Syria expressed readiness to allow investigators the OPCW at the shayrat airbase

Bashar Ja’afari Damascus is ready to provide the experts of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) access to the air force Shirt. As reported on Wednesday, April 12, TASS, this was stated by the representative of Syria to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari at a meeting of the Security Council of the world organization. According to him, this way we can test the claims of several Western countries that there is allegedly sarin used in the attack on the town of Khan Shaykhun. “Syria stresses its willingness to provide access of the mission to the base Shirt, to determine kept if it’s sarin”, — assured the diplomat. According to him, the official Damascus has sent a letter to the Director General of the OPCW Ahmet üzümcü, in which he asked “to send an impartial and professional mission in Khan Shaykhun on the base Shirt to determine what happened.”

NATO Secretary General urged Russia to engage in a political dialogue

Jens Stoltenberg and Donald trump To prevent a new cold war is necessary to bring Russia to a political dialogue. As reported on Thursday, April 13, the “Interfax”, this opinion was expressed by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the press conference following the meeting with the US President Donald trump “To avoid a new cold war, a new arms race and increasing tensions, we need to continue to engage Russia in political dialogue,” — said the Secretary General, adding that the Alliance “does not want a new cold war, a new arms race”. In addition, Stoltenberg and trump discussed the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib on 4 April. NATO Secretary General said that the perpetrators of the attack must be brought to justice. “Any use of chemical weapons is unacceptable and cannot go unanswered”, — he stressed. His meeting with the US President, the

Tillerson urged to stop the degradation of relations between Russia and the United States

Rex Tillerson Moscow and Washington must do everything to stop the degradation of the bilateral relations. As reported on Wednesday, April 12, RIA Novosti, the Secretary of state of the United States Rex Tillerson said after talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin and foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. According to him, the level of trust between the two countries is “at a low point”, and two great nuclear powers cannot abide in such a relationship. “We must do everything to stop the degradation, we need to restore trust between our countries in order to resolve the issues that are important to all of us,” said Tillerson. The talks in Moscow, he called productive. “We also talked about approaches on how we can improve our communication lines,” explained Tillerson, noting that “the parties shared their positions on how we can move forward today.” In addition, the Secretary of state confirmed the creation

Russia has blocked a draft resolution of the UN security Council on chemical attack in Syria

Russia vetoed a resolution of the Board Bezopasnoti of the UN on the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib. The results of the vote on Wednesday, April 12, leads RIA Novosti. The draft document was submitted, the United States, Britain and France, it is the Secretary General of the organization were asked to investigate the incident with the use of chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun. Against this resolution, except Russia, were made by Bolivia. China abstained. Earlier, the Ambassador of France to the UN Francois Delattre called the draft resolution “balanced”. The new version is almost the same as the text submitted by these States last week, but not voted on. On the night of 7 April, the President of the United States Donald trump ordered to launch a missile attack on the airfield shirt used by Syrian government aircraft. In all there were 58 cruise missiles. It

Trump has considered the successes of the US administration during the first 100 days in power the best in the history

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump believes that the success of his administration in the first 100 days in power (29th of April) will be the best in the history of the country. He stated this in an interview with Fox Business, his words leads the New York Daily News. “We’ve done so much for large numbers of people. I don’t think someone in the first 100 days of his presidency was at least close to what has been done to us”, — said the head of state. In late March it was reported that the trump rating fell to its lowest level since his inauguration — his work is supported by 37 percent of respondents. For a while, until a Republican takes the presidency, he has already managed to sign a number of decrees, which caused heated discussion in society. Among them — the document

Bangladesh executed three Islamists for the assassination of the British Ambassador

In Bangladesh, the execution of a death sentence to the three Islamists, who attacked in 2004, the British Ambassador. About it reports Reuters. The leader of the terrorist organization “Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami” Mufti Abdul Hannan and his subordinate Sharif Shahedul was hanged in the prison of the city of Kasimpur. The third action, Dilwar Hussein, who was executed in the Central prison of the city of Sylhet. The verdict was handed down in 2008. In early 2017, President of Bangladesh Abdul Hamid rejected their clemency petition, after which the Supreme court confirmed the sentence. An attempt on the British Ambassador Anwar Choudhary occurred on 21 may 2004. Choudhary — ethnic Bangladeshi whose family moved to the United Kingdom when he was still a child, attended Friday prayer in his hometown of Sylhet. When he came out of the mosque, a group of militants threw grenades. As a result, the diplomat was wounded

Lavrov revealed the details of the meeting with Putin and Tillerson

Sergei Lavrov and Rex Tillerson Moscow confirmed its intention to resolve problems in relations with Washington. This was stated by the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov after talks with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, which was attended by President Vladimir Putin. His words leads TASS on Wednesday, April 12. The diplomat noted that Russian-American relations have accumulated a lot of problems, including those that are “left as the bombs from the administration of Barack Obama.” “To overcome barriers takes effort. Today the President of Russia Vladimir Putin confirmed that we are focused on this,” said the Russian foreign Minister. According to him, the head of state also expressed their readiness to return to cooperation with the United States the application of the Memorandum on the prevention of incidents in Syria. This may be the case if “clearly confirmed the original goal of action air force American coalition and

China has advocated a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis

XI Jinping Chinese President XI Jinping during a telephone conversation with U.S. President Donald trump said about the need to resolve Syrian crisis through diplomatic means. Reported by CCTV. “Any use of chemical weapons is unacceptable, but the situation should be resolved by political means”, — said the Chinese leader. He expressed hope that the UN Security Council will remain United in resolving the Syrian crisis. On the night of 7 April, two destroyers of the US Navy in the Mediterranean sea on the orders of the tramp was released 59 missiles “Tomahawk”. Their goal was a military airbase shirt in the province of HOMS in Western Syria, which used the force of government forces. According to the American authorities, the aircraft took off from this airfield carried out the chemical attack in Idlib province. April 4 in the alleged use of chemical weapons in the town of Khan Shaykhun

In CIA documents he found the information about the unsuccessful surveillance of the Israelis

Golda Meir American intelligence in the 1970-ies repeatedly, but unsuccessfully tried to gain access to sensitive information concerning the health of Israeli leaders and reasons for their decisions. This follows from the declassified documents of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA), reports The Independent. As it turned out, the CIA existed a special Department, whose task was to assess physical and mental health of world leaders, including the General secretaries of the Communist party, President of France, Francois Mitterrand, and Cuban leader Fidel Castro. To cooperate with the CIA for this purpose have been repeatedly involved civilian experts-psychiatrists. In this case, the Department failed to identify that the Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir was suffering from lymphoma. Americans learned about it only after her death in 1978. In addition, the U.S. tried unsuccessfully to ascertain the reasons for the famous “night of the ducks” April 1, 1959. Then the General

Taiwan will ban eating cats and dogs

Tajvanjskij Parliament adopted an amendment to the animal protection act, which prohibits the eating of dogs and cats and selling their meat. About it reports The South China Morning Post. Violators face a fine in the amount of 8.1 thousand dollars and publication of personal data and images. In addition, those who intentionally hurt cats and dogs harm, as a result they get injured, or lose any of the bodies or die, can spend in prison to two years and to pay as a fine of two million new Taiwan dollars (65.2 thousand USD). At the moment, they can be sentenced to a year in prison and twice to a lower fine. Before the document becomes law, it must be signed by the President and the Prime Minister. Now the consumption and sale of dog and cat meat is prohibited by a decision of the local authorities only in some