In Spain, at the request of the United States arrested a Russian programmer

The building is the headquarters of FBI In Washington In Spain, at the request of the United States arrested a Russian programmer Peter Levashov, reports RT with reference to his wife. A resident of St. Petersburg is suspected of involvement in hacking attacks. According to her, the arrest took place at night in the apartment that the couple rented in Barcelona while on holiday, stormed law enforcement officials. Maria Levashova added that the police took their electronic devices. “I asked for a warrant or any papers they said showed them to my husband. My husband and I were talking at the office on the phone, he said he was shown a piece of paper in Spanish without print and his picture in bad quality. Said something about the fact that the virus that was allegedly created by my husband, is associated with the victory of the [Donald] trump on the

In the Railways said about 50 injured in a collision of trains in Moscow

After the collision of a passenger train and commuter train in Moscow for medical assistance 50 people. On Sunday, April 9, the press service of “Russian Railways” (RZD). In the EMERCOM of Russia said that hospitalization was required to 12 victims, including two teenagers. The list of wounded published on the Agency’s website. The accident occurred April 8 at 22:40 on the stretch of stations Fili — Kuntsevo-2 of the Belarusian direction of the Moscow railway (MZHD). According to preliminary data, the train EN route Moscow — Usovo, faced with a move for him by a passenger train Moscow — Brest, from the person who ran the railroad tracks. The driver of the commuter of the composition applied the emergency brake, this time it crashed into a passenger train. As a result, derailed two carriages of the train and the section of the locomotive of the train. According to the

Strike group, the Navy will go to the Korean Peninsula

Strike group naval forces (Navy) of the United States will go to the Western Pacific in the Korean Peninsula. On Saturday, April 8, Reuters reported, citing a military source. According to him, the group of ships led by the nuclear aircraft carrier Carl Vinson will be travelling to the region from Singapore. Such measures, as noted, have been taken in connection with the U.S. building up the DPRK’s military capabilities. “We believe that the increased presence,” the source added. In the Pacific command of the Armed forces of the United States (USPACOM) have confirmed this information. Representative Dave Benham said TASS that the strike group will depart the Korean Peninsula after leaving Singapore on 8 April. Earlier on Saturday, NBC reported that the national security Council under the President of the United States presented the Donald Trump scenario of countering nuclear program of North Korea. According to TV channel, among

Tillerson was named the U.S. priorities in Syria

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that the priority for Washington in Syria is fighting international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). This opinion he expressed on Saturday, April 8, in an interview with CBS News. According to him, the first step is to eliminate the extremist group, and then “deal with the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.” “As soon as the ISIS threat will decrease or be eliminated, I think we will be able to pay immediate attention to the stabilization of the situation in the country,” said Tillerson. The Secretary added that Washington still hopes to end the civil war in Syria. In his opinion, it is necessary to bring warring parties to negotiations. “We hope that Russia chooses to play a constructive role in supporting the ceasefire in Syria by holding talks in Astana in Geneva,” added Tillerson. On the

Putin instructed to take measures in connection with the collision of trains in Moscow

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin was informed about the collision of the train with the train in Moscow. On Saturday, April 9, reported the Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, reports RIA Novosti. “Putin instructed to undertake all necessary steps to remedy the situation,” — said the press Secretary of the head of state. Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin, in turn, instructed to provide necessary medical assistance to the victims. To a scene there arrived the Minister of emergency situations Vladimir Puchkov. According to him, injuring 16 people, 12 of them were hospitalized. “According to preliminary data, there are victims and the people of Russia and other countries”, — said the Minister. As noted on the Agency’s website, in the liquidation of the accident involved 46 people and 14 pieces of equipment. The long-distance train Moscow — Brest collided with a commuter train April 8, at about 23:00. The incident occurred on

Investigators began checking on the fact of collision of trains in Moscow

Upon collision in Moscow long-distance trains and commuter trains initiated preliminary examination, the results of which procedural decision will be made. About it “” has informed the official representative of the Moscow interregional Investigative management on transport of Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation Tatyana Morozova. According to authorities, the accident occurred April 8 at 22:40 on the 9th kilometer of 9 picket playout stations Fili — Kuntsevo-2 of the Belarusian direction of the Moscow railway (MZHD). Train EN route Moscow—Usovo, faced with a move for him by a passenger train Moscow—Brest. “At this point, the train was 455 passengers and train crew, train engineer, his assistant and 2 of the controller,” said Morozov. According to her, after the accident, was hospitalized 16 people, including the locomotive crew of a passenger train and 2 controller suburban composition. The source “” in the emergency services said that for the medical assistance

Trump explained to Congress the purpose of the strike on the Syrian air base

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump on Saturday, April 8, sent to Congress a message in which he explained the purpose of the strike with cruise missiles at an air force base in Syria. According to The Hill, the document is addressed to speaker of the house of representatives Paul Ryan and the temporary President of the Senate Orrin the Hatch. “I acted in the vital national security interests and U.S. foreign policy in accordance with my constitutional authority as the Supreme commander,” said trump. However, he noted that the United States as necessary and appropriate, will take additional steps to further ensure national interests. April 7, White house spokesman Sean Spicer expressed confidence that the international community considers the attack on Syria an appropriate response to the chemical attack in Idlib province. “Most countries approve of the President’s order to attack”, — he said. United States by order

In the West of Moscow train crashed into a train

Continued: the Number of victims at collision of a train and the train in Moscow rose to 16 In the West of Moscow, Saturday, April 8, the trains crashed into commuter train. About it the correspondent “”, citing a source in law enforcement bodies. The incident occurred at about 23:00 on the tracks of the Belarusian direction of the Moscow railway (MZHD), near the house №4 along the street Gerasim Kurina. The first wagon train derailed, blocking traffic. According to the source, has suffered three passengers of the train Moscow — Brest. They received severe injuries. The train, he noted, was empty. RIA Novosti citing representative of a capital Central Board of the Ministry of emergency situations reported about four victims. According to preliminary data, accident happened from-for malfunctions of the automatic control of railway arrows. In this case the reason also considered the human factor, the source said. On

The number of victims at collision of a train and the train in Moscow rose to 16

The number of victims at collision of trains and trains in the West of Moscow has increased up to 16 people. About it “” has informed a source in the emergency services. Four of the wounded are in critical condition, two of them — the machinists of the train. The long-distance train Moscow — Brest crashed into an empty commuter train on Saturday, April 8, at about 23:00. The incident occurred on the tracks of the Belarusian direction of the Moscow railway (MZHD), near the house №4 along the street Gerasim Kurina. Four cars derailed, said RIA Novosti. According to preliminary data, accident happened from-for malfunctions of the automatic control of railway arrows. In this case the reason also considered the human factor, the source added.

Zenit played a draw with Anzhi in the last match at the stadium “Petrovsky”

St. Petersburg “Zenith” tied with Makhachkala “Anji” in the home match 22-th round of the Russian football Premier League (RFPL). About it the correspondent “”. The meeting was held at the stadium “Petrovsky” ended in a draw 1:1. In the “Anji” scored Pavel Yakovlev (21st minute). Blue-white-blue responded with a goal Alexander Kokorin (73-I). In the 50th minute for a foul last hope was removed the defender “Zenith” Nicolas lomberts. “Zenit” scored 43 points and ranks second in the Premier League table behind leaders FC Spartak Moscow at 5 points. The red-white game in hand they will match with the “Ufa” 9 APR. They occupy 11th place with 24 points. The match was the last for St. Petersburg on “Petrovsky”. Subsequent home games blue-white-blue will spend at stadium “Sankt-Petersburg” on Krestovsky island.