Near the Church in the United States staged a shootout

Near the Church in Alabama, USA, the shooting happened during a carnival to mark the Easter. As a result of the incident injured three teenagers and one child. It is reported The incident happened on the evening of 15 April. At this time, near the Cathedral of Jefferson County there were about 100 people, more than 800 were inside the Church. Five suspects have already been interrogated by law enforcement officers. Life of victims out of danger, they are in the hospital. On this edition said the chief Deputy Sheriff Randy Christian. At the scene Saturday evening arrived about 60 police officers and 35 firefighters. The video of the incident published in one of the Twitter users. “Pray for the city”, — has signed a video he. — Capstone CMT C??? (@C_JWTM) April 16, 2017, 03:28

Erdogan congratulated the Turkish Prime Minister with the outcome of the referendum

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan congratulated the Prime Minister Binali Yildirim and the leaders of several parties with a positive result of the constitutional referendum. On Sunday, April 16, reports Anadolu Agency. Erdogan expressed hope that the results of the referendum will benefit the state and people of Turkey. After processing 98 percent of the ballots of the supporters of the constitutional amendments are gaining 51.3% of the votes. Thus, Turkish citizens were in favor of a transition to a presidential system of government. The turnout in the referendum amounted to 82 percent. In the referendum were asked to decide whether it is necessary to make changes to 18 articles of the basic law of the country. In the case of Yes Prime Minister will be abolished, the President can appoint Vice-presidents, Ministers and senior officials. The President will have the right to declare a state of emergency and the

The lives of hundreds of migrants were under threat on the ship of human rights defenders

German rescue vessel Iuventa owned by non-governmental organizations Jugend Rettet distress in the Mediterranean sea. On Sunday, April 16, reported on the company’s page in Facebook. According to published information, the ship took on Board too many workers and not moving on. “Iuventa constantly sends the signal Mayday (international distress signal — approx. “Of the”) Italian rescuers”, — stated in the message. It is noted that due to deteriorating weather conditions threatened the lives of hundreds of people, including pregnant women and children. While many do not have life jackets. In addition to migrants on Board about 400 people are in the inflatable boats around the vessel. In 2015, the influx of refugees from the Middle East caused the crisis in the European Union. After the result of the agreement with Turkey was blocked by the so-called Balkan route through the countries of South-Eastern Europe, the main flow of

North Korea wanted to cooperate with Russia against the West

The North Korean authorities intend to develop relations with Russia to jointly confront the European and American sanctions. This was stated by the first Deputy of the Department of Europe of the foreign Ministry of the DPRK Kim Yong Ho, RIA Novosti reported on Sunday, April 16. “Russia, as our country is under sanctions by the US and the West. Between our countries should develop friendly relations, this position reflects the interests of the peoples of the two countries,” he said. The representative of the North Korean foreign Ministry recalled that the previous head of the DPRK Kim Jong Il made several trips to Russia with visits and “has made great strides in the development of relations between the two countries.” According to Kim Yong-Ho, these relations are developing in spite of any interference. “This is our will,” he concluded. Kim Jong-Il visited Russia three times — in 2001, 2002

Appeared on the preliminary data on the constitutional referendum in Turkey

According to preliminary data, 57.4 percent of Turkish citizens voted for the amendments to the Constitution of the country. It is the result of processing 50 percent of the ballots, reports the correspondent of TASS. The turnout in the referendum amounted to 82 percent. Earlier it was reported about the closure of polling stations. Only in the vote was attended by about 55 million people. For them, it was discovered about 170 thousand plots. In the referendum were asked to decide whether to hold constitutional amendments providing for the introduction of the presidential form of government is parliamentary. If the amendments are approved, the next elections of the President and deputies will be held concurrently on 3 November 2019, all provisions in the Constitution about the presidential system will take effect only after the will 2019.

Afghanistan asked Russia for help in training the army and police

Afghanistan turned to Russia with a request to provide support in logistics, maintenance and training of army and police. On Sunday, April 16, TASS said the Director of the Department of policy and strategic planning Ministry of foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Mohammad Ashraf Haidari. “We discussed this issue with the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia and has requested to consider the possibility of providing service support in Afghanistan, as well as materiel and training for the Afghan army and police,” he said. Haidari noted that Afghanistan is awaiting a response on this request in the foreseeable future. Earlier in March, Kabul appealed to Russia for help in restoring 124 economic facilities. In addition, Afghanistan has urged the Russian businessmen to invest in the country. Until 2014, the Afghan army and police supplied US. After most of the soldiers of the NATO troops left the territory of the state, the

More than 20 people arrested in the US after a fight of supporters and opponents of trump

More than 20 people arrested in the US after a scuffle between supporters and opponents of U.S. President Donald trump. On Sunday, April 16, Fox News reports. The incident occurred in the Central Park named after Martin Luther king in Berkeley, California. Only the fight was attended by about 200 people. According to the Agency, supporters of trump last week announced in the April 16 rally, which will make some members of the organization in support of the President of the United States. Opponents of the American leader, in response, announced that on the same day will hold a counter-demonstration in the same Park. Law enforcement agencies have established temporary barriers to provide safety during carrying out of actions, but that didn’t stop the demonstrators. The police said that the arrests will continue, says Fox News. On Twitter posted a video of the brawl captured by the television channel MSNBC.

A drunk driver killed three people in Udmurtia

Law enforcement officers of the city of Sarapul of the Udmurt Republic detained the driver, who, being intoxicated, was hit by three people on the sidewalk. Two injured, one woman died. On Sunday, April 16, according to the website of the press service of the regional interior Ministry. The accident occurred on the evening of April 15. “At the intersection of Gagarin and street Work the city of Sarapul, the driver of the Subaru Forester, the drunk man 1961 year of birth, lost control, drove onto the sidewalk and made arrival on pedestrians,” the report States. The detainee is charged with part 3 of article 264 of the criminal code (“Violation of traffic rules, committed by a person, entailed on imprudence death of the person”). 31 March it was reported that a drunk driver in the Tambov region has brought down the inspector of traffic police and drove it on

The football team of Panama was shot near the house

Amilcar Henriquez (left) The football team of Panama’s Amilcar Henriquez was shot dead near his home in Nuevo Colón (Panama). On Sunday, April 16, The Mirror reports. The midfielder received several bullet wounds, was hospitalized, but doctors were unable to save his life. Two other victims in the attack were also taken to hospital. Their status is not reported. The death of Henriques, confirmed by the football Federation of Panama. 33-year-old player played for your national team from 2005 to 2017 and held her 75 matches. 19 Mar crocodile killed 19-year-old footballer in Mozambique.

In USA called “good news” the failure of missile tests in North Korea

The attempt of North Korea to conduct another missile test has caused concern in Washington. About this Reuters said the adviser to the Vice President of the United States Mike Pence, who wished to remain anonymous. Source Agency stressed that U.S. intelligence monitored the situation both before and after launch, which was not a surprise for the United States. “The question was not if it happens but when it happens. The good news is that the missile exploded in five seconds,” said the adviser. Earlier, Pence and President of the United States Donald trump discussed the failed rocket launch in North Korea. As noted by the U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis, trump has no comment on the incident. Of the unsuccessful tests in North Korea became known on Sunday. The launch was performed from the landfill near the town of yuktae-Dong in the province of hamkyung province in the