizen Oleg Gubarev. “Having examined the case on the extradition of Stanislaus Lisova in the US, we have come to believe that there is a possibility of violation of the rights of our client, which might have delayed illegally”, — said the lawyer. According to him, the foxes have been arrested in Spain on 13 January this year, and the order of his detention dated the 19th day of the same month. According to Gubareva, the decision of the Spanish court figures preliminary decision on detention made previously, but transferred to the United States materials this solution is not given and is not even mentioned. “We have filed a complaint

Transgender asked to be included in British passports third gender

British passports must appear a third choice in the column “gender”. This initiative was made by the British group of defenders of the rights of LGBT people Stonewall, about it reports The Independent. According to human rights activists, a British transgender people afraid to travel abroad because passport control they may be subject to humiliating questioning about their true gender. This measure is just one of a number of proposed Stonewall as part of the plan “Vision for change”. It involves the transformation of British society in order for transgender people (of which there are about 650 thousand) were able to feel themselves full-fledged citizens. “People who do not fit into binary understanding of sex that are not protected by law. Official documents please call yourself a man or woman, offering a third option — even when it does not need for a specific document”, — explained in the organization.