Police said the number of dead and wounded in the terrorist attack in Stockholm

As a result of the terrorist attack in Stockholm, according to recent reports, four people were killed and 15 were injured. About it reports Reuters referring to the Swedish police. Previously it was reported about death of three to five people. Arrested one suspect, he, according to sources, has already pleaded responsible for their actions. He received minor injuries. On Friday, April 7, on Drottninggatan, the main pedestrian street of Stockholm — truck rammed the crowd. The car stopped after he entered the window of one of the stores. Prime Minister Stefan lofven said that the incident has all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack. In addition, the company Spendrups said that in committing an assault used their car — the customer called the car, waited for her and when the driver left the cab, climbed inside and drove away. In the capital were strengthened security measures. Under heavy guard

The white house said about the global approval of attack on Syria

Sean Spicer In Washington assured that the world community considers the attack on Syria an appropriate response to the chemical attack in Idlib province. On Friday, April 7, said White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “If you have seen the response of the world community, I think there is an understanding that the United States acted appropriately. Most countries approve of the President’s order to attack”, — he said to journalists once they remembered from the words of President Donald trump on what U.S. action in Syria could lead to world war III. On the night of 7 April on the orders trump the US fired cruise missiles the airport shirt used by governmental armies of Syria. In all there were 59 rockets. According to official figures, killed five soldiers and two civilians from the village, located at the airbase. On Tuesday, April 4, the Syrian opposition said about 80 alleged

Erdogan hoped for a continuation of active US intervention in Syria

Erdogan Rocket attack USA on the Syrian airfield shirt should be the beginning of the active intervention of Washington in the Syrian conflict. This was stated by President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, his words are reports Reuters. “We believe that this is a positive and a very concrete action against the war crimes of the Assad regime. Is that enough? I don’t think. It is time to take serious steps to protect innocent Syrians,” — said the Turkish leader, at a rally in Hatay province in southern Turkey. According to him, the international community has the opportunity to overcome the terrorists and the ruling Syrian regime. Erdogan had hoped that the United States will continue active operations on Syrian territory. On the night of 7 April by order of the President of the United States Donald trump was hit with cruise missiles at the airfield shirt used by government

Trump spoke about the talks with XI Jinping

The relationship between the President of the United States Donald trump and Chinese President XI Jinping and talks between the two leaders demonstrated progress in bilateral relations. This was stated by the owner of the White house, his words are reports Reuters. Trump and XI discussed bilateral trade relations, nuclear program of the DPRK. XI Jinping arrived from USA 6 April a two-day visit. The American President took him to his estate in Mar-a-Lago (Florida). The meeting began with an official dinner where the leaders of the United States and China came together with their spouses. After the Banquet, the White house told reporters that “as long as he has nothing to say on the business side of negotiations”, however, in his opinion, the foundations were laid for friendly relations, which will be ongoing.

The Arabs in social networks, praised “Abu Ivanka,” trump for attack on Syria

The Arabs in their accounts in social networks thanked the President of the United States Donald trump for a missile attack on a Syrian airfield. About it reports BBC News. The grateful people of the Arab countries as a sign of respect to the Trump called him “Abu Ivanka (Ivanka’s father”) or “Abu Ivanka al-Amriki” (“the Father of Ivanka from America”). Some have attached a picture of the American leader with a beard and signatures in Arabic. — Kareem Shaheen (@kshaheen) 07 April 2017, 09:32 Users pointed out that unlike the former occupant of the White house Barack Obama, the current President of the United States keeps its word and is not afraid of opponents. Some Americans in turn did not agree with the opinion of the Arabs, and launched a flash mob on Twitter with the hashtag #AmericaIsOverParty (“party on the occasion of the end of America”). They were

In Stockholm, the truck drove into the crowd of passers-by

The scene Continued: the Victims of a collision of a truck in Central Stockholm were three people In the Swedish capital Stockholm, a truck drove into a crowd of passers-by. About it reports on Friday, April 7, Aftonbladet. The newspaper, citing police sources claims that as a result there are wounded. Eyewitnesses have reported several possible fatalities. According to preliminary data, the victims of the collision were three people. In addition, some of the witnesses said they saw a man with a gun. Representatives of the special services did not rule out that the incident could be a terrorist attack. According to Reuters, the place pulled together police, rescuers and ambulances. On 22 March in London was a terrorist attack. A native of South-East England Adrian Russell Ago, changed his name to Khalid Masud, while driving the car, pointed it at pedestrians on Westminster bridge, knocked down several people and

Media reported about the destruction of the aircraft at Syrian base after a US attack

Shayrat air base Syrian government forces in the attacks of us cruise missiles “Tomahawk” suffered significant damage. On Friday, April 7, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the employee base. “All are the planes have failed, we can say that it is completely destroyed,” he said. Earlier, on 7 April it was reported that the victims of the shelling of a military airfield began at least four soldiers of the Syrian army. At the same time, the Governor of HOMS province Talal al-Barazi noted that “according to preliminary data, five people died, seven were injured”. Russian President Vladimir Putin said he believes U.S. strikes on Syria an aggression against a sovereign state, in violation of international law under false pretenses. April 7 by order of the President of the United States Donald trump was hit with cruise missiles at the airfield shirt used by government forces in Syria. To this

Syrian authorities said the number of victims of the American attack on the base Shirt

The victims of the us missile strike on Syrian airbase Shirt were ten soldiers and nine civilians, including four children. It is reported by SANA. According to the Agency, the victims lived in villages located in the vicinity of a military airport. As a result of hit of American cruise missiles at houses in one village killed two adults and three children. In the village of Chamrat, located four kilometers from the base, the victims of the RAID was one child and three adults. Another seven people were injured. In addition, killed 10 members of the staff of the base, RIA Novosti reported, citing its sources in the Syrian military command. According to the statement of the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov, stationed in Syria, the Russian soldiers were not injured. Earlier, on 7 April it became known that President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that the aggression against

In Serbia crashed a training jet

In Serbia in the course of performing a training flight crashed training aircraft “Super Galeb G-4” of the air force. It is reported Tanug. Piloting aircraft, Lieutenant Colonel Nenad Culibrk and captain Dejan Pandurovic died. To clarify the causes of the disaster on the basis of training and combat aircraft left the defense Minister of Serbia Zoran Djordjevic and commander of the air force ljubiša Dikovic. “Super Galeb G-4” — Yugoslav light attack and training aircraft. The first flight on this type of machinery was held on 17 July 1978. Adopted by the air force of Yugoslavia in 1983. Was exported to Myanmar. Used in armed conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. March 15, the su-30MKI of the Indian air force crashed in Rajasthan on the North-West of the country. The aircraft was performing a scheduled flight and had to land at the airbase Utterly, however, collapsed in the local village,

Lavrov said the lack of Russian war dead in Syria due to the US attack

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that he had no information on casualties among Russian soldiers as a result of U.S. strikes on the airfield in Syria. About it reports “Interfax”. “Apparently, there are no victims”, — informed the Minister. According to him, missile attack and, in General, the US actions in Syria are detrimental to the already eroded relations between Moscow and Washington, RIA Novosti reported. “I hope that these provocations will not lead to irreversible results,” — said Lavrov. “Already, the media are quoting such joyful utterances of former functionaries of the Obama administration that now,(…) after these attacks, the cooperation between Russia and the U.S. is already quite unrealistic. I hope that they will be put to shame, although, of course, their findings we have for our future relations will do,” said the head of the Russian foreign Ministry. Earlier, on 7 April