Bolivia has requested an emergency meeting of the UN security Council because of a strike on Syria

Bolivia, a non-permanent member of the Security Council of the UN, requested an emergency meeting of the security Council to discuss the missile strikes, the U.S. air base in Syria. About this TASS said a diplomat of one of the members of the security Council. “Bolivia convened a meeting of the Security Council, the time is not set yet”, — said the Agency interlocutor. In the night of Friday, April 7, U.S. President Donald trump has struck cruise missiles on the airfield shirt, which is use by government forces of Syria. Washington has accused the Syrian authorities of use of toxic substances during the air attack in Idlib province on April 4, which killed dozens of people. In Damascus reject these accusations. Earlier, the security Council delayed a vote on the draft resolution on the situation in Idlib.

Trump chose the rocket attack of the three scenarios of action in Syria

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump discussed with members of the national security Council several scenarios of action in Syria. As reported on Friday, April 7, TASS with reference to the press service of the White house, this was stated by Advisor to the President for national security Herbert McMaster. “There were three options that we discussed with the President, and the President asked us to focus on two, work them out, he had a number of questions we tried to answer. (…) After long discussions, the President decided to act,” he said. According to McMaster before you begin implementation of the plan, participants compared associated with military intervention hazard with the risk of inaction. On the night of 7 April, two destroyers of the US Navy in the Mediterranean sea was released 59 Tomahawk missiles at a government military base shirt in the province of

Israel supported the U.S. decision on missile strike on Syria

Benjamin Netanyahu Jerusalem supports the decision of the Washington about the missile strike on Syria. Recording on Friday, April 7, appeared in the microblog on Twitter Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Israel fully supports the decision of the President of the trump. Both with words and deeds, the US President has made it clear that will not tolerate the use and proliferation of chemical weapons”, — stated in the publications. On the night of April 7, trump gave the order to release from the two destroyers in the Mediterranean sea 59 “Tomahawk” on the government’s military airbase shirt in the province of HOMS in Western Syria. He was sure that it was from Damascus a few days earlier had carried out the chemical attack in Idlib province. Video missile strike Pentagon posted on the Internet. The United States asserted that the purpose was not the people, and the airfield, aviation and

The U.S. attacked with cruise missiles airfield government forces in Syria

Archival photoditazine: trump called for a “civilized nation” “to end massacres” in Syria USA has released a few dozen cruise missiles at Syrian airbase in response to alleged government forces carried out the attack with chemical weapons in Idlib province. About the same time military officials told NBC News. According to them, the two warships of the United States in the Mediterranean sea fired at least 50 rockets “the Tomahawk”. The only objective was the airfield shirt in the province of HOMS in Western Syria where, according to the Pentagon, government forces carried out the RAID. No casualties were reported. Officials said that the people were not the target of the attack and that affected aviation and infrastructure, including the runway. The U.S. Department of defense has confirmed to the RIA Novosti news Agency a missile strike on the airfield in Syria. “Dozens of Tomahawk missiles were fired at the

Clinton called on Washington to bring down the Syrian air force

Hillary Clinton Former Republican rival Donald trump in the struggle for the presidency, a spokeswoman for the Democrats, Hillary Clinton said that the Syrian conflict can be solved by the destabilization of the air force of Syria. According to TASS, she said this at the summit “women of the world” in new York. “President Bashar al-Assad has air power, which cause the most deaths of civilians. … I am convinced that we ought to have and should now damage the airfields and thus prevent him from returning to bomb innocent people and spraying them with air sarin gas”, — she said. Earlier, on 6 April, the media reported that the Pentagon chief James Mattis will offer Donald Trump a few options military response against Damascus in connection with the incident in Idlib. One of them is to attack Syria with cruise missiles from us Navy ships. April 4, in the

Tillerson has accused Russia of reneging on the commitments for the export of chemical weapons in Syria

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson claims that Russia has not fulfilled its obligations under the agreement on the elimination of Syrian chemical weapons. About it as transfers TASS, he told reporters in the estate “Mar-a-Lago” in Florida. “It is obvious that Russia has failed to fulfil its obligations from 2013,” he said. In his opinion, or was an accomplice, “or she’s just incompetent in the execution of the agreement to the end.” According to Tillerson, Russia had to guarantee that chemical weapons will no longer be in Syria. Earlier, the US President Donald trump has struck cruise missiles on the airfield shirt, which is use by government forces of Syria. Washington has accused the Syrian authorities of use of toxic substances during the air attack in Idlib province, which killed dozens of people. In Damascus denies the charges. In September 2013, Syria pledged to destroy all chemical

The plane crashed in the French Alps

The plane crashed in the Alps in the South-East of France. On Thursday, April 6, according to the Belgian newspaper Le Soir. The incident occurred at about 17:00 local time (18:00 GMT) Megeve (Haute Savoie). When landing the aircraft caught on the tops of the trees and caught fire. The emergency was caused by fire fighters and rescue workers, but by the time they arrived, the plane burned to the ground. In the death of two citizens of Belgium — 47 and 60 years. They are with a group of friends travelled in the Alps. The local airport temporarily closed in the fall investigators and employees of the police Department on the transport. At the beginning of October 2016 in the French Alps as a result of the jump from the so-called a wingsuit — wingsuit — crashed a citizen of Russia. He jumped from the top of Aiguille du

The media learned about a counselor bought trump’s mansion with 12 bathrooms

Kelliann, Conway Senior adviser to the President of the United States Donald trump, Kellyann Conway bought the mansion near the center of Washington. On Thursday, April 6, according to the Washingtonian, citing its own sources. According to him, the date of the transaction April 2, the declared value of the estate is $ 8 million. According to the database of the property, total area is 15 thousand square feet (1400 square meters), the building has 12 bathrooms and eight bedrooms, while outside there is a pool. The publication writes that the previous owner of the mansion was the former acting Prime Minister of Pakistan, Moinuddin Ahmad Qureshi, in 2016 he died. Less than a kilometer away you live, the former presidential candidate of the U.S. Democratic party, Hillary Clinton and current Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross. In early April, the White house released information on earnings, assets and joint property

The UN security Council has postponed the vote on the draft resolution on the situation in Idlib

The vote of the UN security Council on the draft resolution on the situation in the Syrian Idlib on Thursday, April 6 (in time of new York), will not take place. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Russian mission. “The vote today will not” — said the press Secretary of a diplomatic mission Fedor Strzygowski. Earlier the diplomat one of the Western members of the security Council reported that the vote on the draft could take place on Thursday evening new York time. The security Council had before it three draft resolutions on the situation in Idlib, where, it was reported that chemical weapons were used. 6 APR Russia convened the consultations of the UN security Council to discuss the draft resolution on the situation in the Syrian Idlib. The situation around Syria deteriorated after April 4, it was reported that unidentified aircraft dropped on opposition-controlled city

Jordan’s king advised the West to make concessions to Russia over Crimea

Abdullah II Jordan’s king Abdullah II in an interview with the Wasington Post called on Western countries to make concessions to Russia against the Crimea in order to resolve the Syrian crisis. According to the monarch, Moscow “playing three-dimensional chess”, where great importance of Crimea, Ukraine and Syria. “Americans and Europeans should discuss with the Russian three questions at the same time (…) For Russian, in my opinion, the most important is the Crimea, you will see much greater flexibility in relation to Syria, if reach mutual understanding on the issue of Crimea. Less problematic would be the situation with Ukraine,” — said the king, advising that the “actively traded”. Crimea became part of Russia in the spring of 2014 as a result of the referendum. Kiev refuses to recognize the results of the plebiscite, calling the Peninsula occupied territory. Moscow insists that the procedure was conducted in full accordance